Title: More loops
1More loops
2The percentage of bosses that think that their
jokes are very very funny is
3This percentage of employees who think that their
bosses are very very funny is
4This percentage of employees think that their
bosses are very very funny when the boss is
conducting the survey is
5The output of the last line is for i113
for j112 sij endends
6The output of the last line is s5for i113
for j112 sij endends
7The output of the last line is sum10for
i113 for j113 sum1sum14
8The output of the last line is sum10for
i113 for j113 sum1sum12
9The output of the last line is sum11for
i113 for j113 sum1sum12
10 The output of the last line is i0while
0 5 12 15 11The output of the last line is i0while i ii1 ji3 endj
12The output of the last line is
13The output of the last line is finline('x2')
14function outvalfun(f,a,b) f function of x
a input real number b input real
numberout(f(a)-b)/5is saved in valfun.m file,
what would be the output of the last line of the
following test programginline('2x')outvaluev
15The output of the last line is for i 112
a(i,i)0endsum10for i112 for j112
sum1sum15 endendsum1