Samuel the link - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Samuel the link


Eli accuses her of being drunk 'Opps my bad, may God give ... Samuel grieved. Saul builds himself a monument. I did what you told me. What is that noise I hear ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: grieved | link | samuel


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Samuel the link

Samuel the link
The story begins (Ch 1)
  • A certain man
  • Intro sounds like a clip from Lord of the Rings
  • Two wives (sound familiar)
  • One has children
  • Other has none. (favorite)
  • Wives quarrel
  • Go up to Shiloh to make sacrifice.
  • Hannah rose and presented herself to the Lord
  • Wept bitterly
  • Specific prayer
  • Made a promise
  • Nazirite
  • Praying silently

The Story Continues
  • Hannahs prayer
  • Eli accuses her of being drunk
  • Opps my bad, may God give you what you asked
    for Eli
  • Woke up, went to worship, made a baby, kid was
    born, named in Samuel.
  • Samuel I have asked him of the Lord.

Off to sacrifice
  • Waited until Samuel was weaned
  • Took him and an offering to Shiloh
  • She fulfills her promise
  • Offers a living sacrifice of Samuel
  • Lent
  • Given
  • Hannah prays again
  • A prayer of praise
  • Her earlier prayer of petition

Meanwhile (211)
  • Elis sons
  • Scoundrels,
  • no regard for the Lord
  • There position
  • Violation of the sacrifice
  • Lord wants to kill Elis sons
  • Man of God came and tells Eli the family business
    is over

Samuel chosen
  • The man of God told Eli
  • A faithful priest will be raised up
  • The boy Samuel was ministering
  • Word of the Lord was rare.
  • Samuel, Samuel (34)
  • Here I am and ran to Eli
  • Speak Lord Your servant is listening
  • I am going to punish Eli and his family
  • Not to excited to share the vision
  • Grew up, God was with him,
  • People trusted him

The Ark captured/Gods judgment
  • Israel brought it out to rally the troops and
    strike fear in the enemy.(4)
  • Not such a good idea
  • Israel defeated in battle
  • Arc captured
  • Elis sons killed
  • Elis falls over an dies (416)
  • Phinehass wife gives birth (420)
  • Ichabod (what does his name mean and why is it

Ark and Judge (ch. 5)
  • Ark reeks havoc on capturing nation.
  • Every where it went the people had problems
  • Finally brought back, passed around some more
    before settling in Keriath-jearim.
  • Samuel calls the people to repentance.
  • Get rid of idols and listen to God.
  • People listen, God defeats enemy, (Ch.7) Samuel
    is circuit judge.

History repeats itself
  • Samuels boys much like Elis boys
  • Perverted worship practices and justice
  • Elders call a meeting
  • Your sons are wicked and your old, we want a
  • Samuel and God talk
  • They have not rejected you, but Me
  • Just as they have done since I brought them out
    of Egypt.
  • Fine have it your way, but it wont be better
  • Ch. 811-18
  • Israels request granted.

Tall King Saul of Israel
  • Good Leader
  • Loser
  • Lunatic
  • Gets a bum deal
  • Only one strike!

Israel Requests a King
  • Despite the warning of Samuel and God Himself
    Israel seeks a king.
  • To be like every other nation
  • Loss of Identity for the sake of uniformity
  • King may fight our battles
  • Ok have it your way
  • Samuel tells them go home

Saul chosen as King
  • Son of a Benjaminite
  • Tall
  • Handsome
  • Looking for the Lost donkey
  • Were off to see the Seer, the wonderful Seer of
  • Find out what they should do
  • God tells Samuel he will meet a man who is a
    Benjamanite and he is to be king.
  • God chose the king
  • Did he intentionally set it up for failure?

Saul to be King
  • I am the least from the least
  • Sound familiar
  • But his stature was impressive
  • Saul shares a meal and then anointed
  • Samuel gives very specific prophesy that is to
    confirm to Saul he is to be king.
  • Saul changed into another person
  • Given another heart,

  • Samuel summons the people
  • Reminds them of Gods action
  • Saul hides for inauguration service
  • Hiding in the baggage
  • Important piece of information
  • First glimpses of Sauls fear of man (people
  • People impressed with how tall he was
  • He must be a good leader he is tall!
  • Finally takes position and goes home
  • Warriors who hearts God touched went with Him
  • Some did not like him

Saul is King
  • A mean right eye gauging out King is reeking
    havoc on some of the tribes.
  • Wants to continue his terror.
  • Saul rallies a huge army
  • 370,000 (due to the dread of the Lord)
  • Defeats the enemy
  • No two left together
  • People wanted to kill those who did not support

  • God glorified Saul in the eyes of the people just
    like he did for Joshua
  • Samuels farewell
  • Past
  • Present
  • Future
  • If you and your kingit will be well.

Samuels Farewell Speech
  • The people come to their sense after the thunder
    and lighting show
  • Sorry we asked for a king
  • Fear God and serve Him faithfully

Down fall of Saul
  • Saul wasyears old
  • And reigned for years
  • Saul doing well as a leader until
  • Samuel was late for the pre-battle sacrifice
  • People were slipping away
  • Saul got scared
  • Bring me the stuff for the offeringit cant be
    that hard to do.

Down fall of Saul
  • Samuel shows up
  • Blaming
  • You have done foolishly
  • Violation of the offering
  • To get the blessing he broke the law
  • One strike your out
  • The Lord will not establish your kingdom
  • He has chosen another

Down fall of Saul
  • Sauls rash oath
  • Jonathans victory almost a tragedy
  • Saul a victorious King
  • Praised in the eyes of his people
  • Yet highlighted as a failure
  • Sauls final mistake
  • Destroy everything
  • Spared Agag and the livestock

Down fall of Saul
  • I regret making Saul King
  • Samuel grieved
  • Saul builds himself a monument
  • I did what you told me
  • What is that noise I hear
  • A sacrifice
  • King held to higher account
  • Obedience over sacrifice
  • Asks for forgiveness and restoration
  • Saul still worried how he will look in the eyes
    of the people.

Gods new man
  • Lord tell Samuel it is time to move on
  • Anoint another King
  • My choice
  • Go give a sacrifice
  • House of Jesse
  • God chooses the unlikely
  • Why is David unlikely?
  • Anointed with oil and filled with the Spirit of
    the Lord
  • From that day on

King elect/ Servant
  • Spirit of God departed from Saul
  • Evil spirit from God replaced it.
  • How could evil come from God.
  • The Job theory
  • David brought into play his lyre.
  • David had a good reputation
  • Courageous, warrior, prudent in speech
  • Trusted and loved by Saul
  • Armor Barrier

  • David Saint or Sinner?
  • Good guy or emotional basket case?

David and Goliath
  • Interesting points
  • David reintroduced to the reader and Saul
  • Textual variance
  • David putting on Sauls armor
  • Wouldnt fight in the armor
  • Rightfully his
  • He would ware Jonathans
  • David travels back and forth from being a servant
    of Saul to a Shepherd for his dad.
  • Even though he is the rightful King-elect
  • Not task too great or too small

  • Kills Goliath
  • Becomes best friends with Jonathan
  • Womans simple song rouses the rage of a jealous
  • 1,000 to 10,000
  • David a mighty general yet comes back and plays
    lyre for the king.
  • No task too great or too small
  • Saul tries to kill him
  • Eluded the spear twice

Davids humility
  • Saul's plan
  • Marry off a daughter to David
  • David says he is a poor man of no repute
  • Yet he is a famous warrior and the king elect
  • David wins the hand of Michal with a bag of
    Philistine foreskins.
  • What a dowry!
  • As often as the Philistines came out for battle
    David and the army would beat them.

  • Saul is out to kill David
  • Jonathan talk him down
  • Michal helps him escape
  • The plan to see if David is really in danger
  • If he misses me
  • Let it be well
  • If he gets angry
  • Jonathan sees that is not safe for his best
  • If the arrows are on the sideits safe
  • If the arrows are beyond youget out of here.
  • Saul shows true colors
  • He is ticked off that David is not here

  • Flees for his life
  • Stops to eat and greet the priest
  • Hides in a cave
  • Everyone who was in distress, debt and
  • Saul massacre of the priest _at_ Nob
  • The chase is on
  • David saves a city and spares Saul's life
  • Twice
  • Cave
  • Spear and water jar

David and the Death of Saul and Jonathan
  • Chased around
  • Jonathan killed and Saul backed into a corner.
  • Armor bearer would not kill Saul
  • So Saul took matters into his own hands
  • Armor bearer followed example
  • David mourns for his king, father in law and best

Harsh punishment
  • David mourning
  • Messenger gives the news
  • Finished Saul off
  • David kills him
  • David mourns for and praise the man who caused
    him hardship and heart ache.
  • Why?

David anointed
  • David anointed king of Judah
  • Battle continues
  • Ishbaal King of Israel
  • Intense fighting between the houses
  • Ishbaal assassinated
  • David deals with the killers
  • David king of all Israel at the age of thirty.

Welcome BackIf you have questions about you
exam please see me after class.
Compare Saul and David
  • Break up into groups at your table and discuss
    each kings
  • Rise to Power
  • Relationship with God
  • Leadership
  • Sin
  • specifics and consequences
  • State of Israel during their reign

David the True King
King David
  • Anointed as king of the United Kingdom
  • Israel and Judah (2 Samuel 5)
  • The Lord the God of Host is with David
  • Establishes royal city
  • Jerusalem/ city of Zion/ City of David (56-16)
  • The return of the Ark (chapter 6)
  • Traveling to Jerusalem
  • Death of Uzzah
  • David fears the Lord
  • Leaves the ark

Return of the ark
  • David fears the Lord and leaves the ark
  • Wherever the ark was housed the people were
  • David went and brought the ark to Jerusalem
  • Parade 612-23
  • Davids undignified dance
  • Michal's response
  • David response to Michal
  • No more kids for Michal

Gods covenant with David
  • David wanted to build God a house as nice as His.
    (Chapter 7)
  • Gods response
  • It is not for you to build my house
  • God keeping the roles straight
  • But your heir will build my house
  • I will make your name great and
  • Establish a kingdom from your family
  • Your throne shall be established forever

Davids response to God
  • Who am I that you have brought me this far?
    (chapter 7)
  • Davids humility and gratitude
  • Praises God for who He is and all He does

Gods Covenants with Man
  • Adam (?)
  • Noah
  • Abraham
  • Moses
  • David

Davids sin
  • When the Kings go out for battle
  • David stays back
  • See Bathsheba
  • Sends for her
  • Sleeps with her
  • She gets pregnant
  • Plans a cover up
  • Does not work (Uriah remains pure)
  • Shares a meal, gets him drunk

From Adultery to murder
  • David has Uriah killed after other cover ups do
    not work
  • Protect himself
  • Protect Bathsheba
  • Nathans rebuke
  • Riddle
  • Sin against God
  • David repents
  • Child dies
  • David mourns then worships

Birth of a son and violation of a daughter
  • Consoles Bathsheba
  • Creates Solomon
  • God loved him
  • Amnon and Tamar (chapter 13)
  • Amnons love for Tamar
  • Scheme to be with her
  • Rape
  • Rejection
  • Davids angry but does nothing
  • Because of love? Or fear?

  • Absalom tells Tamar to keep quiet
  • Waits two years and then kills Amnon
  • Absalom flees
  • David forgives Absalom
  • Absalom notably beautiful
  • 2 years before seeing David
  • The kiss of forgiveness

Absalom Usurps the Throne
  • Undermining (Chapter 15)
  • Gathering people against his father
  • Stole the hearts of Israel
  • Overthrowing
  • Announces himself as king
  • Increasing favor with the people
  • Davids response
  • David flees
  • Davids surrender to Gods will
  • Chapter 1525-28

Death of Absalom
  • Battle between the armies of each king
  • Absaloms death
  • Hung up by his hair
  • Killed by Joab and his men
  • Davids response
  • Joabs rebuke
  • Get out there
  • You would not have been so sad if it was us.

The Kings Saul. Ishbaal. David. Absalom.
Adonijah. Solomon which was a kings were
rightfully crowned king?
End of Davids Rule
  • David returns to the throne
  • Variety of events
  • The illegal census
  • Davids desire
  • Joabs warning
  • Gods punishment
  • Gads message
  • Three options
  • 3 years of Famine
  • 3 months of Fleeing
  • 3 days of Pestilence

End of Davids Rule
  • David comforted by Abishag before death
  • Adonijah claims the throne (I Kings Chapter)
  • Most likely eldest surviving son of David
  • Amnon and Absalom gone
  • Mixed reviews on Adonijah
  • Mom intervenes for Solomon (Chapter)111-
  • Talk to David
  • Solomon becomes king
  • Davids instructions (Chapter 2)
  • Be strong and courageous

  • Takes the throne
  • Cleans house
  • Adonijah
  • Joab
  • Abithar
  • Takes a wife
  • One of many
  • Marriage alliance with Egypt

  • Solomon loved the Lord (chapter 3)
  • Sacrificed in high places
  • Lord appeared to Solomon
  • I will give you whatever you want
  • A young man asks for wisdom (v. 7-9)
  • You have chosen wisely
  • God grants wealth and power along with wisdom
  • No one will ever be like you!

Solomons wisdom
  • A test run on the new wisdom (316-28)
  • Two prostitutes and a baby
  • Fulfillment of Abrahams covenant
  • Numerous as the sands of the sea (420)
  • Ate, drank and were happy!
  • Solomon becomes famous
  • Strength later created weakness (429)
  • Temple construction begins
  • Rest on all sides
  • Forced labor
  • Gods warning about having a King

Solomons Temple
  • Enormous and Ornate ( chapter 6)
  • Gods deal with Solomon
  • If you walk in my ways, I will dwell here.
  • God appears a second time
  • I will be faithful, will you
  • Word to Solomon

Solomons weakness
  • Queen of Sheba (Chapter 10)
  • Heard of his fame
  • Solomon loved many foreign women
  • Chapter 11
  • Wives steer him away from God
  • Solomon worship other Gods on the side
  • Built dwellings for false gods
  • Lord was angry with Solomon (119-13)
  • I will tear the kingdom from you
  • But I will keep my promise to your father
  • Raised up enemies against Israel
  • Nation punished for leaders sins

The Great Divide
  • Initiated by God (Chapter 1126-40)
  • Jeroboam to be king over divided kingdom
  • Faithful servant
  • Trusted leader
  • Future Successor
  • Ten tribes
  • One for the house of David
  • One for the house of the Lord
  • Solomon Dies (1140)
  • Ruled for forty years
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