Introduction to Space Mission Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Space Mission Design


Objectives, requirements and constraints are flexible and can potentially be ... What limits driver: Shroud or bay size, available weight, aerodynamic drag ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Space Mission Design

Introduction to Space Mission Design
  • Prof. Solomon
  • Prof Coverstone
  • September 10, 2009

Elements of Space Mission Design
Create Several Potential Mission Concepts and
  • Step 1 Review the preliminary list of
    requirements and constraints.
  • Objectives, requirements and constraints are
    flexible and can potentially be negotiated if you
    uncover unrealistic requirements and constraints.
  • Step 2 Create potential top-level mission
  • Key trade-offs and issues in the mission concept.
  • Number of international partners, if any
  • National interests or national security issues
    favoring a national mission only.
  • Economic/political considerations and unique
    skills favoring an international mission
  • Scope of mission in terms of funding
  • Schedule constraints, consistent with planned
    observatory deployments
  • Construction sequence
  • Maintenance concept (if any)

Create Several Alternative Mission Concepts and
Architectures (Cont.)
  • Step 2 (Create potential top-level mission
    concepts cont.)
  • Key aspects of the mission concept
  • System Robustness (reliability)
  • Key trades level of redundancy and design
  • Tasking, scheduling and control
  • Key trades Level of autonomy at destination
    facilities and Earth, central vs. distributed
    control, task distribution between people and
  • Communications architecture
  • Key trades data rates, timeliness of
  • Mission timeline
  • Key trades deployment/retirement strategy,
    construction sequence, level of timeline
  • Step 3 Define the subject characteristics.
  • Mission subject is typically defined in the
    mission statement
  • The subject of the mission is the thing which
    interacts with or is sensed by the space payload.
  • Radiation environment, measure magnetotail and
    magnetosheath, etc.
  • Step 4 Identify key payload issues.
  • Launcher, space propulsion and configuration of
    spacecraft (s)
  • Methodology to Size the vehicles, and determine
    number of vehicles in the constellation, space
    transportation methodology

Create Alternative Mission Concepts and
Architectures (Cont.)
  • Step 5 Characterize destination orbit.
  • Overall configuration
  • Trajectories and orbit (s) of interest
  • Mass properties by mission phase
  • Total system mass, dry mass by subsystem and
    consumables mass, mass moments of inertia
  • Reliability
  • Approach to redundancy
  • Subsystem characteristics
  • Power
  • Solar or other, body-mounted vs pointed arrays,
    Average and peak power provided, storage
  • Attitude control
  • Attitude determination and control
    approach,operating modes, sensor and actuator

Create Alternative Mission Concepts and
Architectures (Cont.)
  • Step 5 (Characterize destination operations
  • Telemetry and command
  • Command/telemetry format, telemetry storage
    capacity, number of channels by type
  • Communications
  • Uplink and downlink data rates, time delay,
    overall architecture
  • Computer
  • Speed and memory, data architecture
  • Space Propulsion
  • Type of technology, propellant and dry mass,
    sizes of thrusters
  • Structures
  • Configuration post boost vehicle, structure of
    nanosat (s)
  • Thermal and Environmental
  • Heaters, amount of heat dissipated, radiator area
    and orientation
  • Overall system parameters
  • Mission duration, level of autonomy (human vs
    computer workload), methodology of
    transportation, deployment, ground segment,
    formation flying (?), cooperative spacecrafts (?)

Create Potential Alternate Mission Concepts and
Architectures (Cont.)
  • Step 6 Define orbit and transfer trajectories.
  • Earth orbit altitude, inclination, eccentricity,
    argument of perigee for non-circular orbits
  • Delta-V budget for orbit transfer
  • Transfer orbital parameters
  • Delta-V budget for insertion into L-2 orbit
  • Constellation orbit (s)
  • Launch windows opportunities vs anticipated solar
  • Step 7 Select launch and orbit transfer
  • Alternatives for the transportation element
  • Number of launches by mission phase
  • Mass, volume, size of payload per launch from
  • Launch vehicle
  • Atlas, Delta, STS, Titan, Pegasus, Ariane, etc.
  • Upper stage
  • Pam-D, IUS, TOS, Centaur, integral propulsion
  • Launch site
  • Kennedy, Vandenberg, Baikonur and Kourou

Create Alternative Mission Concepts and
Architectures (Cont. Step 7)
  • Step 7 (Select launch and orbit transfer vehicles
  • Total mass to orbit by phase
  • Include strategy regarding number and types of
    launch systems to be used
  • For each launch system, the following information
    should be provided
  • Cargo and payload bay size and shape
  • Maximum accelerations
  • Axial and lateral vibration frequencies and
  • Acoustic frequencies and magnitudes
  • Orbital insertion accuracy
  • Interfaces to deployment system

Create Alternate Mission Concepts and
Architectures (Cont.)
  • Step 8 Select the mission operations approach.
  • Operations automation level
  • Fully automated ground stations, part-time
    operations, full time (24 hr) operations, full
    ground command and control, partial autonomy,
    full autonomy (not yet readily available)
  • Command, control and communications architecture
  • Timeliness
  • Store and dump, real time link
  • Control and data dissemination
  • Single or multiple ground stations, direct to
    user, user commanding, commercial links
  • Relay mechanism
  • TDRSS, satellite-to-satellite crosslinks,
    commercial communications relay
  • Mission operations characteristics
  • Communications architecture at L-2
  • Downlink and uplink path design
  • Number and distribution of surface-based and
    space-based stations

Create Alternate Mission Concepts and
Architectures (Step 8, Cont.)
  • Step 8 (Select the mission operations approach
  • Relay satellites, if used
  • Communications link budget
  • Space-to-ground data rates
  • Earth-based systems
  • Use of existing or dedicated facilities
  • Required transmit and receive characteristics
  • Required data handling
  • Other operation characteristics
  • Software lines of code to be created vs number of
    operational personnel
  • Full-time or part-time staffing
  • Amount of commanding required
  • Timeliness of data distribution

Create Potential Alternative Mission Concepts
and Architectures (Cont.)
  • Step 9 Integrate steps 2-8 into a possible
    mission architecture.
  • Identify the elements/components that are subject
    to trade
  • Identify the main options for each tradable
  • Construct a trade tree of available options
  • Look for other alternatives
  • Step 10 Estimate life-cycle cost and assess
  • Options are parametric, analogous, and bottoms-up
    methods for costing
  • For concept exploration, we use only the first
    two because we lack a detailed definition of the
    design. At this level, we simply want relative
    comparisons rather than absolute estimates, so we
    can accept the greater uncertainty in this these

Summarize Mission Concepts and Architectures
  • Step 11 Evaluate, document and iterate.
  • At this point we need to evaluate how well our
    concept meets the mission requirements.
  • We must document all our steps so we have a
    record of what weve done for the next iteration.
    (Preliminary Design Report)
  • Finally, we must go back to the beginning of the
    design process and continue to refine the design
    until we are satisfied with the final design.

Identify System Drivers and Critical Requirements
  • Common System Drivers (significantly influence
    the overall cost, performance and design of
    detailed components)
  • Number of launches required
  • What limits driver Availability of launch
    system, cost of launching
  • What driver limits Payload delivery capability
    (maximum volume and mass)
  • Mass required at L-2
  • What limits driver Capability of launch
    element, capability of space element
  • What driver limits Size and capability of
    orbiting vehicle
  • Size
  • What limits driver Shroud or bay size,
    available weight, aerodynamic drag
  • What driver limits Payload delivery capability
    (maximum volume and mass)

Identify System Drivers and Critical Requirements
  • Common System Drivers ( continued)
  • Power supply
  • What driver limits Size of system, physical
    location of system, system lifetime
  • Data rate
  • What limits driver Storage, processing, antenna
    sizes, limits of existing systems, Power
  • What driver limits Information sent to user
  • Communication
  • What limits driver Coverage, availability of
    ground stations or relay satellites
  • What driver limits Available information,
    timeliness, ability to command, autonomy

Identify System Drivers and Critical Requirements
  • Common System Drivers ( continued)
  • Number of spacecraft
  • What limits driver Cost, system size, logistics
    support for space transportation system, mission
  • What driver limits Payload delivery capability,
    Delivery concept
  • Scheduling
  • What limits driver Timeline and operations,
    decision making, communications
  • What driver limits Timeliness of Data Delivery
  • Operations
  • What limits driver Cost, communications
  • What driver limits Frequently principal cost
    driver, principal error source, pushes demand for
    autonomy for longer missions

Baseline a Mission Concept and Architecture
  • Review the overall mission objectives.
  • Develop various mission concepts.
  • Review the various mission concepts with
    life-cycle costs.
  • Pick the concept that best meets the objectives.
  • This becomes teams baseline design.
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