Title: The Illinois K3 Monarch Award Internet Book Club
1The Illinois K-3 Monarch Award Internet Book Club
- Pam Olivito
- District 86, East Peoria IL
- olivitop_at_epd86.org
Collaboratory Project Symposium
Northwestern University, Evanston IL May
4, 2007
Northwestern University
2Project Goals/Objectives
- Students use Surveys, The Cybrary, The Internet
Book Club and The Nexus Community
- Students read or hear a variety of outstanding
childrens literature
- Students critically consider the components of a
good book
- Students share their thoughts and insights
through words and pictures
- K-3 students enjoy and debate the virtues of a
variety of childrens literature
Northwestern University
3Collaboratory Resources
- Survey Studio
- Favorite Kinds of Books beginning of project
- How did you vote? - end of project
- Compare and contrast
- Cybrary
- Web sites about ISLMAs Monarch Award,
- Monarch books, authors and illustrators
- Internet Book Club
- Share thoughts and opinions about the 20 Monarch
Book Award nominees
- Nexus Community
- Picture my vote! - Upload Paint pictures of
Monarch book students voted for
4ISLMAs K-3 Monarch Award
- Sponsored by the Illinois School Library Media
- Yearly event since 2003
- Must register to participate and vote through
- Books are voted for by students, not adults
- Must have 12 of 20 titles available
- Children must have read or heard 5 titles
- Why the monarch?
- to symbolize the growth,
- change and freedom that
- becoming a reader brings.
6Survey StudioCompare and Contrast
- Favorite Kinds of Books
- BOYS Sports, Animals and Funny Books
- GIRLS Animals, Fairytales, and Funny Books
- ALL STUDENTS Animals, Sports, Funny Books,
7Survey StudioCompare and Contrast
- How did you vote?
- BOYS Superdog Aint Gonna Paint No More
- GIRLS Aint Gonna Paint No More Falling for
- ALL STUDENTS Aint Gonna Paint No More,
Superdog Falling for Rapunzel
8Book Club What did students say?
- If he came to my house id get tricked!
- It made me laught so hard!
- i liked this book because Tricky Fox cept singing
that song.
- This is a good book becouse it tells you to
follow youer drims.
9Book Club What did students say?
- What I like about SuperDog is he believes in
- Mybest part is when he was working out he had a
hard time.
- I like Superdog because it was funny ,it had
acshin,and it was osum.
- I like this book because it teaches 2nd graders
that teachers relly don't want your teeth.
10What else did students say?
- I liked it because Dex saved Cleevis. I really
liked the page where he was flexing his muscles.
- I lilked this book because I loke dogs and my dog
- It was funny that he wanted to paint his whole
body except his behind.
- This book is good because his Mom says "What".
- I liked it when he didn't listen. (to his mom)
- I did not like this book because he got the whole
house dirty.
- I liked this book because it said "ain't" and had
dogs in it.
- It is a rilley good book cheek this book out
11Nexus CommunityWhat did students draw?
12What else did students draw?
13and what else?
14Students Created PowerPoint Presentations
and graphed how their school voted using Graph
15Impact on Students and Staff
- Our students
- began to think more
- critically about what makes
- a good book.
- were proud to have their
- opinions posted and shared
- with others.
- enjoyed viewing and discussing what others
- Our staff
- came to better understand the benefits of
- came to believe young students can collaborate
successfully with others.
16Thank You, District 86 Team!
- While I wrote and managed this project, our
computer lab aides were on the front line with
our K-3rd graders.
K-2 Buildings (above) Jackie, Deanna and Debbie
3-5 Buildings (left) Heather, Deni and Dave
17A Final Thank You
- Lori Abrahams Rebecca Caudill Book Club was the
inspiration for this project!
18The Illinois K-3 Monarch Award Internet Book Club
- Pam Olivito
- District 86, East Peoria IL
- olivitop_at_epd86.org
Collaboratory Project Symposium
Northwestern University, Evanston IL May
4, 2007
Northwestern University