Title: Screen 1
1Screen 1
By Tim Murphey
Dokkyo University, Japan Author of Music
Song OUP Teacher Resource Books
2Screen 2
3Screen 3
Tims Story Doctorate Research on Music and
4Screen 4
Song before speech
Teenagers Contact with English Song
1980s average 12 hours a week of contact
5Screen 5
Self-regulation (control) of environment/emotions
Adolescent Motherese Teddy Bear in the
Ear SSIMHP Melodic Intonation Therapy Oliver Sachs
6The Discoure of Pop Song Lyrics Top 50 English
songs in the European Hit Parade 1987 Three main
ingredients you, I, and love No reference to
where and when Ghost Discourse Half the speed
of regular speech Simple language 4th grade US
reading level Massive repetition
7Well suited for language learning
Simple, repetitive, fun, slow, short, and
emotionally charged!
Songs add variety, play and love to your
language learning!
8Vygotskian parallels Scaffolding
Learning Intermental to intramental (Social to
personal) Ventriloquation (Bahktin), Shadowing,
Bear Song
slide of page Music and Song p. 130 Private
speech and inner speech
My Hat, It has 3 Feathers Music
and song P. 131
9(No Transcript)
10TPR Shouting Routines UpDownLeftRight TPR
Chants I scream TPR Marches Left, left, left,
right Superhappyoptimisticjoyfulandprodigious
11Action songs 5 Ways to Happiness Repetition
Songs This is the way... Role play songs Bear
Song p.130 Hypnotic Effect Mary Poppins (short
12I Love MisteakesTim Murphey
Doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya
doya do
Doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya
doya do
Do you dare to dare to dare to love to love to
Do you dare to dare to dare to love to love to
13I Love MisteakesTim Murphey
If I make a little Misteakes Well thats just
part of my perfect plan Being perfectly me You
see, I need my Misteakes To make me what I want
to be
14I Love MisteakesTim Murphey
Do you dare to dare to dare to love to love to
love your Misteakes
doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya
doya do
doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya doya
doya do
15I Love MisteakesTim Murphey
(Singing Group won) I love Misteakes, I love
Mistaykes, I love Misteaks, I love Miss takes
(Singing Group too)
They show Im human
They show Im learning
They show Im risking
They show Im living
16Write Write Write it down Set your feelings
free I make it up as I go along My pen is writing
17Students Recordings Class
Cassette (cassette extract) Class Songbook
Videoing Students Singing (Video viewing)
18Screen 12_ Love you forever 1
19Love you forever 2
20Love you forever 3
21Love you forever 4
22Love you forever 5
23Love you forever 6
24Love you forever 7
25Love you forever 8
26Love you forever 9
27Love you forever 10
28Love you forever 11
29Love you forever 12
30Love you forever 13
31Love you forever 14
32Wilga Rivers (1976) We must find out what our
students are interested in. This is our subject
matter. As language teachers we are the
most fortunate of teachersall subjects are
ours. Speaking in many tongues, Newbury House
Rowley MASS.
Thank you!!! Contact info