Title: ELEE6374 Advanced Digital System Design
1ELEE6374 Advanced Digital System Design
- Lecture 6 Behavior Descriptions II
- 02/12/07
2Learning objectives
- Explain conditional statements using if and else.
- Describe multiway branching, using case, casex
and casez statements. - Understand looping statements such as for, while,
repeat and forever.
3Activity Flow Control ( if else )
- if ( A lt B ) S_reg S 1
- if ( B lt C )
- if ( a gt b )
- begin
- end
- if ( A lt B ) P d
- else P k
- if ( A gt B ) P d
- else if ( A lt B ) P k
- else if
- else P Q
- Three types of if statements
- Syntax if ( expression ) statement else
statement - Multiple statements for a case must be grouped
using begin and end. - Value of expression
- 0, x or z gt false
- Non-zero number gt true
4Conditional Operator ( ? )
- Conditional operator can be applied in
- either continuous assignments
- or behavioral descriptions
- always _at_ ( posedge clock or negedge reset)
- if (reset 0) y_out0
- else y_out ( sel ) ? a b a b
always _at_ ( posedge clock or negedge reset) if
(reset 0) y_out0 else if (sel) y_out a
b else y_out a b
5The case Statement
- module mux4 ( a, b, c, d, select, yout )
- input a, b, c, d
- input 10 select
- output yout
- reg yout
- always _at_( a or b or c or d or select )
- begin
- case ( select )
- 0 yout a
- 1 yout b
- 2 yout c
- 3 yout d
- default yout 1bx
- endcase
- endmodule
- Case items are examined in order
- Exact match between case expression and case
item, same bit-length. - Case-item may be a single or a block statement.
- default is optional.
- caseendcase
- casex dont care bits with x and z
- casez dont care bits with z
6Expression Matching in case Construct
- always _at_ ( pulse )
- casez ( word )
- 8b0000????
- repeat
- for loop
- while loop
- forever
- disable
8The repeat Loop
- word_address 0
- repeat ( memory_size )
- begin
- memory word_address 0
- word_address word_address 1
- end
9The for Loop
- reg 150 regA
- integer k
- for ( k 4 k k k 1 )
- begin
- regA k10 0
- regA k2 1
- end
Loop variables have to be either integer or reg
10The while Loop
- begin cnt1s
- reg 70 tmp
- cnt 0
- tmp regA
- while ( tmp )
- begin
- cnt cnt tmp0
- tmp tmp gtgt 1
- end
- end
Loop activities suspend external activities
- module sth ( externalSig )
- input externalSig
- always
- begin
- while ( externalSig )
- end
- endmodule
Replacement for while ?
11The disable Statement
- begin
- k 0
- for ( k 0 k lt 15 k k 1 )
- if ( word k 1 ) disable
- end
Terminate prematurely in a block of procedural
12The forever Loop
- parameter half_cycle 50
- initial
- begin clock_loop
- clock 0
- forever
- begin
- half_cycle clock 1
- half_cycle clock 0
- end
- end
- initial
- 350 disable clock_loop
13always and forever
- Defined within a module
- Implement only combinational behavior
- Compute and return a value for given parameters
- Have no timing/event control
- May call other functions, not itself
- Can be referenced anywhere an expression can
exist - Function name serves as the output variable
- Must have at least one input port
15Example of Function
module word_aligner (w_in, w_out) input 70
w_in output 70 w_out assign w_out
align (w_in) function 70 align
input 70 word begin align
word if (align ! 0) while
(align7 0) align align ltlt
1 end endfunction endmodule
16Example (1) 16-1 mux using function
17Examples (2) clock divider
18Example (3) 4-bit shift register
19Example (4) 74LS163
20Verilog model of 74LS163
21Simulation results