Title: Searching the World Wide Web
1Searching the World Wide Web
Chapter 7-3
2Our Goals
- Directories, portals, and search engines
- How do the engines work?
- Getting the most from your searches
- Invisible Web
- Authoritative Information
3Three Methods of Searching
- Directories
- Portal
- Search Engine
- Directories are organized indexes that allow you
to browse through lists of Web sites by subject
or topic. - Directories are created by people.
- Excellent for browsing
- Like visiting a library
- Clearly defined subjects
6Who Creates Directories?
- Libraries
- Nonprofit organizations
- Universities
- Dot-Com businesses
- but they are probably portals too
7A Sampling of Directories
- Librarians Index to the Internet www.lii.org/
- Open Directory Project www.dmoz.org
- Looksmart www.looksmart.com
- Yahoo www.yahoo.com
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- Portals offer a one-stop shopping look.
- Portals include e-mail, chat, auctions, news,
weather, horoscopes, stock info, and more. - Portals want to be YOUR starting point.
13A Sampling of Popular Portals
- Yahoo! www.yahoo.com
- Portals to the World from the Library of
Congress www.loc.gov/rr/international/portals.htm
l - AltaVista www.altavista.com
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17Search Engines
- Crawler-based Search Engines
- Spiders aka Crawlers visit websites and some
of their pages periodically, and adds to index - Scans links and adds them to their index
- Returns the information to the index or catalog
- Search engine software sifts the index and ranks
in relevant order - Some are Focused Crawlers
18Search Engine Watch http//searchenginewatch.com
19Other Search Engine Types
- News Search Engines
- Multimedia Search Engines
- Metacrawlers
- Kids Search Engines
- Regional Search Engines
- See http//searchenginewatch.com/links/
20Power Searching
- Command charts for major search engines at
- Use Advanced Search at the search engine home
page to zero in on relevant sites
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26Understand Limitations of Search Engines
- Search spiders or crawlers do not crawl in
real time - Lag times getting info to the index vary by
search engine - If a website is not submitted to the search
engine it wont be crawled - Not every page from a website is crawled
- A webmaster can choose to not have a page crawled
- Formats like PDF, Flash, Zip files, executable
programs, and others cannot be searched - The Invisible Web
27Start Your Search Engines Here
- Google www.google.com
- AllTheWeb www.alltheweb.com
- Yahoo www.yahoo.com
- MSN http//search.msn.com
- Why? See http//searchenginewatch.com/links/majo
28Other Resources for Search Engine Info
- Search Engine Showdown Search Engine Features
tml - Search Engine Watch Search Engine Features for
Searchers http//www.searchenginewatch.com/facts/a
taglance.html - How to Choose a Search Engine or Directory
29Directories Vs Search Engines
- When should you use a directory?
- When you have a broad topic
- When you want experts to recommend sites
- When you want to avoid irrelevant sites
- Examples topics
- Disabilities
- Civil War
- Welfare
30Directories Vs Search Engines
- When should you use a search engine?
- When you have a narrow topic
- When you are looking for a specific website
- When you want to search for a file type or
language - Examples
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Battle of Gettysburg
- Welfare to Work
31The Invisible Web 4 Types
- Opaque search engines choose not to index
- The Private Web password protected
- The Proprietary Web registration required
(either fee or free) - The Truly Invisible Web cant search certain
file formats and databases
32Examples of Invisible Web Sites
- Dictionaries http//www.m-w.com
- Telephone Numbers http//www.infospace.com
- Clinical Trials http//www.clinicaltrials.gov
- Library Catalogs http//www.libdex.com/webcats
- Philanthropy and Grant Information
http//lnp.fdncenter.org/finder - Translation Tools http//world.altavista.com
33More Information on the Invisible Web
- The Invisible Web Uncovering Information Sources
Search Engines Cant See, by Chris Sherman and
Gary Price, ZA 4550 .S54 2001 - http//www.invisible-web.net/ website that goes
with the book. Includes a subject directory of
invisible web sites.
34Evaluating Online Information
- Always judge a web page for relevance and
accuracy - Who is the Author?
- What is the Purpose of the site?
- Is the information Fact, Opinion, or Propaganda?
- Is the information Reliable and Credible?
- Is the information Current?
35Evaluating Web Sites Continued
- Can you find this news reported on a legitimate
news website? - Who is the sponsor of the website?
- Are there inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the
information? - If an organization is mentioned by name, does the
organization have any related information on this
36Thank You.!!! ?
- You can find this PowerPoint presentation on the
Arlington Campus Library Website at
http//library.gmu.edu/libinfo/acl.html under
Useful Sites - bottom right of screen.
37Google and Beyond
38Today we will
- consider different types of resources and
information available via the web - evaluate web pages
- explore the advantages of using a variety of
different tools to search the web - learn the difference between a classified
directory (e.g. RDN) and a search engine (e.g.
Lycos) - practice using a search engine (google) and
classified directory (RDN)
39What resources can you access via the web
- Books Project Gutenberg http//promo.net/pg/index.
html - Journals http//www.lmu.ac.uk/lis/lss/quick_acces
s/index.htm - Journals - Newspapers http//www.lmu.ac.uk/lis/lss/quick_acce
ss/newspapers/whats_avail.htmReport - Reference sources Oxford Reference Online
(Off-campus access requires Athens password)
http//www.lmu.ac.uk/lis/lss/quick_reference/ - Bibliographic tools Index to Theses
http//www.lmu.ac.uk/lis/lss/ - Library Catalogues http//www.niss.ac.uk/lis/opacs
40What resources can you access via the Web (2)?
- Discussion groups and mailing lists Google Groups
http//www.google.co.uk/ - Databases http//www.lmu.ac.uk8082/lco/php/search
_tools.php/alpha/ - Music
- Multimedia resources The information Cycle
/infocyle.htm - Interactive resources Multi-map
http//www.multimap.com/ - Software
41Strengths and weaknesses of web information
- Currency e.g. http//news.bbc.co.uk
- Quality - varied .
- Large amount of information
- No consistent structure or standard - No single
accepted control/standard or structure
42Strengths and weaknesses of web information (2)
- Instability
- Accessibility - Open 24/7
- But is it really so accessible?
- Web search tools do not comprehensively search
the web
43How do I evaluate a Web page?
- Authority
- Currency
- Validity / Accuracy
- Audience
- Point of View/ Bias
- Is there a contact name?
- What is the authority of the author and/or
publisher of the Web information? - Evidence of qualifications, experience?
- Is there any accreditation. Has the information
been reviewed?
45Authority (2)
Examples of domains .ac www.lmu.ac.uk .edu
www.harvard.edu .gov www.leeds.gov.uk .org.uk
www.rspca.org.uk .com www.pepsi.com .co.uk www.ca
Use the structure of a URL for clues
- When was the information created or updated?
- Are the links up-to-date?
47Accuracy / Validity
- Are sources of information cited?
- How does the content compare to other resources?
- Does the site appear to be carefully edited?
- Who is the information targeted at?
- Is the level/type of information appropriate to
your needs?
49Point of View
- What is the point of view (bias) of the site?
- Is there any advertising?
- Who sponsored the site?
50Evaluating web information - examples
- Feline reactions to bearded menhttp//www.improb
able.com/airchives/classical/cat/cat.html - Martin Luther King siteshttp//www.martinlutherki
ng.org/ - or
- http//thekingcenter.org/
51Advantage of using different types of tools to
search the Web
- Excite
- Gem
- Go
- Google
- Ixquick
- Lycos
- Adam
- Altavista
- Ask Jeeves
- Biz/ed
- Cain
- EdWeb
52Categories of Search Tools
53Categories of Search Tools
- Search Engine
- Automated indexing
- Relevancy ranking
- Classified Directory
- Resources selected by someone
- Subject Gateway
- Metasearch engine
- Vast number of resources and different types of
information. - Web information is not organised.
- Existing web search tools do not comprehensively
search the whole of the web. - 4 categories of search tools. The tool that you
choose depends on your information need. You may
have to use more than one tool.
55The difference between a Search Engine and a
Subject Gateway
- To demonstrate the difference we will look at
Lycos (www.lycos.co.uk) and the Resource
Discovery Network - or RDN - (www.rdn.ac.uk) - Example search
- House prices UK
56Resource Discovery Network (subject gateway)
- 32 results all give useful information and from
a variety of sources company, news, government,
educational, report, data, etc.
57Lycos (search engine)
- 50,624 results some useful information but
majority of results are commercial pages, e.g.
how to buy a house or estate agents.
Also a lot of irrelevant results like
www.gift-idea.co.uk/ - a Web site that sells
balloon gifts!
58How to use a Search Engine properly
- To demonstrate how to use a Search Engine
properly we will look at Google (www.google.co.uk)
59Tips for using Google properly
- Always go to the UK based Google site - .co.uk
and not .com - No need to include AND between search terms
- Searches are not case sensitive
- You can do simple OR searches
- To exclude words from your search enter a minus
sign ( ) immediately before a term or phrase
60Tips for using Google properly
- You can search for phrases by enclosing the
search term in quotes - Google ignores very short and/or common words. To
search for something that contains short words
enclose the words in quotes to make a phrase
61Using the Advanced Search in Google
- You can use the Advanced Search screen to narrow
down your results further
62Advanced search features
- You can specify how many results to display
- You can limit your results to a specific language
- You can choose to search for results in a
specific file format - You can specify the date of when the Web pages
were last updated - You can change where your search term occurs in
the Web page - You may request that all of the pages come from a
site or certain domain
63Interpreting your Google results
A Statistics Bar B Page Title C Text below
the Title D Description E Category F URL
of Result G Size H Cached I Similar
Pages J Indented Result K More Results
64Further Help
- Useful online help page - Google Help Central
- Other Know-it-Alls
- Assignments finding and using information
- Dissertations successful research
- Searching the Internet pages on LCO and the
Information and Research section of S4L. - Learning Adviser