The Atmosphere in Motion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Atmosphere in Motion


Several forces affect direction of movement. Caused by ... Millimeters. Meteorologists use: millibars. You can easily change from inches to millibars ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Atmosphere in Motion

The Atmosphere in Motion
  • Chapter 19

Air Pressure Wind section 1
  • Wind
  • Horizontal movement of air
  • Helps moderate surface temperatures
  • Distributes moisture
  • cleanses the atmosphere
  • Several forces affect direction of movement
  • Caused by differences in air pressure

What is Air Pressure?
  • Weight of the air pushing down on Earths surface
  • At sea level 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi)
  • At sea level, the barometric pressure is 29.92
    inches or 1013.2 millibars (mb).
  • As increase elevation, pressure decreases b/c
    less air above
  • Decreases 50 every 5 km
  • Exerted in all directions

Air Pressure With Altitude
  • Weight of column of mercury is balanced by the
    pressure exerted on the dish of mercury from air

Aneroid Barometer Barograph
  • Without liquid
  • Partially evacuated metal chamber that compresses
    or expands based on outside pressure

Recording Air Pressure
  • Different units can be used to express air
  • With a mercury barometer
  • Inches
  • Millimeters
  • Meteorologists use
  • millibars

You can easily change from inches to millibars
29.92 inches
Why Does Air Pressure Change?
  • Elevation
  • As altitude increases, pressure decreases
  • Temperature
  • As temperature increases, pressure decreases
  • Molecules move further apart as air is heated
  • So fewer air molecules than in same volume of
    cool air
  • Warm air ? lower pressure, cold air ? high
  • Humidity
  • As humidity increases,
  • pressure decreases
  • Water molecules have
  • less mass than oxygen
  • or nitrogen molecules

Why Does Air Pressure Change?
  • Changes in air pressure can aid in predicting the
  • A decrease in pressure often indicates
    approaching warmer, more humid, air along w/ rain
    or snow
  • Less dense air ? less pressure exerted
  • An increase in pressure often indicates
    approaching cooler, drier air fair weather
  • More dense air ? more pressure exerted

Why Does Air Pressure Change?
  • Meteorologists analyze air pressure by plotting
    isobars on weather maps
  • Isobar line that joins points of equal
    barometric (air) pressure
  • A closed isobar forms a loop on a weather map
  • High-pressure area (high)
  • Air pressure steadily increases toward the center
    of a set of closed isobars
  • Think of a hill
  • Low-pressure area (low)
  • Air pressure steadily decreases toward the center
    of a set of closed isobars
  • Think of a valley

Pressure Gradient
  • Pressure Gradient change in pressure
  • change in distance
  • The closer the isobars, the steeper the gradient
  • Pressure changes quickly
  • Faster, stronger winds
  • The further the isobars, the more gentle the
  • Pressure changes slowly
  • Slower, weaker winds

Differences in pressure caused by unequal heating
of Earths surface -Winds blow from areas of
High to Low pressure
What Makes the Wind Blow?
Falling air Rising air (cold, dry
more dense) (warm, moist less
dense) Fair weather stormy weather High
Pressure Low Pressure
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Measuring Surface Wind Direction Speed
  • Wind vanes ? instrument to determine the
    direction of wind
  • Broad tail
  • Resists wind
  • Points away from where the wind is blowing from
  • Arrowhead
  • Points into the wind (where the wind is blowing
  • Winds are named for the direction from which they
    blow from
  • Examples
  • Blow from west (to east) westerly (or west)
  • Noreaster winds from the northeast

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Measuring Surface Wind Direction Speed
  • Anemometer ? instrument used to measure wind
    speeds 10 meters above ground
  • Effects on water, smoke, trees, other objects
    can also be used as estimates of wind speed.

Factors Affecting Winds section 2
  • The Coriolis Effect the tendency of an object
    (wind, ocean current, plane, etc.) moving freely
    over the earths surface to curve away from its
    path of travel
  • Due to Earths rotation
  • Northern Hemisphere ? deflect to right (from
    perspective of object)
  • Blow clockwise out of areas of high pressure
  • Blow counterclockwise into areas of low pressure
  • Diagrams
  • Southern Hemisphere ? deflect to left (from
    perspective of object)
  • Does not depend on objects direction of movement
  • Only noticeable on large scale (winds, planes,
    ocean currents)
  • Greatest near poles, least near equator
  • Increases if speed of object increases

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Coriolis Effect Animation
Coriolis Effect Wind Direction Visualiziation
  • Friction between the air ground slows winds
  • Changes the impact of the Coriolis effect on
    surface winds
  • More friction ? less deflection/curving
  • Ex. rough land
  • Less friction ? more deflection/curving
  • Ex. smooth land or water
  • Winds at higher altitudes ? less friction ?
    stronger Coriolis effect

Jet Stream Video
Internet Investigation How Does the Jet Stream
Change Through the Year?
  • Jet stream Band of very fast winds (120-240
    km/hr) near the top of the troposphere (hardly
    affected by friction)
  • Typically 1000s of km long, 100s of km wide,
    about 1 km from top to bottom
  • Polar-front jet stream cool polar air joins w/
    warmer air to the south
  • Generally flows west to east
  • Great effect on weather in the U. S.
  • Energy for storms, directs storms paths
  • Can reach to central FL in winter, generally over
    Canada and northern U.S. in summer
  • Speed depends on pressure gradient in upper
    troposphere (depends on surface temps)
  • Fastest in winter
  • Tropical-easterly jet stream warm air in tropics
    of N. Hemisphere
  • Weaker than polar-front jet stream

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Global Wind Patterns sec 3
  • Affected by
  • Unequal heating of Earth by sunlight (temp
    diff btw equator poles)
  • Earth's rotation (spin) ( Coriolis effect)
  • Location of continents
  • Time of year
  • Local topography (landforms)

Global Wind Patterns
  • What would happen if Earth did not rotate there
    was no Coriolis effect?
  • The unequal heating
  • makes the tropical equatorial regions warmer than
    the polar regions.
  • lower pressure at the (warmer) equator
  • Air rises moves toward poles
  • higher pressure at the (cold) poles
  • Polar air moves toward equator
  • heats, rises, continues cycle
  • Would result in one large circulation cell in
    each hemisphere

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Effects of Earths Rotation
  • B/c Earth rotates
  • Coriolis effect prevents air from flowing
    straight from equator to poles
  • Air flowing northward from equator is deflected
    to right
  • Air flowing southward from equator is deflected
    to left
  • Air cools sinks long before reaches polar
  • Air circulation is better represented w/ 3-cells
    in each hemisphere
  • Idealized, not 100 accurate, but helpful in
    understanding global wind patterns

Effects of Earths Rotation
  • Three-Celled Circulation Model
  • 3 circulation cells in each hemisphere
  • 0 (equator)-30
  • 30-60
  • 60-90 (pole)
  • Direction of circulation changes from each cell
    to the next
  • Caused by alternating bands of high low
    pressure at Earths surface
  • Polar front boundary at 60 where air flows
    away from high pressure poles collides w/
    warmer air moving up from lower latitudes
  • As winds blow from high to low pressure, they are
    deflected by the Coriolis effect
  • To right in northern hemisphere
  • To left in southern hemisphere

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Weaknesses of the Three-Celled Model
  • 3 main weaknesses
  • Gives a simplified view of circulation btw 30
  • Referred to as middle latitudes or mid-latitudes
  • Most of the U. S.
  • Surfaces winds determined by locations of
    transient high- low-pressure systems
  • Change often
  • Does not take into account the effects of the
    continents (heat cool more rapidly than oceans)
    or seasons
  • Based on a simplified view of upper-level winds
  • Impression that generally travel N ? S
  • Primarily westerly (except near equator, Coriolis
    is weak)

Strength of the Three-Celled Model
  • Fairly accurate image of general surface winds
    pressures outside the mid-latitudes
  • Gives a picture of wind patterns pressure
    systems that is useful for climate studies
  • b/c involves averaging patterns over long periods

Description of Wind Pressure Belts
  • Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) or
    doldrums a low pressure belt at the equator
    where winds from both hemispheres come together
  • Little to no wind, hot humid, rain is common
  • Tradewinds blow from the NE (N. Hemi) SE (S.
    Hemi) are found at about 30º N S
  • Polar highs high-pressure regions where cold air
    sinks at the poles
  • Polar easterlies surface winds at poles that
    blow from east
  • Prevailing winds winds that usually blow from
    same direction
  • Tradewinds
  • Polar easterlies
  • Prevailing westerlies which blow (SW in N. Hemi
    NW in S. Hemi) in the mid-latitudes.

Polar Front
Polar Front
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Continental Local Winds Sec 4
  • Because of tilt of Earth, relative position of
    sun changes over year
  • Causes seasons
  • Temperature changes
  • Changes in global winds
  • Also affected by positions of continents
  • Highest temps in N. Hemi often N of equator
  • Sun causes air to heat, rise, flow toward poles

Effects of Seasons Continents
  • Summer
  • continents hotter than oceans
  • heats up ( cools down) faster than water b/c
    absorbs ( radiates) heat better
  • hot land heats air above it, becomes less dense,
    rises, causing low pressure
  • Oceans cooler than land
  • Heats up ( cools down) slower than land b/c does
    not absorb ( radiate) heat quickly
  • Cool water, air above cooler, more dense, higher
  • Highs lows determine direction of prevailing
    winds at various locations
  • Winter ? opposite from summer

  • Direction of winds change seasonally ? monsoons
  • Most dramatic in southern Asia
  • Winter ? cold, dry winds
  • Summer ? warm, moist winds heavy rains

Local Winds
  • Extends 100 km or less
  • Caused mostly by differences in temperature
  • Examples
  • Land sea breezes
  • Mountain valley breezes

Developing a Sea Breeze
  • Daytime
  • Land heats faster creating warm air above it.
  • decreases the pressure ( density)
  • air rises.
  • low pressure develops over land
  • Water heats slower, so it has cooler air above
  • Increases pressure ( density)
  • Air sinks
  • High pressure develops over water causing a
    difference in pressure.
  • Wind blows from high (sea) to low (land)

Developing a Land Breeze
  • Nighttime
  • Water stays warm longer creating warm air above
  • decreases the pressure ( density)
  • air rises.
  • low pressure develops over water
  • Land cools faster, so it has cooler air above it.
  • Increases pressure ( density)
  • Air sinks
  • High pressure develops over land causing a
    difference in pressure.
  • Wind blows from high (land) to low (sea)

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