- An expanding Medical-Technology group with
- Focus on comprehensive solutions for
- infection control, surgical systems and
- care of elderly and disabled people
- Customers Acute care Long term
care Industry / Laboratories - Net Sales 8.1 billion SEK
- Associates 5 300
- Manufacturing I8 production units in 9 countries
- Distribution 80 sales companies in 25
countries Distributors in I00 countries
2Getinge Group Objectives
- Strategic
- To develop world leading positions in prioritized
niches of the health care industry
3Getinge Group Objectives
- Strategic
- To develop world leading positions in prioritized
niches of the health care industry - Financial
- To increase profit before tax with an average of
I5 per annum - Internally generated cash flow to sustain an
external growth rate of I0 per annum
4Business Area Extended Care
5Extended Care
Market development Q 2 (msek)
6Extended Care
Results Q 2 (msek)
7Business Area Infection Control
Health Care
Load Handling
Complete systems forCentral Processing
Departments, Outpatient Surgery,
Wards,Infectious Waste, Microbiology, Pharmacies
8Business Area Infection Control
9Infection Control
Market development Q 2 (msek)
10Infection Control
Results Q 2 (msek)
11Business Area Surgical Systems
12Surgical Systems
Market development Q 2 (msek)
13Surgical Systems
Results Q 2 (msek)
14Group Focus 2002 - 2004
- Infection ControlTo create a customer focused
group from a federationof companies acquired
over the last I0 years - Extended Care
- Focus on growth from a solid platform through
product innovation, Market penetration and
geographical expansion - Surgical Systems
- To create a global leader in the field of
surgical work stations as a platform for further
growth in the surgical systems market
15Getinge AB
Results (msek)
16Getinge AB
Balance sheets (msek)