Title: Whole School Planning
2Requires whole school curriculum planning
What is powerful to learn?
What is powerful learning and what promotes it?
Who do we report to?
Victorian Essential Learning Standards
Principles of Learning and Teaching
Students Teachers Parents Community System
How do we know it has been learnt?
Assessment Advice
4Three interwoven purposes To equip students with
capacities to manage themselves as individuals
and in relation to others understand the world in
which they live and act effectively in that
5Victorian Essential Learning Standards
Three core, interrelated strands
Physical, Personal and Social Learning Discipline
-based Learning Interdisciplinary Learning
6Whole School Curriculum Planning Model
7 Evolution or revolution
Steady as she goeswith as little tinkering as
possible. Continue with process of curriculum
changewe have already begun and incorporate
changes as needed. As a catalyst to
reconceptualise the curriculuma big bang or
evolutionary change?
8 Your current school approach
- How would you describe the approach that is
currently used at this school? Is it the same at
all levels of the school? - What are the benefits of this approach for
students? - What does the broader school community think
of this approach? - What are strengths? What are the limitations?
9 Options for whole school planning
- Integrated approach
- Incorporate the interdisciplinary and physical,
personal and social strands of the Standards
into existing discipline-based subjects - Combine all three strands in the context of
extended projects - Other
Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview,
2005 (page 13)
10 Integrated approach
- What are the benefits of this approach for
students? - What would the broader school community think
of this approach? - What are the strengths? And what are the
limitations? - What are the implication issues?
11 Incorporate Physical, Personal and Social and
Interdisciplinary strands into existing
- What are the benefits of this approach for
students? - What would the broader school community think
of this approach? - What are the strengths? And what are the
limitations? - What are the implication issues?
12 Combine all three strands as part of extended
- What are the benefits of this approach for
students? - What would the broader school community think
of this approach? - What are the strengths? And what are the
limitations? - What are the implication issues?
13 How will we implement?
- What do we need to do?
- How will we do this?
- Who will be responsible? How will they be
responsible? - When will we do this?
- How will we know it has been achieved?
14Curriculum Planning Model
15 Evolution or revolution
Steady as she goeswith as little tinkering as
possible. Continue with process of curriculum
changewe have already begun and incorporate
changes as needed. As a catalyst to
reconceptualise the curriculuma big bang or
evolutionary change?