Title: Hillcrest High School 21st Century Project 200607
1Hillcrest High School 21st Century Project 2006-07
2What Have We Accomplished?
- Our exposure to the 21st Century School project
has been invaluable. - We have changed our methods to incorporate web
2.0 tools into our teaching. - Several of our classrooms have been using blogs
and in at least one classroom we actively use
www.tappedin.org and wikis for classroom
projects. - We have students and teachers using
www.Flickr.com and www.thinkfree.com to complete
projects. The days of the poster board project
are over. - The seeds of change have been sown and as more
teachers experiment with the new tools both the
faculty and students will benefit. - Samples of this classroom work follow
3Tapped In was employed in the AP and Advanced
Government/Economics classes and the AP
Psychology class. It provided unexpected
benefits to both the teacher and the
students. http//www.tappedin.org
4Tapped In includes a discussion board that
allowed us to discuss items related to our
curriculum. Students responded enthusiastically
to the addition of our Tapped In pages.
5The online chat section allowed students to work
collaboratively and to receive help from the
instructor during after-class hours
6The Advanced Placement Psychology Tapped In
Room http//www.tappedin.org
7Tapped In allowed students to collaborate on
group projects and upload their work for further
collaboration with the class. Also present in
the files section were student constructed
reviews for the Advanced Placement test.
8Benefits of Tapped In
- Created an online presence for the class.
- Tapped In contains a discussion board that
encouraged extended discussion of classroom
curriculum. - The real-time chat feature allowed students to
work together collaboratively and to get help
from the instructor when she was in the room
also. - Students are better prepared for online work
required in college courses they will take in the
future. - Tapped In allowed students to experiment in a
safe environment controlled by the instructor.
9Government classes elections campaign sites wiki
each political party constructed a campaign site
Each class created several political parties and
elected a president as part of their elections
11Samples of Student Products The OPP
Opportunity Party- Powerpoint platform
presentation - http//hchscampaignsites-2007.wiki
spaces.com/OPPParty The Common Ground Party
Powerpoint platform presentation -
12Student Campaign Site SampleCampaign Commercial
13The CARROP Party Political Platform