Title: Expedited Partner Therapy
1Expedited Partner Therapy
Illinois Hospital Association Webinar December 8,
- Charlie Rabins, MPH
- Illinois Department of Public Health
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program
2Overview and Purpose
- What is Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT)
- Why EPT is Needed in Illinois
- Highlights of Illinois EPT Legislation
- Senate Bill 0212/Public Act 096-0613
- Effective January 1, 2010
- How Hospitals can Help in STD Prevention
- Questions from Webinar Participants
3What is Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT)
- To prescribe, dispense, furnish or otherwise
provide prescription drugs to the sex partner or
partners of persons diagnosed with STDs without
physical examination of the partners
4Purpose and Goals of EPT
- Purpose to treat partners of clients with
chlamydia and/or gonorrhea who are unable or
unlikely to seek medical care - Goals
- Decrease new CT/GC infections in community
- Reduce CT/GC re-infection rates
- Decrease complications from untreated CT and GC
5EPT Usage in U.S.
- EPT is a standard of care and supported by AMA
- In 2006, CDC issued an EPT guidance, concluding
that EPT is a useful option to facilitate partner
management - especially for the treatment of male
partners of women with chlamydia and/or gonorrhea - EPT has been proven to be safe and effective
- Adverse reactions to antibiotics are rare
- No reports in California since implementing EPT
in 2001 - EPT is currently legal in 20 states
7Illinois Chlamydia Cases By Sex1990 - 2008
8GonorrheaIllinois 1986 - 2008
9Reported Chlamydia Gonorrhea Cases by Age
GroupIllinois 2008
10Illinois Reported STD Case RatesDisparity
Between Racial/Ethnic Groups, 2008
Primary and Secondary
112008 Illinois Chlamydia Rates
Rate per 100,000 Population
122008 Illinois Gonorrhea Rates
gt 100 - 300
gt0 - 100
Rate per 100,000 Population
13Re-infection Rates for Chlamydia
- Re-screening project in Illinois in 2006
indicated 16 of female clients at selected
provider types were re-infected within six months
of prior treatment - National studies - 15-25 CT re-infection
- Re-infection attributed primarily to untreated
partners - Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
recommends re-screening all females and males 3
to 4 months after treatment for chlamydia and
15Highlights of Illinois EPT Law - 1
- Overwhelming Support in Legislature
- Amends
- Illinois STD Control Act (410 ILCS 325/3)
- Medical Practice Act (225 ILCS 60/64)
- Nurse Practice Act ((225 ILCS 65/70-170)
- Physician Assistant Practice Act (225 ILCS 95/25)
- Defines EPT
- Prescribe, dispense, furnish or otherwise provide
prescription antibiotic drugs to sex partners
(within the past 60 days) of persons clinically
diagnosed with chlamydia or gonorrhea without
physical examination of the partners, if in the
judgment of the health care professional, the sex
partner is unlikely or unable to present for
comprehensive evaluation, testing and treatment
16Highlights of Illinois EPT Law - 2
- Stipulates Which Health Care Professionals (HCP)
can Provide EPT - Licensed physician (practice medicine in all its
branches) - Physician assistant delegated to provide STD
therapy or EPT by supervising physician - Advanced practice nurse with a written
collaborative agreement with a collaborating
physician that authorizes STD therapy or EPT - Advanced practice nurse who practices in a
hospital or ambulatory surgical treatment center
and possesses appropriate clinical privileges in
accordance with the Nurse Practice Act
17Highlights of Illinois EPT Law - 3
- Liability Protections for HCPs
- EPT provided to sex partners in good faith
without fee or compensation where counseling and
written materials are provided is not subject to
civil or professional liability except for
willful and wanton misconduct - Choosing not to provide EPT has the same
exemption from liability - Liability Protections for Pharmacists/Pharmacists
- Not subject to civil or professional liability
for choosing not to fill a prescription that
would cause them to violate any provision of the
Pharmacy Practice Act -
18Highlights of Illinois EPT Law - 4
- Identifies Responsibilities of HCPs Providing EPT
- Counsel infected patients
- Provide written materials on EPT (developed by
IDPH) to patients to give to their sex partners
receiving EPT - Requirements Related to Counseling and Written
Materials - Warnings related to pregnancy (antibiotics and
need for HCP examination) - Information about provided or prescribed
antibiotics and dosage (allergy warnings and need
for HCP examination)
19Highlights of Illinois EPT Law - 5
- Requirements Related to Counseling and Written
Materials - Continued - Information about treatment and prevention of
STDs - Requirement of abstinence until a period of time
after treatment - Importance of receiving examination and testing
for HIV and other STDs and available resources - Risk to self, others and public health if the STD
is not completely/successfully treated - Responsibility of the sex partner to inform their
sex partners of the risk of STDs and prompt
exam/treatment - Other information as required by IDPH
20Highlights of Illinois EPT Law - 6
- Responsibility of Illinois Department of Public
Health (IDPH) to develop and disseminate in
electronic and written format - Informational materials for sex partners
- Informational materials for STD repeaters
- Guidance for HCPs on EPT
- IDPH May Offer Educational Programs about EPT for
HCPs and Pharmacists
21EPT Barriers and Challenges
- Medication and prescription labeling
- Adverse reactions/allergy rare
- EPT may compromise quality of care
- Appropriate care seek comprehensive services
- Ideally partners receiving EPT will access care
- Benefits of EPT outweigh the risks
- Doing nothing may result in
- Re-infection and further community transmission
- Complications pelvic inflammatory disease,
ectopic pregnancy, infertility, epididymitis - Risks offset by patient education, written
materials and encouraging a visit to HCP
22EPT Implementation
- EPT law effective date January 1, 2010
- IDPH drafting
- Guidance for Illinois Health Care Professionals
- Patient and Partner Information sheets
- HCP Fact Sheet
- STD Repeater Information Sheet
- Materials will be available
- IDPH Internet
- IDPH STD Program
- Health Care Organizations and Associations
23Importance of Hospitals in STD Prevention and
Treatment in Illinois
Number and Percent of Reported Cases of STDs in
Illinois from Hospitals in 2008
24Preventing STDsHow Hospitals Can Help
- Conduct sexual history whenever feasible
- Screen all sexually active females under 26 years
of age for chlamydia and gonorrhea at least
annually - Screen females 26 years of age and older for
chlamydia and gonorrhea based on risk factors - symptoms and sex partner history
- Conduct diagnostic testing and presumptive
treatment when STDs are suspected - Counsel infected persons, provide EPT and
recommend sex partner notification and referral
25EPT On-Line Resources
- IDPH Website (EPT HCP Guidance , Patient and
Partner Written Materials will be Available by
1/1/2010) - www.idph.state.il.us
- Illinois EPT Law (SB 0212, PA 69-613)
- http//www.ilga.gov/legislation/publicacts/96/PDF/
096-0613.pdf - CDC
- EPT website http//www.cdc.gov/std/ept/
- CDC white paper http//www.cdc.gov/std/treatment/
- Charlie Rabins
- Chief, STD Section
- Illinois Department of Public Health
- charlie.rabins_at_illinois.gov
- 217-782-2747