Title: BESAC
1From Quark Confinement to Synchrotron
Radiation and Microwave Superconductivity to
Terahertz Spectroscopy
Possibilities of graduate research in/with
accelerators, particle and photon beams, free
electron lasers and microwave superconductivity
at Jefferson Lab
Swapan Chattopadhyay Jefferson Lab August 15, 2003
Seminar ORNL August 15, 2003
2- From Quark Confinement to Synchrotron Radiation
- and
- Microwave Superconductivity to Terahertz
Spectroscopy - Â
- Possibilities of graduate research in/with
accelerators, particle and - photon beams, free electron lasers and microwave
superconductivity - at
- Jefferson Lab
- Â Â
- Swapan Chattopadhyay
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
- After a brief overview of Jefferson Lab, I will
outline the scientific reach of its facilities
and the research and development of the enabling
technologies behind them. Study of the strong
force in nature by direct excitation of the
glue that binds the fundamental quarks
requires an understanding of the generation and
control of a continuous train of intense
electromagnetic wave field in superconducting
microwave cavities and presents a fascinating new
dynamical problem of control in a nonlinear,
dissipative and dispersive system with memory.
The mechanisms of acceleration of and
radiation from a charged particle are
fundamentally coupled. Working on intense charged
particle beams via microwave fields and
recovering the energy back for enhanced
efficiency, requires precise manipulation of
six-dimensional phase space of a many-body
dynamical system interacting with self -generated
coherent radiation fields. Yet the same self-
interaction leads to phase-space bunching and the
possibility of generating Terahertz radiation of
unprecedented intensity and brightness. Novel
radiation sources would have prized applications
in studies of collective dynamics of condensed
and soft matter. The long wavelength radiation
when focused tightly leads to ultrashort bursts
of energy and intense electromagnetic fields
opening up new possibilities in high field atomic
and molecular physics. As we discuss these
fascinating ideas, possible graduate thesis
topics in physics, applied physics, electrical
and control engineering will be brought out along
the way.
3Jefferson Lab Site
4Jefferson Lab Strategic Vision
Nuclear Physics
Grand Instruments for Science
gt12 GeV/EIC
6 GeV
12 GeV
Photon Science and Applications
Complex Materials
Precision Dynamics
Surface Processing
Development of Unique Scientific/Technical Tools
Imaging and Instrumentation (Medical/Security)
Advanced Computational Science (LQCD)
10 Tflop ? 100 Tflop ? 1 Pflop
5Canvas of science-driven accelerator based light
6Jefferson Lab Accelerator Site
7South Linac Cryomodules in Tunnel
8Hall A Electron and Hadron Spectrometers
9Hall B CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer
10Hall C High Momentum Spectrometer and Short
Orbit Spectrometer
11The JLab IR Demo Laser
The JLab IR Demo Laser the worlds most powerful
femtosecond laser the worlds most powerful
tunable IR laser
12JLab is the Leading International Facility in
Hadronic Physics
- Our approved research program involves half of
our 2100 member user community - 1011 scientists from 167 institutions in 29
13Accelerator Physics Collaborations
Daresbury 4 GLS
5 RHIC II (BNL) 6 Femtosource (LBNL, LLNL) 7
3 ERL Prototype (Cornell) 4 4 GLS (Daresbury)
14Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
15Whats the Point of 12 GeV Upgrade?
Courtesy Alex Dzierba Leigh Harwood
- The 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab aims at
answering two core questions - 1) What is the nature of quark confinement?
- 2) What is the fundamental nature of the nuclear
force in terms of quark and gluon interactions?
Quark Confinement
Hall D
Analytical model (based on QCD) of nuclei as
groups of quarks
Halls A, B, C
16Quark Confinement
- Quarks are the only particles known that cannot
be observed as individuals. They always occur in
groups. - This is known as quark confinement.
17Quark Confinement (contd)
Uq-q kr
Implication Field energy always increases as the
quarks separate
Quark Confinement
There is some separation distance at which
field energy Exceeds the mass of 2 quarks.
Can be reduced by creating
quark-antiquark pair.
Never find an isolated quark.
18Quark Confinement (contd)
19How to See the Flux Tubes
Flux tube
2 quarks 1 meson Spectrum is known.
Flux tube has its own quantum numbers
20Color Mapping in QCD
Graduate Research!!
t ltlt 10-18 sec.
Strategic Simulation Lattice-gauge QCD Code
Possible at JLabs 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF.
22RF Control
- Overall performance requirements
- Amplitude 1x10-4
- Phase 0.1º
- Algorithm choice
- Large Lorentz forces
- Narrow bandwidth
- Detuning curve is VERY different.
23 Lorentz Detuning Effects
Tuner must run ? slow
Is there an alternative?
24RF Control (contd)
25RF Control (contd)
Graduate Research topic!! Applied Math, EE,
Nonlinear Dynamics!
- Algorithm for Amplitude and Phase Control.
26Energy Recovery and its Potential
First high current energy recovery experiment at
JLab FEL, 2000
- 2 kW average power
- 26.5 microns
- 500 femtosecond pulses
- 75 MHz rep rate
JLab ERL-based Free Electron Laser
27First Energy Recovery Experiment at High Energy
at CEBAF, April 2003
Beam profiles at end (SL16) of South Linac
Gradient modulator drive signals with and without
energy recovery in response to 250 ?sec beam
pulse entering the rf cavity
1 GeV Accelerating beam
100 MeV Decelerating beam
Energy Ratio of up to 150 tested at CEBAF (20
MeV 1 GeV)
28ERL RD for Electron-Ion Colliders, Electron
Cooling of Ion Beams and Bright Light Sources
Accelerator RD Issues Creation, transport and
acceleration of extremely low-emittance,
high-current beams up and down the energy cycle
29Energy Recovering Linacs
- Examples in this category include light sources,
free electron lasers, electron coolers and
electron ion colliders. - These accelerators are characterized by large
beam currents that are simultaneously accelerated
and decelerated in the same cavities, so there is
little net transfer of RF power between the
sources and the cavities. These high currents
still generate large amounts of HOM power that
will need to be extracted in order to prevent
beam instabilities and small fluctuations in the
beam properties can cause a large random beam
loading that will have to be controlled. - The critical technical issues are
- Cavity designs for high current
- HOM mitigation and extraction
- RF control of random beam loading,
microphonics - Mitigation and control of beam lines
- Beam instabilities
30Accelerated Vacuum Radiation for JLab FEL
31Proposed Experiments at JLab and SLAC by
From Pisin Chen, SLAC
Temperature/acceleration relationship
New FEL can get a2x1024 m/s for an
electron Equivalent to a temp of 104K
32Accelerated Vacuum Radiation for JLab FEL (contd)
Possible Graduate Research Laboratory
33Ultrashort Bursts of Energy Motivation
Scientific Possibilities with Femto- and
Atto-second Electron Pulses, X-rays, g-rays and
10 18 seconds lt t lt 10 15 seconds
Novel interactions of ultrashort pulses with
particles/atoms/molecules/bulk matter at the
Quantum Limit of Rapidity
34Incoherent vs. Coherent Ionization
35Laser Femto-slicing of Electron Beams
Reference Generation of Femtosecond Pulses of
Synchrotron Radiation R. Schoenlein, S.
Chattopadhyay, H.H.W. Chong, T.E. Glover, P.A.
Heimann, C.V. Shank, A.A. Zholents, M.S.
Zolotorev Science, Vol. 287, No. 5461, March 24,
2000, p. 2237.
Unique experiment in the world
Optical Manipulation of Beams
- Understanding Quantum Optics driven by
accelerated charges will be critical in these
studies. ? Coherence and degeneracy of an
attosecond light pulse in the THz!! - Opportunities in Ultrafast Science, Nonlinear
Dynamics, SCRF, THz Laboratory Astrophysics look
only a few photons in coherence volume