Title: Reverend C'C' Banks
1Heres the Pledge Program to Get Over It!
Sept. Oct. 2008
Dear Friends,
How many times have you said this to yourself or
another? We all want to get over something and
move on. This pledge program is designed to help
us release that from consciousness which is
impeding our forward movement. It will help us
identify more with the Good that is God that is
our divine nature and move out of the old
consciousness that has apparently impeded our
wonderful transformation.Here's the deal You
repeat the treatment below for yourself twice a
day. I will treat for each participant daily
(including myself) to get over it, and we will
ask you to share your demonstrations of renewal
and transformation with our church. You, in
gratitude for your personal renewal, will donate
special abundance to our church. It is a win-win
situation! Everyone will be blessed.Here is the
treatment for you to work with
You, Beloved God are the All-Good. You are what I
am and I am what You are, whole, perfect and
complete. My consciousness is Your consciousness,
and I use it to demonstrate greatness. I am free
of all false beliefs and denials. I am free of
all patterns that would imply separation from
You. Excess weight, habits, addictions and
anything else that I formerly believed that I
have needed have been released from my
consciousness and my body forever. I am grateful
I am free. I am over it and I am at-one with
You.And so it is!
Reverend C.C. Banks
2Pledge Program
Sept. Oct. 2008
I, ________________________
(signed by) pledge to tell you my
good news of freedom and to make a
financial gift to FCRSWP
Weight Reduction Pledge
3The Get Over It Pledge Program Treat Twice a Day
You, Beloved God are the All-Good. You are what I
am and I am what You are, whole, perfect and
complete. My consciousness is Your consciousness,
and I use it to demonstrate greatness. I am free
of all false beliefs and denials. I am free of
all patterns that would imply separation from
You. Excess weight, habits, addictions and
anything else that I formerly believed that I
have needed have been released from my
consciousness and my body forever. I am grateful
I am free. I am over it and I am at-one with
You.And so it is!