1Regional State of The Natural Environment
Reportyour role in its futureDavid Shaw
Regional Advocacy Partnerships Manager
2State of the natural environment in Yorkshire
and the Humber
- State of the Natural Environment Report 2008
- Regional state of the natural environment
- Yorkshire and the Humber report an overview
- The report in detail
- Where to find the report
3State of the Natural Environment 2008
- Three Objectives
- To set a baseline.
- Make the information widely available.
- Inform policy, decision makers and research
priorities. - Report available at
- www.naturalengland.org.uk/publications/sone
4Regional State of the Natural Environment reports
- Regional SoNE produced for each English region.
- Focus on
- Advocacy to policy and decision makers
- on issues where NE needs more help.
- describes action to take
- Does not focus on
- Agri-environment schemes (Delivery mechanism)
- Biodiversity (Regional Biodiversity Strategy)
5Yorkshire and the Humber the Big Five
- In YH we have identified the following key
thematic themes - Climate change adaptation
- Green Infrastructure
- Environment and health
- Landscape conservation
- Marine conservation
6In slightly more detail...
What will I find in Yorkshire and the Humbers
State of the Natural Environment Report?
7Part one Five Thematic ThemesExample
Environment Health
8Environment Health
9Part 2 - State of the natural environment data
- Subjects covered include
- geology soils
- landscape
- SSSI condition
- access
- agri-environment scheme coverage
10Key contacts
11And finally...
- If you would like further hard copies of the
document please contact - lyndon.marquis_at_naturalengland.org.uk
- Access it electronically on Natural Englands
internet site via the regional pages - www.naturalengland.org.uk/regions/yorkshire_and_th