Title: Manpower Requirements Tracking Module MRTM
1Manpower Requirements Tracking Module (MRTM)
- Lesson 2
- Validation at Level 1 and MARFOR
- (plan for internal source, validate to MARFOR,
send request/requirement back to requestor,
validate for HQMC)
- To provide step-by-step instructions for actions
of the Level 1 (MEF and below) Validation. - Brief details steps a user takes for validation
of requirements to the MARFOR, or show planned
for internal sourcing, or sending requirements
back to requestor. - Example is a request being created at I MEF.
- Role used is Level 1 Validator
3Login page to the MCMPS
4(No Transcript)
5- Select Manpower Requirement Tracking Module
6- If you have multiple roles, select Validate
(MEF) - Note Command Manager combines roles of Requestor
and Validate (MEF)
7- To see the status of the requirements, in
particular those that require action on your part
as a validator, click on Display my Scorecard
8- Status Screen box appears.
- Note Requires attention indicates those
requirements that are in your inbox for action - Only see those requirements that user has
jurisdiction of - NOTE Only those requirements that have been
submitted for validation by a requestor will
appear in the Requires Attention section.
9- Can manage by loading at Request level or by
individual requirement level. - Will discuss how to manage at individual
requirement level first. - Ensure Radio Button at Load Requirements is
on - Then click on the hyperlink of the 124
Requirements in the Requires Attention box
10- The 124 requirements are loaded in the display
grid. - NOTE default with Has Jurisdiction and Status
of Submitted for Validation
11- Can narrow requirements via search filters.
- Will look at requirements with MCC of V14
- Note If you do not select MCC Type, then filter
looks for MCC at requestor organization, request
on behalf of organization, as well as destination
MCC. - Once filters set, then select Search
12- Now only 22 requirements are returned in display
grid. - Manage requirements by selecting Select
- Note If select Source following screen appears
13- As a Validator you do not have ability to
source the requirement. - Therefore no buttons are enabled with exception
of Close
14- To take action on a requirement, select Select
on individual record you desire to edit.
15- Review each tab to determine what action you
desire to take on the requirement. - After reviewing comments, it is determined that
more justification is needed for the By-Name
Candidate and therefore will send this individual
requirement back to the requestor. - Select Edit Status
16- Level 1 Validator can
- Indicate IA will be internally sourced
- Validate IA for MARFOR to take action
- Send Requirement back to requestor for more
information - Reject requirement
- In example will send back with Additional Info
Required. - Check in the Additional Info Required box and
then click Save
17- Once select Save Comment Box appears.
- You MUST make a comment.
- Then select Submit.
18- Notice the Current Status immediately changes to
Additional Info Required (Prior to MARFOR). - Notice Notepad icon in status box.
- This requirement NOW appears in the requesting
commands inbox of those with a requestor role or
a command manager role as Requires Attention
19- Have selected another individual requirement.
(example is 1 of the 0311/E5 billets) - This will be internally sourced by I MEF
- Again, select Edit Status
20- Select Sourced Internally for those
requirements you indicate that you plan to
source internally. - By doing so, higher HQs will see the total
number of IA requirements, to include those that
are internally sourced in lieu of being submitted
to HQMC for Global Sourcing. - Then select Save
21- Notice Current status immediately changes to
Sourced Internally (Prior to MARFOR) to
indicate IA WILL be sourced internally. - Requirement is NOW in the inbox of the I MEF
Sourcing Role. - Actual Sourcing of requirement will be covered
in later lesson.
22- Have selected another requirement.
- Again, to manage the requirement, select Edit
23- This requirement was reviewed and determined that
it will be sent to MARFORPAC for action. - I MEF Validator selects Validated for MARFOR
and then selects Save.
24- Notice Current Status immediately changes to
Validated for MARFOR - Requirement is NOW in the inbox of MARFORPAC.
- Requirement displays in the Requires Attention
section of MARFORPAC Validators.
25- Have selected another requirement.
- Again, to manage the requirement, select Edit
26- After reviewing this requirement, it was
determined that the requirement should not be
sourced. - I MEF Validator Rejects the requirement.
- Again, select which action you desire then click
27- Notice If you reject a requirement, then you are
required to make a comment. This allows the
requestor to view the reason(s) why requirement
was rejected by I MEF. - Make comment then select Submit
28- Notice Current Status immediately changes to
Rejected (Prior to MARFOR) - A red X now appears beside rejected status.
- Requirement is NOW in the inbox of the
requestor as indicating Rejected (Prior to
29- Notice By now going back to Home and the
Display my Report Card you notice the of
requirements that are in a Submitted for
Validation and Requires Attention is now 120
vice 124 as we took action on 4 of the
30- Will now go through steps to take if managing at
Request level. - This allows a Validator to take the same action
on multiple requirements within a request. - Click radio button beside Load Request then
click on the 120 number in Submitted for
Validation status.
31- Notice that the 120 requirements are contained in
18 Requests. - As a reminder A request may, and often will,
contain multiple Individual Augmentation
requirements. - Will filter to reflect those requirements for MCC
32- Notice there is 1 Request for V14.
- Click Select to go to the Request
33- Notice Individual Requirements within a Request
may be in various statuses. - Can select Select for only those that are in a
Submitted for Validation
34- The 18 IA requirements that are in a Submitted
for Validation are displayed. - You can select requirements individually and do
actions as covered earlier in lesson. - Or you can take multiple or all the requirements
by checking the box of those you desire to take
action on.
35- In example we will submit ALL 18 requirements to
MARFORPAC for action. - Select Select All
- Then select Global Update
36- To submit the requirements to MARFORPAC for
action, take same actions as covered earlier in
lesson. - Select Edit Status
37- Check Validated for MARFOR
- Select Save
38- Notice Current Status immediately changes to
Validated for MARFOR. - ALL 18 IA requirements are now in the inbox of
the MARFORPAC Validator for action with
indication of Requires Attention.
39- Since you took actions on IA requirements that
are in multiple Line Items, when you select
Close, you get this message indicating you need
to Refresh Grid in order to see updated status.
40- Notice Status of the 18 IA requirements are
still displayed as Submitted for Validation - As indicated, you need to Refresh Grid by
selecting Refresh Grid
41- Once you Refresh Grid you notice the updated
status now indicates those 18 (plus 1 additional
that was already Validated for MARFOR) IA
requirements have been Validated for MARFOR
42- Will continue in this lesson with actions of the
MARFORPAC Validator. - You will notice the individual has the same
actions available but now at the MARFOR level.
43- Will manage by opening the requirements at the
Request Level as we did earlier in the lesson
with I MEF Validator.
44- The 76 IA requirements are contained in 20
Requests. - Again, will filter to the IA requirements for
45- Again, there is 1 Request for V14.
- Click on Select to load the request.
46- Once Selected the request will open the Line
Item screen. - Note the various statuses of the IA requirements
within the request. - As before can Select those that are Validated
47- The 19 IA requirements in a Validated For
MARFOR status will be displayed on the Status
Group Window.
48You can select requirements individually and do
actions as covered earlier in lesson. Or you can
take multiple or all the requirements by checking
the box of those you desire to take action
on. Will submit all 19 requirements to HQMC by
selecting Select All and then Global Update.
49Review each tab to determine what action you
desire to take on the requirement. If all is
Good-to-Go can then validate requirements to
HQMC for action. Select Edit Status
50MARFOR Validator can Indicate IA will be
internally sourced Validate IA for HQMC to take
action Send Requirement back to requestor for
more information Reject requirement In example
will send to HQMC by validating the
requirements to HQ by checking in the box beside
Validated For HQ Then click Save
51Notice the Current Status immediately changes to
Validated for HQ All 19 IA requirements are now
at HQMC for action.
52- The Command Manager Role is a role that combines
the Level 1 Requestor and Level 1 Validation
roles. This allows a user at MEF/Base level or
MARFOR level to build a request, submit request
for validation, and validate request at level 1
without having to use multiple roles.
53- Next lesson, MRTM Lesson 3 HQMC Actions, will
cover those actions taken by various departments
and sections at HQMC.
Additional documentation can be found in the
MCMPS Help files. For any questions regarding
this system please call IDEAMATICS at (703)
903-4972 or 1-800-247-IDEA(4332). You can also
request assistance via email by sending questions
or problems to usmcsupport_at_ideamatics.net