Title: Musculoskeletal Disorders Part I
1MusculoskeletalDisorders Part I
Osteoporosis Osteomyelitis Osteoarthritis Rheumato
id Arthritis Gout
2MusculoskeletalDisorders Part II
Fractures Amputations
3Manifestations of Fractures
- Pain
- Swelling
- Deformity
- Numbness
- Hematoma Formation
- Muscle spasm
4Emergency Care of Fractures
- Neurovascular Assessment
- Five Ps
- Pain
- Pulses
- Pallor
- Paralysis
- Paresthesia
- Immobilization
- Alignment
- Wound Care
5Diagnosis of Fracture
- X-ray
- Bone Scan
- Lab Studies
- Coagulation studies
6Factors Which Promote Bone Healing
- Local
- Good emergency care and fracture setting
- Ice
- Systemic
- Ca, Vitamin D, Growth Hormone
- Adequate Blood Supply
- Young and Active
- No Infection
7Fracture Treatments
- Medications
- Surgery
- Fixation Devices
- External
- Internal
- Traction
- Casts
- Analgesics
- Antibiotics
- Anticoagulants
- GI Meds
- Constipation
- Ulcer prevention
9Surgical Treatment
10Nursing Care for External Fixation Devices
- Maintain Alignment
- Frequent Neurovascular and Skin Assessments
- Infection Prevention
- Skin care per policy
11Surgical Treatment
12Nursing Care for Internal Fixation Devices
- Neurovasuclar Assessment
- Suture Care
- Hemovac?
- Hazards of Immobility
- Lungs, heart, bowels, legs
- Bucks also called Straight Traction
16Care of the Client in Traction
- Maintain alignment
- Let weight hang free
- Maintain ropes free
- Position client
- Skin Traction
- NO more then 6 pounds of traction per extremity
- Immobilizes Body Part
- Note Composition
- Plaster
- Fiberglass
- Teaching
- No objects in cast
- Keep Dry
- Assess Neurovascular
- Position Sling to prevent neck injuries
- Even distribution of weight
- Alignment
- ID wrinkles in fabric
- Check skin
18Nursing Care ofClient with a Cast
- Neurovascular Checks
- Assess for Infection
- Crutch Walking
- Two Point Gait
- Four Point Gait
- Swing to Gait
- Swing through Gait
19Complications Related to Fractures
- Compartment Syndrome
- Fat Embolism Syndrome
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
20- Compartment Syndrome (CS)
- Fascia Lines the Compartment within the limb
- Increased pressure from hemorrhage or edema
- Pressure from cast being too tight
- Results
- Nerve, vessels, muscles are damaged
22- Fat Embolism Syndrome
- Globules of fat, released from fractured bone
- Fat mixes with platelets
- Emboli travel to lungs, brain, or other areas.
- Clotting cascade activated petechiae
23Assessment of Fat Embolism Syndrome
- Notify MD Immediately
- Dyspnea
- Confusion
- Pulmonary complications
- Pulmonary Edema
- Petechiae
24Treatment of Fat Embolism Syndrome
- Maintain Pulmonary Function
- Intubation
- Ventilation
- Fluid Balance
- Steroid Treatment
- Stabilize Long Bone Fractures
25 26- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Posttraumatic Condition
- Persistent Pain
- Hyperesthesias
- Swelling
- Skin color changes
- Temperature changes
Treatment Sympathetic Nervous System Blocking
Agent (Alpha or Beta Blocker)
27Hip Fracture
28Nursing Care of Client with Hip Fracture
- Neurovascular Assessment
- Nursing Diagnosis
- Acute Pain
- Risk for Infection
- Impaired Mobility
- Impaired Sensory Perception
- Causes
- Trauma
- Infections
- Tumors
31Teaching PrincipalsFor Clients with an Amputation
- Wrap Stump
- Positioning of the Stump
- Stump Exercises
- Physical Activities
- Household modifications
- Referrals for Social Services
32The End