The Business School Preparing for Placement Sally Western - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Business School Preparing for Placement Sally Western


Tell me more about your part time job. What makes you the best candidate for this placement? ... on-line and paper based. Personality Questionnaires. Not a test' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Business School Preparing for Placement Sally Western

The Business SchoolPreparing for
PlacementSally Western
  • Interviews, Tests and Assessment Centres

What happens next?
  • One or more of the following the order can vary
  • Pre-screening
  • Telephone interview
  • On-line psychometric test
  • 1st interview
  • 2nd interview
  • Assessment centre

Types of interview
  • Face to face or telephone
  • 11 or panel
  • Formal or informal
  • Technical or personnel
  • Structured/Competencies/Situational
  • 1st, 2nd or as part of assessment centre

The interviewers agenda
  • Can the applicant do the job?
  • Qualifications / experience / aptitude
  • Will s/he do the job?
  • Attitude / approach / motivation
  • Will s/he fit in?
  • Personality / style / flexibility of approach

Your agenda
  • Gather information to determine
  • Can you do the job? / Will you enjoy
  • the work? / Will you feel at home in the
  • organisation?
  • Emphasise your key selling points
  • Ask questions at the end

Preparation is KEY
  • One chance to make a good impression!
  • Practical
  • Mental
  • Psychological

Practical Preparation
  • How are you going to get there?
  • Where are you going?
  • What time?
  • Who are you meeting?
  • Whats the format?
  • Will you take anything with you?
  • What will you wear?

Mental Preparation
  • Know yourself, the job, the organisation
  • Current affairs/commercial awareness
  • Re read your application
  • Prepare outline answers DONT SCRIPT!
  • What would YOU like to know if you were the
  • Your questions

Psychological Preparation
  • Approach it with confidence enthusiasm
  • Forget any mistakes move on!
  • Breathe relax
  • Visualise
  • Positive affirmations

The interview itself
  • Dress appropriately
  • Give a firm handshake
  • Keep a good posture throughout
  • Maintain good eye contact
  • Look and sound interested and enthusiastic
    smiling helps a lot
  • How you come across is as important as what you

Skills employers seek
  • Analytical ability
  • Commercial awareness
  • Computer literacy
  • Decision-making
  • Influencing
  • Initiative
  • Leadership
  • Negotiation
  • Networking
  • Oral communication
  • Planning
  • Presentation
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-management
  • Team-working
  • Tenacity
  • Time-management
  • Willingness to learn
  • Written communication

Their Questions
  • Be yourself
  • Dont lie
  • Avoid just yes and no
  • Think before you speak practise this!
  • Ask for clarification
  • Discriminatory questions politely decline

Difficult Questions
  • They want your answer AND to see how you react
  • Accentuate the positive
  • Minimise the negative

Answering the questions!
  • The Question
  • How good an organiser are you?
  • The Evidence
  • How have you demonstrated organisational skills?
  • The Personal Contribution
  • What was your contribution / what did you learn /
  • would you do differently next time?
  • The General Situation
  • What makes a good/bad organiser / why is it
    important to
  • recruit people with organisational skills?

Typical interview questions
  • Why did you choose Business Studies?
  • What have you gained from your course so far?
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • How would your friends describe you?
  • How do you approach a project?
  • Tell me more about your part time job.
  • What makes you the best candidate for this

  • Getting an interview means you are well on the
    way to getting a job
  • Interviewers want you to succeed
  • Interviews are never perfect
  • Reflect on your performance and learn from it
    (obtain feedback where possible)

  • DVD
  • Making an Impact

Psychometric tests
  • Aptitude
  • or
  • Personality

  • Numerical and Verbal. Sometimes Diagrammatical
  • On-line or at an assessment centre or both
  • Why? To see how you perform/react
  • Standardised scores against a norm group
  • No set pass rate depends on the company and
    what theyre looking for

Aptitude Tests cont.
  • Classroom/ exam conditions
  • Read/listen to instructions
  • Watch the clock and work quickly
  • Dont worry if you dont finish
  • Practise if you can on-line and paper based

Personality Questionnaires
  • Not a test
  • No right or wrong answers just be true to
  • Certain characteristics may have been earmarked
    as required for a specific position, but trying
    to guess what answer to give seldom works
  • May still be timed
  • Less common for placement recruitment than for
    graduate recruitment

Second Interviews Assessment Centres
  • One or two days
  • Social events
  • Group activities (discussion, role-play, business
    games, case studies etc.)
  • Individual tasks (in-tray exercises, report
    writing, aptitude tests, etc.)
  • Presentations
  • Interviews

  • Would you provide this answer???

  • Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
    it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
    wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
    frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The
    rset can be a ttoal mses and you can sitll raed
    it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
    mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but
    the wrod as a wlohe.

Q If you were given the capital to start a
business, what would it be and how would you see
off the competition?
  • A I would start a business concerning
  • As for the competition innovative services and
    competitive prices.

Q If you were given the capital to start a
business, what would it be and how would you see
off the competition?
  • A I would open fitness centre, whereby instead
    of having multiple indoor sports-machines,
    members would be equipped with a clip-on callery
    distance counter and encouraged to run through
    the scenic grounds of the centre rather than
    indoors. In order to see off the competition I
    would offer a reduced membership rate to any
    members who have been referred to the centre via
    the NHS. I would advertise this offer at local

Q If you were given the capital to start a
business, what would it be and how would you see
off the competition?
  • A My business would be called Auto-Garage. It
    would fit pop-up garages into household
    gardens. The business would be to build a car
    space under the ground and at the press of a
    button, lift it up to allow you to drive your car
    into it. When the button is again pressed the
    garage lowers back under the ground. This would
    allow parking congestion to be relieved from the
    public roads and enable garages to be fitted
    without ruining restricted garden space in towns.
    As a result it would receive a good response from
    planning committees.
  • A unique way of overcoming the competition other
    than protection through patents would be to
    ensure that the product is top quality and
    competitively priced, with good installation and
    after sales service. It would not be possible to
    stop other similar ideas competing but quality
    and efficiency would ensure that the competition
    was reduced.

GROUP EXERCISESExamples of topics used by
  • There should be a 2m limit on the lottery
  • This country has too few roads, not too many.
    What is needed is a proper motorway network
  • Everyone should be made to have a year out
    between school and university

Tips on Assessment Centres
  • Be yourself
  • Contribute
  • Research
  • Designed to fit round pegs into round holes

Useful resources
  • - for information,
    advice, workshops and employer events
  • Links from our website to test providers so you
    can practise on-line tests
  • Careers Centre leaflets
  • AGCAS booklet Going for Interviews
  • DVD Why ask me that?
  • Practice aptitude test sessions / booklets/ books
  • Quick Advice Desk (15 minutes)
  • Mock interviews

  • Thank you for attending these sessions.
  • I hope you have found them useful.
  • If you need any more assistance please visit us
    in person or on-line
  • Best of luck next year
  • Sally
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