Title: ARE 290 Spring 2006
1 ARE 290 Spring 2006 Economic and Environmental
Tradeoffs in Agricultural Systems Integrating
Bio-Physical and Economic Models
- Assignment 10 discussion
- Model calibration validation
- Carbon sequestration implementation in MK model
2 ARE 290 Spring 2006 Economic and Environmental
Tradeoffs in Agricultural Systems Integrating
Bio-Physical and Economic Models
3(No Transcript)
4Homework 10 Discussion
- Note sensitivity of System 0 to INP1
- Changing model parameters sensitivity of
intercept useful to re-estimate model with
parameter restriction imposed so model predicts
correctly in the base case.
5Model Calibration
- Model equations should predict sample means if
model is correctly formulated - But land allocation is based on assumption of
expected returns needs to be validated - Models represent population means, not generally
equal to individual expectations which should
vary in the population - E.g., V f(x) u is population model,
calibrated model to represent variation in
individual expectations could be V f(x) ?u, 0
lt ? lt 1, so that variability of expected V is
less than variability in the population. - Similarly, could define expected price as P
g(z) ?w if price expectations vary less than
actual prices. - Also may adjust expected prices to reflect.
- Calibration can be considered analogous to
estimation this concept could be formalized
(research topic!)
6Model Validation
- But land allocation is based on assumption of
expected returns needs to be validated - Compare mean land allocation to simulated values
mean of binomial distribution is sufficient
7Note on Modeling Log-Normal Expected Values
When output is modeled as V f(x)eu be aware
that the mean of V is E(V) f(x) exp(?2/2),
where Var(u) ?2 In other words, when
simulating expected V, the correct value is as
above. Note that since exp(?2/2) gt 1, f(x) is an
underestimate of E(V).
8Carbon Sequestration in MK Model
- Supplemental reading www.tradeoffs.montana.edu/pu
blications (carbon sequestration and poverty) - Contract design
- Market imperfections constrain input use
- Contract requires fertilizer and OM input and
makes them available at market price - C payments not likely to be sufficient to cover
cost of fertilizer, e.g., in Machakos 60 kgN
600 kgOM gives carbon rate of 0.3 MgC/ha/season
carbon price50/MgC gives 15/season, or 38 kgN. - Access to OM is likely to be a binding
constraint, may lead to endogenous price. - Verification changes in land use can be verified
at low cost, but changes in input use may be
difficult. Will need low-cost enforcement
mechanisms (e.g., self-enforcement) or risk of
default likely to be high as in financial
markets. - Risk
- Increasing N may increase production risk, but OM
likely to reduce it (do data support this?) - Other soil conservation practices (terracing)
likely to reduce risk - PES less risky than agricultural returns.
9Carbon and Poverty
- Scenario implementation
- C rates for partial adopters for those using
zero nutrient inputs the carbon rate is C0. For
those using a positive amount less than the
contract rate xC, we assume the rate is - C (xC xB)/ xC
- -- C rate with multiple inputs Ci Si C0, i
fert, manure. - -- Contract duration make contract participation
decision in cycle 1, must remain in contract for
duration (permanence problem) - -- note incorporation of contract rates of input
in output equations - -- note opportunty cost of residue incorporation
must be included in expected returns under
10Simulated participation in carbon contracts,
Machakos, Kenya
11Simulated participation in carbon contracts,
Senegal Peanut Basin (R denotes percent of crop
residue incorporation, TC denotes transaction
cost in dollars per hectare per season)
12Rate of change in soil carbon versus poverty gap
with carbon contracts, Machakos, Kenya (Left-most
point corresponds to a zero carbon price, the
price increases to 200/MgC at the right-most
13Rate of change in soil carbon versus poverty gap
with carbon contracts, Senegal peanut basin
(Left-most point corresponds to a zero carbon
price, the price increases to 200/MgC at the
right-most point R denotes percent of crop
residue incorporation required in the carbon
14Rate of change in soil carbon versus poverty gap
with carbon contracts, Senegal peanut basin
(Left-most point corresponds to a zero carbon
price, the price increases to 200/MgC at the
right-most point R denotes percent of crop
residue incorporation required in the carbon
15JP and GME estimates of mean production
elasticities for maize production in Machakos,