Title: Standards Based Reporting
1Standards Based Reporting
- Gorham School Department
- Gorham, Maine
- October 2007
2What is Standards Based Reporting?
- Part of a Comprehensive Reporting System
- Communicates student achievement in relation to
End-Of-Year Standards - Is based upon the Maine Learning Results and
Gorham Curriculum - Reports effort and participation separately
3Why Use Standards Based Reporting?
- The State of Maine adopted the Maine Learning
Results which define what students are to know
and be able to do. - The Maine Learning Results Parameters for
Essential Instruction establish parameters for
essential teaching and learning in grades - Pre-Kindgarten through diploma across eight
content areas. (August 14. 2007)
4Why Use Standards Based Reporting?
- The Maine Learning Results are consistent
throughout our state. - These standards, embedded within our curriculum,
are the focus of our instruction K-12. We should
be teaching to these standards in each of our
classrooms - Therefore.
5Why Use Standards Based Reporting?
- It makes sense to report
- student performance
- toward standards!
6It Is All About Teaching And Learning
- Students learning, rather than teachers
teaching is increasingly seen to be at the crux
of the educational process. The emphasis has
moved from inputs to outcomes. - Bryson, (1998)
7It Is Also About CHANGE.
- Problems all require people in the
organization not just to do their work
differently. - but to think differently about the nature and
purpose of their work. - R. Elmore (2002)
8A Few Thoughts About Change
- Its not so much that were afraid of
- change
- but its that place in between that we fear.
- Its like being between trapezes.
- Marilyn Ferguson
9A Few Thoughts About Change
- Nothing is so dear
- as what youre about to leave.
- Jessamyn West,
- American Writer
10Managing Transitions
- Managing transitions involves the process of
going though three phases - 1. Ending, Losing, Letting Go
- 2. The Neutral Zone
- 3. The New Beginning
- William Bridges
- Managing Transitions, Making the Most of Change
11The Puzzle of Teaching and Learning
Student Accountability
High Academic Expectations
Climate and Conditions For Learning
Reporting Student Progress
Professional Development
12 Reporting Student Progress Towards Standards
Standards Based Report Cards
Progress Reports
School and Teacher Newsletters
Assessment Reports NWEA MEA CBM
Parent Teacher Conferences
Exhibits or Portfolios of Student Work
Technology Based Communication
Open House
Parent Contact
- The more communication that occurs using all
aspects of the Reporting System, the less crucial
role the Report Card plays. - The less communication that occurs, the more
critical it is that the Report Card communicate
student progress.
14Where Are We In Gorham?K-2
- 10 teachers used SBR in K-2 last year. They
shared their experience with staff, and provided
feedback to the SBR committee. - Parent surveys were conducted last spring in K-2
pilot classrooms. - Additional teachers in K-2 will participate this
year. - Parent information will be a focus.
15Where Are We In Gorham?3rd, 4th 5th Grades
- Teachers worked in teams to develop rubrics and
align portfolio collections with SBR standards. - Teachers will pilot SBR this year, feedback will
be obtained from teachers. - Grade level teams will continue to work together
this year. - Parent information will be a focus.
16Where Are We In Gorham?Middle School
- Several teachers attended a conference on SBR
with Jeff Valance last spring. - Jeff Valance provided a full day inservice to
administrators 6 12 this past August. - 7 teachers worked over the summer to develop a
DRAFT SBR Report and will pilot the system
beginning this fall. - Continued staff involvement and training will
occur this year. - Parent information will be a focus.
17Where Are We In Gorham?High School
- Last year teachers identified 3 5 standards for
each class taught. - This year teachers developed a rubric for Habits
of Mind (Participation and Preparedness) - Creating and piloting a SBR Report Card will
occur this year. - Parent information will be a focus.
18Question Are We Doing Away With Letter Grades?
- NoThose grade levels, including Middle School
and High School will report progress toward
standards AND continue with letter grades as they
have previously. - Honors and High Honors will continue to be
designated as they have previously.
19Question Are Letter Grades and SBR Inconsistent?
- Yesif letters grades are given in the
traditional manner. - Howeverwe recognize the significant role they
play for teachers, students and parents. - We believe more effective grading and reporting
practices need to be developed over time. - Questions of transcripts and post high school
impacts will need to be resolved before we
consider changes to letter grades.
20Question How Complicated Is SBR For Teachers?
- Many school districts across the country have
developed SBR systems that are very lengthy and
difficult to understand. - We have determined that Gorham will use a system
that is reasonable, understandable, and focused
on standards. - Our system will be revised over time.
21Question Does Homework Still Matter?
- Homework, when used properly, can provide
additional practice and extend learning. - In a Standards Based system, the emphasis is on
demonstrated progress toward the standards using
multiple assessments. The role of homework in
determining that progress should be minimal.
22Question How Do We Accomplish This Work?
- By working collaboratively, teachers can share
ideas and information. This will make the work
easier, and will result in greater consistency
between teachers. - Time to work together continues to be available
through a variety of avenues, including inservice
and early release days. - Resource people, with experience in SBR, are
available if requested by school staff.
23Question Will This Go Away Like So Many Ideas
In The Past?
- Not likely.
- For the past twenty years, every state has moved
to a system of clearly identified standards. - No Child Left Behind was the most recent
legislation requiring increased learning and
assessment with identified annual goals for ALL
students. - Far too many students are failing, graduating
with inadequate skills, many other student drop
out, in an era when at least two years of post
high school education is the norm.
24Whats Next?
- Continue or begin pilot K-12 this year.
- Continue staff training and involvement in SBR.
- Share information with parents through meetings,
newsletters, web sites, and personal
communications. - Linking SBR to technology such as PowerSchool.
- Prepare for full implementation fall 2008.
25Thank You!
- To members of the SBR Committee K-12
- Sharon Wescott Terry Bryson
- Barb Hauke Jane Seidenberg
- Laurie Tibbitts Stacey Sawyer
- Rolande Paolino Frank DeFrancesco
- Sara Needleman Lila Mitchell
- Ray Mathieu Amy Smith
- Karen Rumery John Drisko
26Thank You!
- To teachers who participated in the pilot program
2006-07. - To teachers who will participate in the pilot
program this year. - To teachers who participated in summer curriculum
work on SBR. - To the Gorham Administrators for leadership and
support. -