Title: Next Generation Distributed Systems: The and dynamicTAO approach
1Next Generation Distributed Systems The
and dynamicTAO approach
- Fabio Kon
- kon_at_ime.usp.br
- Department of Computer Science
- University of São Paulo, Brazil
- http//www.ime.usp.br/kon
- Modern Computing Environments
- Hardware diversity embedded systems, PDAs,
laptops, workstations, supercomputers. - Software diversity different programming
languages, component architectures, operating
systems. - Mobile computers
- Mobile users (different accounts in different
3Highly-Dynamic Environments
- Frequent changes
- 1. Structural changes
- HW and SW upgrades, OS patches, protocol updates
- 2. Dynamic changes
- availability of memory, CPU, and network
bandwidth connectivity, physical location
4Goal of Current Research
- Facilitate management of dynamic, heterogeneous
computing environments for - Users
- System administrators
- Developers
5The Approach
- The Network is the Computer , Sun microsystems.
- Network-Centrism
- user profiles, user environments
- services, applications, components
- (What You Need Is What You Get)
- dynamic instantiation of applications and
services - automatic configuration
6From where can we start?
- Run on multiple hardware platforms
- Run on top of different OSes
- Support different programming languages
- Support dynamism, late binding, components
- Solution
- Standard CORBA Services (Naming, Trading,
7But There Was A Problem
- Conventional ORBs were static
- Fixed threading model
- Fixed transport protocol IIOP (over TCP/IP)
- Fixed security strategy
- Fixed scheduling
- Inadequate for a wide range of applications
- Multimedia
- Mobile Computing
- Adaptive Applications
8Reflective ORB
- Allows inspection and dynamic reconfiguration of
the ORB internal engine. - 1. dynamicTAO an extension of the TAO ORB
Schmidt - very complete, big
- 2. LegORB (now, UIC ) a component-based ORB
- not complete, but expanding
- very small (minimal client 6K or 20K, minimal
server 30K) - 3. OpenORB Blair et al, University Of
Lancaster - prototype in Python, implementation in C/COM
9What is missing?
- We have
- Reflective Middleware layer supporting
distributed objects in a dynamically configurable
way. - Standard services for Naming, Trading, Security,
Persistence, Transactions, Events. - We still need
- Support for automatic configuration.
- Dynamic instantiation of user environments.
- Dynamic resource management.
102K Services
- Component Repository
- Automatic Configuration
- Distributed Resource Management
- Mobile Configuration Agents
- User Environment Service
- Distributed QoS Compilation Service
- Security, Data Management, ...
11The 2K Architecture
12Automatic Configuration Service
- Automatically instantiates applications and
services by assembling their components. - Based on
- Prerequisites static representation of
dependencies. - ComponentConfigurators dynamic representation
of dependencies.
- What a component needs to run
- nature of hardware resources
- share of the hardware resources
- software services (i.e., components) it requires
- Video Client example
- PC with Sound card
- 50 of CPU gt300MHz
- CORBA Video Service
14Automatic Configuration Process
- 1. Fetches component code and prerequisites from
the Component Repository. - 2. Dynamically link component code into the
application address-space. - 3. Based on the prerequisites, repeats the
process for other components.
15Automatic Configuration Architectural Framework
fetch prerequisites
load application
Component Repository
Prerequisite Resolver
fetch components
return reference
Prerequisite Parser
QoS-Aware Resource Manager
16Component Configurators
- Reify dynamic inter-component dependencies.
- Created on-the-fly by the Prerequisite Resolver.
- System and application software can inspect and
reconfigure the Dependence Graph.
- Allows browsing, inspection, and reconfiguration
- Can be customized through inheritance
- Clear separation of concerns
18QoS-Aware Distributed Resource Management
- Global Resource Manager (GRM)
- one in each cluster
- maintains an approximate view of the cluster
resource utilization - Local Resource Manager (LRM)
- runs in each node
- exports the state of the local resources
- Has a Real-Time Scheduler (DSRT)
- admission control, reservation, and scheduling
19Loading an Application with the Resource
Management Service
- 1. Client contacts local LRM, giving application
name and QoS requirements - 2. LRM performs admission test
- 3. Request forwarded to GRM
- 4. GRM forwards request to best candidate
- 5. Remote LRM performs admission test,
reservation, and runs AutoConfig.
20AutoConfig ServiceLoading Several Components
21The 2K Architecture
22Dynamically Configurable MiddlewareReflective
- Reflective Systems Smith 84
- Meta-Object Protocol Kiczales 91
- Reflective ORBs Singhai and Campbell 97
- The ORB maintains a representation of its own
internal structure, supporting - Inspection
- Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Causal Connection
- Built as an extension of the TAO ORB Schmidt et
al - Written in C
- Modular design based on
object-oriented design patterns - TAO already supported startup configuration
configuration file specifies strategies for - concurrency (threading model)
- request demultiplexing
- scheduling
- connection management
24Adding Support for Dynamic Configuration
- dynamicTAO exports an interface called
DynamicConfigurator, supporting - 1. Transfer of components across the distributed
system - 2. Loading and unloading components
- 3. Inspecting and modifying the configuration of
the ORB (and of applications running on top it)
25dynamicTAO Architecture
26Reifying the ORB Structure
- ComponentConfigurator framework
- Stores inter-component dependencies
- Allows browsing, inspection, and reconfiguration
- Can be customized through inheritance
27dynamicTAO Structure
28DynamicConfiguratorIDL Interface
- interface DynamicConfigurator
- stringList list_categories ()
- stringList list_implementations (in string
categoryName) - stringList list_loaded_implementations ()
- stringList list_hooks (in string
componentName) - string get_hooked_comp (in string
componentName, - in string
hookName) - string get_comp_info (in string
componentName) - .
- .
- .
29Manage Component Implementations loaded in memory
- long load_implementation (in string
categoryName, - in string impName,
- in string params,
...) - void hook_implementation (in string
loadedImpName, - in string
componentName, - in string hookName)
- void suspend_implementation (in string
loadedImpName) - void resume_implementation (in string
loadedImpName) - void remove_implementation (in string
loadedImpName) - void configure_implementation (in string
loadedImpName, - in string
30Manage the ORB Persistent Component Repository
- void upload_implementation (in string
categoryName, - in string impName,
- in implCode
binCode) - void download_implementation (in string
categoryName, - inout string
impName, - out implCode
binCode) - void delete_implementation (in string
categoryName, - in string
31Example of Dynamic Configuration
- 1. myRemoteOrb-gtupload_implementation
(Security, superSAFE, -
superSAFE_impl) - 2. newSecurityStrategy
- myRemoteOrb-gtload_implementation
(Security, superSAFE) - 3. oldSecurityStrategy
- myRemoteOrb-gtget_hooked_comp
(dynamicTAO, Security_Strategy) - 4. myRemoteOrb-gthook_implementation
(newSecurityStrategy, -
dynamicTAO, Security_Strategy) - 5. myRemoteOrb-gtremove_implementation
- Dynamic reconfiguration may break the consistency
of the internal ORB engine. - Consistency must be ensured by the ORB developer
and by the component developer. - Achieved by creating customized subclasses of the
ComponentConfigurator class - TAOConfigurator
- Servant1Configurator
- MonitoringStrategyConfigurator
- ...
33Implementing Reconfigurable ORB Components
- Two major things to consider
- 1. Transferring the state from the old component
to the new component - 2. Making sure that no dangling references to the
old component remain - Must customize TAOConfigurator or strategy
configurator (e.g. ThreadPoolConfigurator)
34Accessing the ORB Reconfiguration Interface
- 1. Local or remote code through IDL
- 2. Telnet
- 3. Java GUI
- 4. Reconfiguration Agents
35DOCTORDynamic ORB Configuration Tool
36Mobile Agents
- A mobile agent visits a collection of ORBs.
- In each ORB along its path, it can
- install new components on the disk,
- dynamically link new components,
- inspect the state and configuration of the ORB
and the applications on top of it, - reconfigure ORBs and applications.
37A Flexible Framework
- Different NetworkBrokers support different agent
flavors. For example - simple, lightweight, script-based agents
(carrying data and DCP commands only). - powerful, heavyweight, Java-based agents
(carrying data, bytecode, and dynamic state,
taking autonomous decisions). - Simple agents are suitable for PDAs, embedded
38Reconfiguration with Mobile Agents
- SysAdmins use a GUI to build agents for
- reconfiguration
- inspection
- GUI is used to
- 1. Build distribution graph
- 2. Select reconfiguration and inspection commands
- 3. Visualize results.
- SecureAgentBroker uses the GSS-API and supports
Role-Based Access Control. - Agents are signed and transmitted via secure
connections, using encryption. - RBAC is used in each ORB to decide which commands
each agent is allowed to perform.
40The SecureAgentBroker
41Open Problems
- Support for fault-tolerance
- fault-recovery when part of the reconfiguration
process fails within a node - fault-recovery when the reconfiguration fails in
part of the distributed system - atomic transactions
- Deploying agents for (re)configuration of active
spaces in ubiquitous computing.
42Applications of Reflective ORBs
- Completed Prototypes
- Flexible Object Monitoring Service
- Dynamic Security Service
- Multimedia applications (Nahrstedt, U. Illinois)
- Ongoing work
- Ubiquitous Computing (Illinois)
- Framework for Adaptive Applications (U. São
43Monitoring Distributed Object Interactions
- dynamicTAO shows how to adapt
- Applications also need to know when to adapt
- Monitoring Service
- Can be dynamically loaded and unloaded
- No modifications in the applications
- Totally transparent to applications
- Uses the CORBA request-level interceptor OMG98a
44Monitoring Service Architecture
45Monitoring Service Overhead
Fast Ethernet
- String getHello ()
- Overhead
- when monitoring getHello 10.1
- with Monitoring Service on, but without
monitoring getHello 2.0
46Dynamic Security Service Prototype
- Can be dynamically loaded and unloaded
- Uses
- CORBA interceptors for access control
- Cherubim Security Framework Campbell Qian 98
- Java Active Capabilities flexible dynamic
policies - implemented DAC, MAC
- working on RBAC, ABAC (?)
47Open Problems
- Improving Security Services
- how to provide security for millions of
distributed objects efficiently? - Monitoring Service tools
- Specify what should be monitored
- Visualize monitored data graphically
48The Future
- As computing devices become pervasive in our
society, we will encounter - highly dynamic, heterogeneous environments
- complex dependencies
- difficult management
- We need standards and an integrated architecture
to help manage this complexity in a clean and
efficient way.
49End of Part 1
50Security Architecture
- Java Active Capabilities
- Flexible Security Policies
- Caching of Authorization Decisions
- Auditing
51Example of ConsistentDynamic Reconfiguration
- Concurrency strategies
- 1. Reactive (single-threaded)
- 2. Thread-per-Connection
- 3. Thread-Pool
- Switching from 1 or 2 to any other OK
- Switching from Thread-Pool problematic