Title: Action Potential and the Role of Myelin
1Action Potential and the Role of Myelin
- How action potential is generated and its phases
- How action potential propogates
- Role of myelin in action potential propogation
- How myelin is formed, impact of myelin on nerve
3The Action Potential
4Rising/Overshoot Phase
- Stimulus causes voltage gated Na channels to
open - Much higher Na outside cell then inside, thus
Na rushes inside cell. - Membrane potential depolarizes and approaches
ENa - Membrane potential actually becomes positive
with respect to external medium, resulting in
Rising Phase
Overshoot Phase
5Sodium Channel
6Inactivation/Undershoot Phase
- Membrane permeability to Na is shortlived
- K permeability increases temporarily (even more
than in resting state.) - More K inside cell than outside (due to Na/K
pump) - Membrane thus hyperpolarizes.
Overshoot Phase
7AP originates at axon hillock
- At axon hillock, nerve cells sums up all signals
coming from dendrites. - If sum of depolarizing (excitatory) signals minus
sum of hyperpolarizing (inhibitory signals)
outweighs the threshold potential, a membrane
depolarization occurs at the axon potential.
8Action Potential Propogation
Action Potential spreads down axon via Passive
Current Flow
9Passive Current Flow
- Current generated from an action potential flows
passively down the axon . Occurs by shuttling of
charge (analogous to wires conducting electricity
by passing charge). - This current depolarizes the next region, causing
a new action potential. As long as enough
current to break the threshold reaches the next
region, an AP occurs (all-or-none response)
10Problems with Passive Current Flow alone
- Given current can only travel short distance
before dissipating. Current leaks out. Large
voltage drop between nodes. - Metabolically expensive
- ?V I/C
- Ability of an nonconductor (i.e. membrane) to
permits storage of charge
12Action Potential Propogation
R(membrane, C(membrane)
13Improving AP conduction
- Increase axon diameter, thus decreasing R(axon).
- Metabolically Expensive
- Nerves would take up too much space
14Improving AP Conduction
- Decreases C(membrane) by increasing distance
between charges. - Increase R(membrane) by decreasing nerve cell
- 70 lipid, 30 protein, with high concentration
of cholesterol and phospholipid. Similar to cell
membrane a good insulator - Formed by Schwann cells in PNS and
oligodendrocytes in CNS
16How is Myelin formed?
In CNS, one oligodendrocyte gives rise to myelin
for several nodes. Depends on presence of
17How is Myelin formed?
In development of PNS, Schwann cells line up
along intervals that will eventually become Nodes
of Ranvier. Membrane of Schwann cell surrounds
a axon and forms double membrane structure
mesaxon. Mesaxon elongates and spirals around
axon in concentric layers. At end, cytoplasm
squeezed out and compact myelin sheath formed
18Schwann Cells
- Each node about 1-1.5mm long.
- Thus, as many as 500 Schwann cells on a given axon
19Other functions of Schwann cells
- Clean up PNS debris
- Guide regrowth of damaged PNS axons
20Conduction with myelin
- Current from action potential at a node flows
through myelinated region. - Even though its now insulated, some current still
lost. Thus unmyelinated node required every 1-2
mm for new action potential to be generated - AP moves from one node to the next (saltatory
conduction) - AP can move quickly across internodes, saves
metabolic energy
21Why demyelination may lead to nerve death
- In CNS, oligodendrocytes invovled in making
myelin. Oligodendrocytes also important in
trophic support for nerve cells. Recent research
suggests that in MS, oligodendrocytes, not
myelin, is what is attacked first by immune
system. - OLooney, et al. Annals of Neurology 2004
22Why demyelination may lead to nerve death
- In PNS demyelinating diseases (GBS, CIDP), there
are actually two modes of attack - Primary demyelination Myelin itself is
damaged or destroyed - Secondary demyelination Violent
inflammation phase which destroys axon itself.
Nerve signal thus blocked, and thus myelin is
degenrated. - Close relationship between Schwann cell and
neuron (Important for axon regeneration and
cleanup when axon dies, myelin degenerates)
- AP is based on time and voltage dependent
exchange of Na and K ions - Myelin plays an important role in action
potential conduction by increasing speed,
reducing metabolic demands, and indirectly
decreasing space needed by nerves.
- Relation between demyelination and cell death is
unclear what was presented were just hypotheses.
- Purves, et al. Neuroscience
- Kandel, et al. Principles of Neuroscience
- OLooney, et al. Annals of Neurology 2004.
- http//www.driesen.com/myelination_-_cns__pns.htm
- http//www.jsmarcussen.com/gbs/uk/damage.htm
- Dr. Cardozos lecture, September 2, 2004