FAQ Frequently Asked Questions About Mr. Wedges Classroom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions About Mr. Wedges Classroom


... buddy has notes, sample problems, class problems and extra practice worksheets. ... What is my free throw percentage? Math is the most important subject to study! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: FAQ Frequently Asked Questions About Mr. Wedges Classroom

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) About Mr.
Wedges Classroom
Should I use Mr. Wedges website?
  • YES!! The website not only has the lesson plans
    and homework assignments, but for each math
    lesson, there is an on-line tutor, extra
    examples, the lesson power point (notes) and
    lesson quiz. In addition, there are review games
    you can play to help you understand the concept.

Will I have to bring my textbook to class each
  • We will rarely use the Saxon math textbook. You
    will be given a studdy buddy for every 8 lessons.
    The studdy buddy has notes, sample problems,
    class problems and extra practice worksheets.
    The studdy buddys include just what you need to
    know to learn the standard and complete the
    homework. You will be creating your own textbook
    in the form of a math-foldable, which includes
    the vocabulary words and sample problems for each
    concept we learn.

If Im gone, do I get my assignment when class
  • NO!! If youre gone, I expect you to come in
    before school starts to get your assignment.
    Remember you can go on-line to get the notes and
    information at any time!

What is Wedge-Mart and the Bank of Wedge?
  • Wedge-Mart is a locally owned store that sells
    food and school supplies. Its a place to spend
    your Wedge. The Bank of Wedge offers savings
    bonds, checking accounts and stock certificates.

When is Wedge-Mart open?
  • Wedge-Mart is open from 800 am until
    announcements begin. It is also open between
    passing periods. Once the tardy bell has rung,
    the store will close. The store is open during
    all study halls and after school.

How do I earn Wedge?
  • A variety of ways! Exceeding class expectations,
    answering tough math questions, participating in
    class, helping Mr. Wedge when he needs it,
    working at Wedge-Mart, earning interest by saving
    your money in the Bank of Wedge are just a few

What Can I do with Wedge?
  • You can spend them at Wedge-Mart and you can save
    them in your bank account. You earn a certain
    interest rate if you have money in your checking
    account. Speaking of checking account, you are
    responsible for keeping your check book updated
    and neat!

Do we have to pay taxes?
  • Yes! At the end of each quarter, you will pay
    income taxes. However, it is possible to get
    rebates by having no late assignments, green dots
    and playing all-star games.

What are Math All-Star Games?
  • Math all-star games are challenging math and
    critical thinking puzzles you and 1 partner may
    work together to solve. Most all-star games take
    between 5-15 minutes to solve. If your answer is
    correct, you will be given a math sticker to put
    on your chart. Generally, class time is provided
    on Fridays for you to work on them. However, you
    may have to use study hall time to complete them.
    At the beginning of the quarter, you decide how
    many you think you can complete (as part of your
    math goal.)

What is the Wedge-Land Stockmarket?
  • Some people like to invest their money in order
    to (hopefully) earn more. You can invest Wedge
    in the stock market. Simply choose a company and
    then make an appointment at the Bank of Wedge.
    You buy stocks or pieces of the company. For
    example, if you buy 10 stocks (or shares) in
    Coca-Cola at 1.25 a share, for a total of
    12.50, you own that much of the company. Then,
    you can sell your shares at any time, hopefully
    for a better price. Lets say 2 weeks later,
    Coca-Cola stock sells for 2.75! You sell your
    10 shares for 27.50! A companys stock price
    rises when it comes out with a new product or a
    large number of people invest in it. Be careful
    though, stock prices can drop!

What are The Essential 32 Expectations?
  • They are the 32 most important expectations we
    have of each other. We will expect everyone to
    work towards meeting the expectations, Mr. Wedge
    included. If any person needs help meeting
    expectations, there will be re-training sessions
    at 8am, during lunch and after school. During
    this time, Mr. Wedge will practice meeting the

What is the Wall of Fame?
  • The Wall of Fame is in the back of the classroom.
    Each student will get his/her own section to
    place clippings of themselves, stars that theyve
    earned and other examples of positive behavior.
    Mr. Wedge encourages all students to write
    positive messages on stars and place them on
    someones block.

What is the Math Challenge?
  • Each Monday, during DAPS, everyone will be given
    a copy of the Math Challenge problem. Write your
    answer on the back and place it in the tray. On
    Friday, we will go over the math challenge
    question. Students who correctly answered the
    question will receive 5 and can sit in the Math
    Star desk all the next week. This is optional!!

What do I need to bring to class everyday?
  • Have your trapper that has your math-foldable and
    studdy buddy. ALWAYS have your homework
    assignment completed. In addition, bring a
    pencil and correcting pen.

What Happens if I dont bring my materials to
  • You will have to pay a fine and have a
    re-training session with Mr. Wedge at lunch that
    same day.

When is an assignment considered late?
  • If you come to class without your assignment, it
    is considered late and it will automatically be
    reduced to a C-. You will then have to stay
    after school that night or come in early the next
    morning to complete it with Mr. Wedge. You will
    also have to notify your parents. Mr. Wedge is
    very consistent about NOT tolerating late

What is D.A.P.S.?
  • DAPS stands for daily arithmetic problem set.
    These are 5-6 review questions that you will
    answer within the first 10 minutes of class.
    They are bell-ringer problems designed to help
    you review important concepts. Mr. Wedge and/or
    the teacher assistant will have to correct
    them. On Friday, you will turn your DAPS sheet
    in for 25 points.

Who is a Teacher Assistant?
  • Each week, Mr. Wedge will select a student or
    students to help him correct DAPS and assignments
    during the first 10 minutes of class. TAs will
    get paid, but have to meet certain expectations.
    You will be expected to know enough about the
    DAPS problems to help your classmates.

Do I have a Math Folder?
  • Yes, these folders are kept in Ft. Knox (the
    class filing cabinet.) These folders have your
    math goals and dots. At the beginning of each
    quarter, you write 5 specific math goals for you
    to work towards. If you achieve them, you will
    be in Mr. Wedges math all-star club. Also, in
    your folder are your dots. You will test on
    each math standard (concept) that we learn. If
    you get none wrong on the quiz, you are green,
    which means you are above level. If you get 1-3
    wrong, you are yellow, which means you are
    on-level. If you get more than 4 wrong, you are
    red and considered below-level. These dots help
    you figure out what you need to practice on for

Why should I care about math?
  • Math is all around you!! How much time do you
    need to get ready in the morning? How much does
    this new CD cost? If I need to save 20 of my
    allowance to buy a new bike, how much is that?
    What is my running rate during track? What is my
    free throw percentage? Math is the most
    important subject to study! Im not just saying
    that because Im a math teacher, but math is
    something you use every day!

What is Mr. Wedge going to do to make class
interesting and fun?
  • The job of the teacher is to make class
    interesting and different. I do this by playing
    review games. But, before we can play games, we
    have to learn the concepts. Not everyday can be
    fun and games, some days require us to sit and
    pay attention and practice. But, I promise to
    provide enough time and examples so everyone can
    understand what were doing. Math is fun, as fun
    as you want to make it!

What is the class routine?
  • First 10 minutes of class
  • Have your homework assignment laying on your
    desk, ready to exchange and correct.
  • Complete DAPS. Mr. Wedge or teacher assistant
    must correct.
  • Correct homework assignment (answers on white
    board.) Once corrected, give assignment to the
  • Once you have your homework assignment corrected,
    make corrections to earn points back.

  • The next 20 minutes
  • We will either be presenting a new lesson (notes
    and examples) or at stations. Stations
    include practice at whiteboards, practice using
    website on the smart board or playing a math
    game. Generally, Monday and Wednesday will be
    new lesson days. Tuesdays and Thursdays will
    be used to review the previous days concepts
    using stations. Fridays will be used for math
    challenge and quiz and re-quiz. As a rule, no
    homework is given on Fridays.
  • The last 10 minutes
  • You will have this time to work on your
    assignment and ask any additional questions.
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