Title: Patterns of Significant Weather Events over South America
1Patterns of Significant Weather Events over South
- Richard H. Grumm,
- NCEP Contributions from
- Yuejian Zhu, Zoltan Toth, and Michel Davison
2What we shall attempt to cover
- Examples of significant weather events
- A wide range of event types
- Focus on the larger scale patterns using
re-analysis data - Why?
- To recognize the patterns
- Improve situational awareness
- Identify these patterns in NWP and EPS output
3Patterns of Significant Events
- Many event types have distinct patterns and
features - Synoptic and frontal rainfall event types
- West Coast heavy precipitation types
- Severe weather event types
- Heat and cold episode event types
- Models and ensembles can typically
- Predict the large scale patterns
- Replicate the conditions from previous and
similar events
4Examples of Patterns
- Rare snow fall in Buenos Aires- 10 July 2007
- Associated with a long cold episode
- MODIS imagery of the snow in Argentina
- Large anticyclone, cold air, dry air, and 500 hPa
wave produced the light snow.
First time since 1918, snow fell in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, late on July 9, 2007. AP report
from MODIS website.
5Patterns July 2007 cold episodevery dry air,
anomalous anticyclone, and strong trough
6Heat Episode-Jan-Dec 2000Fires January 2001
- ARGENTINA (fire) EFE via COMTEX reported that
rural fires that have been triggered by the
southern hemispheres scorching summer heat began
in mid-December this year. The fires have
reportedly destroyed crops and cattle-grazing
land in four provinces, including the following
1.5 million hectares in La Pampa province,
400,000 hectares in Mendoza, 100,000 hectares in
San-Luis in central Argentina and 50,000 hectares
in Formosa, near the border with Paraguay. Seven
individuals reportedly died on Friday (5th) as
they battled fires on a farm in southern Mendoza
province with rudimentary techniques. Another
individual reportedly died on Friday after being
severely burned and hospitalized in the town of
Humada in La Pampa.
7Heat Event with FiresJanuary 2001-subtropical
Key Points First warm episode was in Dec January
had large 500 hPa ridge, above normal 850 hPa
temperatures and dry air. Features models and EPS
predict well!
8Convective Severe Weather Events
- Favorable conditions often present over
southeastern South America - Area favorable for thunderstorm winds, heavy
rainfall, and large hail. - One of the preferred regions of the world for
severe weather? September through May - Experience organized events and weakly forecast
events? severe weather map
9Severe Thunderstorm Parameter and potential
Brooks et al. National Severe Storm Laboratory
Based on re-analysis data. (Brooks et al
10Brooks et al. National Severe Storm Laboratory
Based on re-analysis data. (Brooks et al)
Tornadic environments are by far the most common
in the central United States, with lesser areas
in southern Brazil and northern Argentina.
11Severe Weather Overviewhttp//ams.confex.com/ams/
- Peak season Sept-May
- Key ingredients
- Low-level moisture
- Convective instability (K,TTI,SSI, and CAPE)
- Vertical wind shear ? modulates storm types based
on linear or curved profile of the hodograph. - Key references Ernani de Lima Nascimento and
Charles A. Doswell III
12Argentina Hail Stormhttp//www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa
- ARGENTINA reported that at least 5 individuals
were killed during a four and a half hour storm
that included heavy rains and hail. The storm
reportedly pounded Buenos Aires and the
surrounding area on Wednesday (24th) , and the
Argentine weather bureau reported that 145.2mm
(5.7 inches) of rain fell on Buenos Aires during
the storm. Road traffic, plane, railway and
subway services were all reportedly disrupted,
and approximately 270,000 homes suffered from
power outages.
13Large Subtropical RidgeWeak forcing event
1411 November 2003Thunderstorm Winds? Strong
forcing low-level jet and frontal boundary? Shear
and instability
15Brazil Indaiatuba tornado event24 May 2005
- F3 Tornado was captured on video
- Area affected
- Strong low-level jet with strong northwest flow
at 850 hPa. - High PW air in warm sector indicating a frontal
system in the affected region? proxy for CAPE - Surface trough and cyclone in general region?
source of low-level vorticity and shear.
1624 May 2005Shear and moisture? strong low-level
jet and high PW in region.
17Thunderstorm Wind Damage in Sao Paulo State Brazil
Thunderstorm winds downed power lines in evening
of 22 July 2002 Winds from isolated severe
storms. Damage to property to include power
lines is a good indicator of severe
weather. Lima and Menezes (2004)
1826 January 2007 western Argentina Hail
Not sure exactly where? Dry line type event?
19Line of Thunderstorms 16 February 2007
20Supercell hail event 6 July 2003
- Large hail from long-lived thunderstorms
- HP type supercell with hail and heavy rains
producing flooding - Storm created wind damage and downed power lines
leaving over 60K people without power.
21Lapse Rates
22Large scale conditions
23Severe Weather Summary
- South American Tornadoes are common and appear to
occur with strong shear and instability - Severe weather is common to include organized
convection in the Sep-May time frame - Lines (F0-F1) and supercells(F1-F3) damage
- Hail
- Pulse storms
- http//www.stormtrack.org/forum/showthread.php?t1
24Heavy Rainfall Events
- Primary large scale event types
- Tropical systems ? those interacting with fronts
can be exceedingly large rainfall producers - Synoptic systems associated with south-north
fronts - Frontal systems associated with quasi east-west
fronts - West Coast orographic Events ? terrain component
- Mesoscale Events
- Localized convective heavy rainfall events.
25Chile Floods 13 July 2006
- Heavy rainfall caused the floods
- MODIS picked up the sediment deposited by the
swollen rivers - Nearly 100K people affected
- Area was declared a disaster area
- Patterns of West Coast Rainfall
- Surge of high PW air into mountains
- Strong low-level winds into mountains
- Jet entrance region over affected locals.
26Strong Jet and moisture into terrain11-12 July
2730 March-01 April 2007
- Heavy rains across Argentina and southern Uruguay
- Quasi east-west frontal system high PW and u-wind
anomalies - CMORPH picked up the rainfall amounts
- MODIS satellite saw flooded rivers from late
March as skies cleared in early April
2830-31 March East-West zone of high moisture
29(No Transcript)
308-10 September 2003
31CMORPH Rainfall
3223-29 November 2003
- Flooding and heavy rainfall in Paraguay and
southern Brazil - Good CMORPH rainfall data for this event
- Surge high PW air and northerly v-winds into the
affected region.
33Large scale pattern
34CMORPH Rainfall
3514-18 August
- South-central Chile rainfall
- CMOPRH did not catch more orographic event
- West Coast type
36CMORPH data
37Some Notable Cases
- 5-6 May 2008
- 26-27 March 2004
- Bolivian Floods Jan-Feb 2008
- 26-27 March 2008 rain began with
38The Brazilian hurricane on March 26, 2004, as
seen by the Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra satellite
Hurricane Catarina The storm killed at least
three people and caused an estimated 350 million
(2004 US dollars) in damages.
3923-27 Jan 2008 heavy rain Bolivian and Paraguay
40cold and moist over the region? instability
4126 Jan 2008No good wind signal over Bolivia
424-6 May 2008http//oglobo.globo.com/pais/mat/2008
Flooding in Santa Catarina
434 May 2008
444 May 2008
455 May 2008
465 May 2008
47(No Transcript)
48Predicted event 27-29 Aug 2008
49Heavy Rainfall Events? Summary
- Looked at event types and associated pattern
- Synoptic systems associated with south-north
fronts - Frontal systems associated with quasi east-west
fronts - West Coast orographic Events ? terrain component
- Mesoscale Events
- Large scale patterns should be predictable in ou
EPS and high resolution deterministic model. - Leverage this and precipitation probabilities for
maximized patterns and potential for a
significant rainfall event.
- Cold outbreaks To get a continental polar, or
Antarctic Continental, air mass you need a high
amplitude sinusoidal pattern with cold air
tracking north across the Antarctic
Peninsula-Drake Passage to Patagonia in
Argentina. For this to happen, the mid level
ridge axis must be around 80W. As the air enters
the srn cone, the Andes then "shelter" the cold
air as it pushes north, retaining the continental
characteristics. If the ridge extends along
65w/70w, the air mass tracks over water and it
quickly modifies. - McTaggart-Cowan, R., Bosart, L. F., Davis, C. A.,
Atallah, E. H., Gyakum, J. R., and Emanuel, K. A.
(November 2006). "Analysis of Hurricane Catarina
(2004)". Monthly Weather Review 134 (11)
302953. doi10.1175/MWR3330.1.
51(No Transcript)
52Other events
- July 26, 2006, around 18Z they had a severe
weather event affecting lower Mesopotamia
Valley-Buenos Aires Province-Uruguay, with large
hail causing a lot of property damage over
Buenos Aires City.Aug 11, 2008, between 19-20Z,
supper cell over Uruguay, with an F2 tornado
moving through north-central portions.Aug
15-18, 2008, heavy rainfall event across
srn/central Chile.