Title: Lets Get Real: The Truth About Bullying
1Lets Get Real The Truth About Bullying
- By Ashley Berry, Corinne Blackburn, and Emily
2The Bully
- Who is the bully? The bully can be
- Boy or girl
- Large or small
- Popular or unpopular
- Attractive or unattractive
3The three kinds of bullying
- Verbal bullying- This is the most often reported
kind of bullying. It includes name-calling,
taunting, cruel criticism, and racist slurs.
This bullying can take place in person, over the
phone, or even e-mail. - This kind of bullying is the easiest to get
away with.
4- 2. Physical bullying- This kind of bullying
includes slapping, hitting, choking, poking,
kicking, pinching, biting, scratching, and
spitting. It also includes destroying personal
belongings. -
5- 3. Relational bullying- This kind of bullying
includes ignoring, isolating, excluding, or
6The Bullied
- The warning signs of a kid that is being bullied
- Stealing money from home
- Has torn or missing clothing
- Plays alone or prefers to hang around adults
- Takes an unusual route to school
7Why Kids Dont Tell
- They are ashamed of being bullied
- They dont think anyone can or will help
- They have learned that ratting on a peer is not
- They are afraid of retaliation
8The Bystander
- The bystander is the one to see the person get
bullied, but usually does nothing about it. The
bystander is afraid that if he/she tells they
will become a new target to get bullied.
9What Do I Do If I See Someone Being Bullied?
- Just remember CARES!
- Creative Problem Solving- Come up with helpful
ways to deal with bullying
- Adult Help- This is not tattling when it keeps
others safe
- Relate and Join- Join with and support the
- Empathy- Try to understand the feelings of the
- Stand Up and Speak Out- Say, Bullying is not
10What Can I Do If Im Being Bullied?
- Just Think HA,HA,SO!
- Help- When someone bullies you, you can ask other
students, teachers, parents, or siblings to help
- Assert Yourself- When someone picks on you, you
can say Please stop that. I dont like it.
- Humor- You can try to find a funny way to deal
with the bully
- Avoid- stay away from kids who are mean
- Self talk- When someone is mean to you, say to
yourself Im okay, this is that kids problem,
and being mean isnt right.
- Own It- Deflect a put down by owning it. For
example, if someone says Thats an ugly dress,
you can say I dont like it either, but my mom
made me wear it.
11What To Do If Youre Being Bullied
- Remember to use HA,HA,SO. This includes Helping,
asserting yourself, using humor, avoiding mean
kids, self-talk, and owning it.
- Also remember that it is your right not to be
bullied. Ask adults and friends for help.
12Why Bullying Matters
- What Happens To The Bully
- Bullies are at risk for problems, too. Bullying
is violence, and it often leads to more violent
behavior as the bully grows up. Some teen bullies
end up being rejected by their peers and lose
friendships as they grow older. Bullies may also
fail in school and not have the career or
relationship success that other people enjoy.
13Why Bullying Matters
- What Happens to the Bullied
- One of the most painful aspects of bullying is
its relentlessness. The seemingly never-ending
nature of bullying can put a person in a state of
constant fear, and kids who are bullied may find
their schoolwork and health suffering. - Studies show that people who are abused by
their peers are at risk for mental health
problems such as depression or anxiety. They may
also think about suicide more.
14Myths Vs Facts
MythName-calling and teasing are just normal
parts of growing up. Fact This behavior is not n
ormal and needs to be stopped.
MythBoys are usually the bullies.
FactGirls are becoming more physically
aggressive and the relational bullying they do
can be extremely damaging. MythIf we ignore mino
r incidents theyll go away FactNo. This behavio
r will continue unless we confront it for what it
- Bullies are very mean,
- Theyre tall or small and sometimes lean,
- All I know is what they do,
- Is bully, bully kids like you.
I watched a fight this afternoon,
But I had to go away too soon,
When I left the bully yelled, Give me the money
by the morning bell!