Title: Chapter 5 ' Thermal Vibrations and Diffuse Scattering
1Chapter 5 . Thermal Vibrations and Diffuse
5.1 Introduction
In real crystals, atoms vibrate around the
lattice points.
Reduce the intensity of Bragg reflections by a
factor exp-2M. M Devye-Waller factor
The width of the peak does not change unless
the vibration is so large that a crystal melts.
maintain long-range order
M-th atom
Position of M-th atom
2Harmonic Approximation
k phonon wave vector e phonon polarization
35.2 Debye-Waller Factor
Factor for overall decrease of the scattering
q2 dependence
Equipartition Theorem Each mode contribute
1/2kBT to total kinetic energy
4Debye Waller Factor
5.3 First Order Thermal Diffuse Scattering
Io Bragg Peak with reduced intensity
I1 First Order Thermal Diffuse
I2 Second Order Thermal Diffuse
5Mathematical identity
6Transverse Phonon
Phonon Polarization direction
Longitudinal Phonon
Dispersion relation
Sound velocity
Bragg Peak
1/q2 thermal diffuse scattering
7(No Transcript)
8Longitudinal wave and diffraction pattern
Transverse wave and diffraction pattern
95.3 Thermal Diffuse Scattering and Elastic
Cubic Crystal
1. lt100gt direction - 1 longitudinal and 2
2. lt110gt direction
1 longitudinal and 2 transverse
103. lt111gt direction
1 longitudinal and 2 transverse
Other than the three symmetry directions,
solutions are no longer pure longitudinal or