2GPSIts in cars, boats, planes, tractors, golf
carts, cell phones, shoes
3GPS technology has matured into a resource that
goes far beyond its original design goals. These
days scientists, sportsmen, farmers, soldiers,
pilots, surveyors, hikers, delivery drivers,
sailors, dispatchers, lumberjacks, fire-fighters,
and people from many other walks of life are
using GPS in ways that make their work more
productive, safer, and sometimes easier. These
applications fall into five broad
categoriesLocation - determining a basic
position Navigation - getting from one location
to another Tracking - monitoring the movement of
people and things Mapping - creating maps of the
world Timing - bringing precise timing to the
4What is GPS?
- GPS is a satellite-based radio navigation system
that allows anyone anywhere on the planet to
determine their 3D position with great accuracy
and precision. - Because there are still security issues (this was
created by the DOD) there are places where
signals dont always pick up with high precision. - The system does undergo uprades periodically so
signals may not be accurate forever
5Who maintains GPS?
- Russia -GLONASS
- EEC - Under development
6- The system is composed of three segments
- Space - The orbiting satellites
- Control - The monitoring stations on earth
- User - The GPS units such as you will use today.
7The System kind-of In Action
8- A NAVSTAR satellite.
- Life expectancy of about 10 years.new ones are
being put in to orbit annually. - They are approx. 11,000 miles above the earth.
- Each one weighs about 2,000 pounds and span about
17 feet across. - They are powered by solar panels
9- The system is composed of three segments
- Space - The orbiting satellites
- Control - The monitoring stations on earth
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11Our Model The eTrex Legend from Garmin
12The GPS pre-test
- When was GPS first used?
- Sputnik1957
- TRANSIT1960s
- NAVSTAR1970s
13How many satellites make up a GPS?
- 27 at the current time
- 24 to maintain a system
Your GPS receiver must track at least 3
satellites to give you an accurate position
location. 4 for an accurate elevation
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16From Circles to Waves These two graphs both
represent The NAVSTAR constellation of
How would you describe the path of a single
satellite in each graph? How would you
explain the transition from one graph to the
17- Government
- Military
- Agencies - Conservation, Weather, Rescue
- Industry
- Transportation
- Fishing
- Agriculture
- General Public
- Recreation
- Emergency / Security Reasons
- Health Related Reasons
Who uses GPS?
18- Each GPS satellite transmits an accurate position
and time signal. - The users receiver measures the time delay for
the signal to reach the receiver. - Measurements collected from 4 satellites are
processed to solve for the 3D position, velocity
and time.
How does GPS Work?
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20 21Your Task Outside
1) Get a locked reading on your unit. 2) Chose a
direction either east-west, or north-south. 3)
Walk along the direction vector until the reading
on your unit changes. 4) Design a method for
finding the circumference of the earth based on
your observations.
22What you discovered outside.
1) Did you all get the exact same reading? 2) How
did you know your direction? 3) How many paces
until the reading on your unit changed? 4) What
was your method for finding the circumference of
the earth? 5) Would the circumference be the
same for N/S as E/W?
23A Sample Lesson
From Mission Mathematics A NASA/NCTM Project
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26How Does This Fit Into a Math Class?!
- Pre Algebra Latitude and Longitude, Integers
- Algebra I Linear Systems, Absolute Value
- Geometry Degree Measure, Circles, Spherical
Geometry - Algebra II Systems of Circles, 3D Graphing
27How Does This Fit Into a Math Class?!
- Trigonometry Orbits as Sinusoids, Bearing,
- College Algebra Conic Sections, 3D Systems
- Pre Calculus Accuracy, Precision, Error
- Calculus
- Discrete Math Circuits, Paths, Triangulation
28Available Materials
Overview of GPS http//www.utexas.edu/depts/grg/
gcraft/notes/gps/gps.html U.S. Coast Guard
http//www.navcen.uscg.mil Inst. of Navigation
http//www.ion.org GLONASS info
http//www.rssi.ru/SFCSIC/SFCSIC_main .html GPS
sites http//www.inmet.com/pwt/gp
s_gen.htm "GPS for Fun"
http//www.gps4fun.com SpatialTek
http//www.mapfacts.com/gps/history.asp Craig
Haggart http//vancouverwebpages.com/pete
r/gpswork.txt Trimble http//www.trimble.
com/gps/ Science Junction http//www.ncsu.edu/
science junction Lesson Plans