SENG 540 Software Evolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SENG 540 Software Evolution


Discussed in last lecture. Measure of the maturity of a software system. How ... Estimated that 50-90% of maintainers time is spent in program comprehension ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SENG 540 Software Evolution

SENG 540 Software Evolution
  • Lecture 4
  • 12 June 2007

Software Maturity Index
  • Discussed in last lecture
  • Measure of the maturity of a software system
  • How stable is the system?
  • Quantify the readiness of a product
  • Determined by comparing the size of the system to
    the amount of changes occurring in given release
  • Stability assumed when change is low
  • Across several releases, cannot be determined
    from one release

Software Maturity Example
  • Mt number of modules in current release
  • Fc number of modules in current release which
    have been changed
  • Fa number of module in current release which
    have been added
  • Fd number of modules in previous release that
    were deleted
  • SMI (Mt - (Fa Fc Fd))/Mt

SMI Example (cont)
SMI Example (cont)
  • Graph of SMI
  • Assumes there was a 0 release
  • What can you see from this chart?

SMI Example (cont)
  • Other ways to view the same data
  • More insight?
  • Account for past history
  • Examine cumulative changes and average number of

SMI Example (cont)
  • Consider a new metric
  • The average number of changes
  • Calculated as the cumulative number of changes
    over the number of releases
  • ASC CSC/n
  • ASC average software change
  • CSC cumulative software change
  • n number of release

SMI Example (cont)
  • Software Change
  • Sum of Fa Fc Fd
  • Average Software Change
  • (Fa Fc Fd)/Mt

SMI Example (cont)
  • Software Stability Index
  • Mt CSC/Mt
  • Historical SMI
  • Mt - ASC/Mt

Program Comprehension
  • Estimated that 50-90 of maintainers time is
    spent in program comprehension
  • Improve maintenance - facilitate the process of
    comprehending existing programs
  • Critical in our ability to maintain and
    reengineer legacy systems

Program Comprehension (2)
  • Performed
  • Maintenance
  • Reverse engineering
  • Reuse
  • Code reviews and walkthroughs
  • Validation and verification

Program Comprehension (3)
  • Artifacts
  • Requirements specification
  • Design documents
  • User manual
  • Previous maintenance records
  • Test cases developed
  • Source code

Program Comprehension (4)
  • Attempt to reconstruct
  • A model of the system as it currently exists
  • Why it exists in current state

Comprehension Strategies
  • Techniques a programmer uses to understand a
  • Mapping between the problem domain and the
    programming domain
  • Actions used
  • Read code
  • Read documentation
  • Run code

Comprehension Strategies (2)
  • Systematic
  • Examine the entire program and workout the
    interactions between various modules
  • As-needed
  • Before modification -- locate the section which
    needs modified and modify it

Program Understanding
  • Muller University of Victoria
  • The task of building mental models of the
    underlying software at various abstraction
    levels, ranging from models of the code itself to
    one of the underlying application domain, for
    maintenance, evolution and reengineering purposes.

Levels of Understanding
  • Highest level
  • What it does
  • Lowest level
  • Recognize algorithms which implement what it does
  • NOT looking for line-by-line level of

Factors Affecting Understandability
  • Reader characteristics
  • Knowledge of language
  • Knowledge of domain
  • Strategies uses
  • Intrinsic factors
  • Complexity of code
  • Concurrent or real-time
  • Size of program

Factors Affecting Understandability (2)
  • Representational factors
  • Language itself
  • Nature and inclusion of comments
  • Choice of identifiers
  • Typographical factors
  • Upper-lower case
  • Fonts and color
  • Indentation/white space

Factors Affecting Understandability (3)
  • Environmental factors
  • Medium -- paper/CRT
  • External documentation
  • Tools -- editors and compilers
  • Eventually use this information to provide style
    guidelines to produce more readable programs

Theories of Program Understanding
  • Bottom-up
  • Pennington 87
  • Top-Down
  • Brooks 83
  • Opportunistic, Synchronized Refinement,
  • Letovsky 86

Bottom-Up or Chunking
  • Build higher levels of abstraction
  • Starts from the source code
  • Uses chunking and concept assignment
  • Shneiderman and Mayer 79
  • Pennington 87
  • Biggerstaff, et al 93
  • Use control flow
  • Examine data structures
  • Trace variables
  • Chunk this information for storage in memory

  • Begin with a pre-existing notion of the
    functionality of the system (hypothesis) and try
    to reconstruct the mappings from the problem
    domain into the programming domain
  • Trying to go back in time and recreate a thought
  • Brooks 83
  • Soloway and Ehrlich 84
  • Determine components responsible for specific
  • Iteratively create, verify, and modify hypotheses
    until the entire system is explained by a
    consistent set of hypotheses
  • Each hypothesis is investigated to determine if
    it holds, should be rejected or refined in a
    hierarchical way

  • Coordinate bottom-up methodology with source code
    and top-down with the applications description
  • Belief is that programmers frequently change
    their viewpoint
  • Letovsky 86
  • Or combine them into a new approach
  • Mayrhauser and Vans 95, 96, 97
  • Working to develop data and control flow
    information to create mental representations of
    the software system

Types of Knowledge Employed
  • Programming Plans
  • Mental representations of program fragments that
    represent stereotypical action sequences within
    source code
  • Rules of Discourse
  • Conventions for creating programs
  • Domain Specific Knowledge
  • Information about functional units within the
    domain and how these pieces fits together

Novices verses Experts
  • Novices -- use bottom-up
  • Due to lack of domain knowledge
  • Experts -- use mixture but prefer top-down
  • Reading source code in order to identify plans
    and domain models
  • Indicator of types of tools to build

Program Slicing
  • Developed by Weiser (1981)
  • Throw out parts of the program which are
    irrelevant to the particular function or to the
    state of the program of interest in order to
    study the program

Tools and Techniques
  • Be aware code and comments may not agree
  • Use indentation to help structure
  • Try to build a model of the style conventions
    used in the program
  • Watch out for code written to overcome compiler
    or computer limitations or code containing
    apparently magic numbers.

Tools and Techniques (2)
  • Watch out for non-standard language features
  • Consider roundoff implications
  • Use stepwise abstraction.
  • Look for evidence of changes.
  • Be wary of objects of nearly the same name,
    particularly those identifiers which differ by a
    single character.

Tools and Techniques (3)
  • Be alert for variables that serve more than one
    purpose or that are used inconsistently, as they
    can mislead the reader.
  • The effect of apparent bugs can be undone by an
    inverse bug somewhere else.
  • Be alert for literals that are conceptually
    distinct but that happen to have the same values.

Tools and Techniques (4)
  • In languages that permit overloading be sure the
    operator you think you have is really the one you
    do have.
  • Use program slicing
  • Use an editor or browser to traverse the code
  • Use file searching tools to find identifiers that
    might be in several files.

Tools and Techniques (5)
  • In the absence of tools like a cross-reference
    generator such unlikely tools as spell checkers
    can be useful for listing the identifiers of the
  • Traditional debugging techniques can be used to
    read the code.
  • Read programs with a structure chart,
    cross-reference listing or summaries at hand.

Software Reengineering Processes
  • Understanding software
  • Improving Software
  • Capturing, preserving and extending knowledge
    about software
  • Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering
  • Process of analyzing a subject system to identify
    the systems components and their
    interrelationships and create representations of
    the system in another form or at a higher level
    of abstraction
  • Need to understand other peoples system
  • New people on the team, code reviews, etc.
  • Two step process
  • Extraction
  • Abstraction

Reverse Engineering (2)
  • Three Step Process
  • Information gathering
  • Information organization
  • Information navigation, analysis and presentation
  • Analyzing the system
  • Determine current components and their
  • Extract and create system abstractions and design

Reverse Engineering (3)
  • Purpose is to facilitate
  • Enhancement
  • Correction
  • Documentation
  • Re-design
  • Re-programming

Old Code
  • Existing code which can not be easily understood,
    redesigned, modified, debugged or rewritten
  • Attributes
  • Design method used does not clearly communicate
    the program structure, data and function
  • Language and/or techniques used doesnt quickly
    and clearly communicate the program's structure,
    interfaces, etc.

Old Code -- Attributes (2)
  • Design and code are not organized to be insulated
    from changes in hardware and external software
  • Design was targeted for constraints that no
    longer exist
  • Code contains parts which are non-standard or
    unorthodox coding techniques were used
  • Documentation is non-existent, incomplete, or not

Knowledge Needed
  • Syntactic
  • Understanding of the syntax of the language
  • Understanding of programming semantics
  • Semantic
  • Understanding of language independent rules and
    definitions for the application data types and
  • General application area
  • Domain-specific algorithms

Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery
  • Precursor to Forward Engineering for
  • Produce a reconstructed design that captures the
    functionality of the system
  • Reconstructed design can be transformed to
    modernize it, restructure it, re-modularize it,
    incorporate new requirements, etc.

Design Recovery
  • Recreates design abstractions from a combination
    of code, existing design documentation, personal
    experience and general knowledge about problem
    and application domains
  • New development as well as maintenance and
    reverse engineering

Design Recovery (2)
  • Artifacts recovered have an abstraction hierarchy
  • Application
  • Concepts
  • Business rules
  • Policies
  • Function
  • Logical and functional specifications
  • Non-functional specifications
  • Structure
  • Data flow
  • Control flow
  • Structure charts
  • Software architecture
  • Implementation
  • Symbol tables
  • Source text

Why Reverse Engineer
  • Consider re-implementing
  • Manually rewrite
  • Use an automatic translator
  • Redesign and re-implement
  • Reverse engineer and re-implement

Reverse Engineering Procedure
  • Pulling things together
  • Levels of abstraction result in multiple points
    of view
  • Hierarchical set of models for each abstraction
  • Examine the subsystems based on software
    engineering principles
  • Classes, modules, directories, coupling,
    cohesion, data flow, control flow, slices
  • Look for other matches
  • Design and change patterns
  • Business and technology models
  • Function, system and application architectures
  • Common services and infrastructure

Reverse Engineering Procedure (2)
  • Collect information
  • Examine Information
  • Develop plan for recovering and recording
  • Extract structure
  • Create set of structure charts
  • Create a set of data structure diagrams
  • Record functionality
  • Each module record processing, PDL

Reverse Engineering Procedure (3)
  • Record data-flow
  • Identify data transformations, DFD and PSPEC
  • Record control-flow
  • Identify high-level control only
  • CFD and state diagrams
  • Review recovered design
  • Consistency and validity
  • Generate documentation

Issues in Reverse Engineering
  • Separate design information from implementation
  • Traceability
  • Record links between recovered information and
  • Domain Information
  • Reengineering
  • Change recovered design information
  • Existing Documentation

Design Decisions Detected
  • Composition/Decomposition
  • Encapsulation/Interleaving
  • Generalization/Specialization
  • Representation
  • Data/Procedure
  • Non-deterministic relations

  • How arrive at pieces/parts
  • Modules
  • Data structures
  • Top-down -- decompose
  • Bottom-up -- compose
  • Maps the relationship between abstract elements
    and components

  • Encapsulation --
  • Gather parts into a component
  • Behavior is restricted through interface
  • Limits side effects during modification if
    information hiding is used
  • Interleaving
  • Two or more plans performed in same code section
    or data structure
  • Efficient, but harder to understand and maintain

  • Creating components based on their similarities
  • Generalization -- higher level has fewer special
  • Generic functions
  • Specialization -- higher level realizes special
    cases -- OO

  • Program serves as a model for application domain
  • When efficiency was a concern these models were
    represented by constructs close to machine
  • Could direct or control implementation decisions

Data and Procedure
  • Variables -- introduced to
  • Avoid recalculation
  • To simplify the expression of a computation
  • Must determine
  • How variables are used
  • What they represent
  • Often substitute with calculation

Non-deterministic Relations
  • Logic languages -- Prolog
  • Input/output parameters
  • Select direction of the function
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