Title: Departamento de Fsica Curso Electivo INTRODUCCIN A PELCULAS DELGADAS
1Departamento de Física - Curso ElectivoINTRODUCCI
- Física de películas delgadas
- Crecimiento de películas
- Caracterización de películas
- Propiedades de películas
Segundo Período 2003 Profesora María Elena Gómez
2Departamento de Física - Curso ElectivoINTRODUCCI
- II Crecimiento de películas
- Vacuum and kinetic theory of gases
- Evaporation
- Sputtern deposition
- Cathodic arc deposition
- Molecular beam epitaxy
- Chemical vapor deposition
Segundo Período 2003 Profesora María Elena Gómez
31. Vacuum and kinetic theory of gases
Departamento de Física Curso Electivo INTRODUCCIÓN
- Pressure and Vacuum
- Pressure Conversion Calculator
- Ideal Gas Law
- Kinetic Theory of Gasses - Gas Flow
- Kinetic Theory of Gasses - Interactions with
surface - Vapor Pressure
4Kinetic Theory of Gasses
- Pressure and Vacuum
- Many thin film processes involve vacuum.
- "vacuum" lower molecular density than in our
atmosphere - results in a lower pressure of gas - so typically
measure this - MANY different units are commonly used
- Composition of gas in vacuum chamber is very
different from atmosphere - pumps remove certain gasses preferentially
5Pressure and Vacuum
6Pressure and Vacuum
Composition of gas in vacuum chamber is very
different from atmosphere
7Ideal Gas Law
- much of vacuum technology can be understood from
the ideal gas law - the equation of state of an ideal gas
- Where P absolute pressure V volume N
number of gas molecules kB Boltzmann's
constant T gas temperature (in K)
8Kinetic Theory of Gasses - Gas Flow
- Assumptions
- Gasses are composed of a very large number of
very small particles. - "very small" gt very small compared to the
distance between particles - Particles are always moving rapidly in a straight
line. - Particles exert no forces except during
collisions - Freeze other molecules and examine motion of one
9What is the distribution of velocities ?
- Maxwell velocity distribution
- higher T shifts curve to right broadens and
lowers it - lighter mass shifts curve to right broadens and
lowers it
10How fast are the molecules moving ?
- m masa of the
- molecule
- Not surprising The hotter it is, the faster
they move - The lighter they are, the faster they
move -
- How far does a molecule travel before it collides
with another molecule ? - ? mean free path d diameter of a molecule
- n number per unit volume
11Kinetic Theory of Gasses - Gas Flow
- mean free path
- For air at room temperature
12Gas Flow
- three regimes
- viscous flow
- intermediate (transition) flow
- molecular flow
- viscous flow
- mean free path ltlt size of the system (D)
- gas - gas collisions dominate
- molecules "drag" one another along in the flow
- when D(cm) P (Torr) gt 0.5 (for air at room
13Gas Flow (2)
- intermediate (transition) flow
- mean free path comparable to size of system (D)
- complicated flow
- molecular flow
- mean free path gtgt size of system
- gas - wall collisions dominate
- molecules move independently of one another
- when D(cm) P (Torr) lt 0.005 (for air at room
14Kinetic Theory of Gasses - Interactions with
- How many gas molecules collide with a surface
each second ? - ? collision rate of gas molecules
- ? 0.25 n vrms , where n number of molecules
per unit volume vrms average velocity of a gas
molecule - In terms of magnitudes we can directly measure
M is the
molecular -
weight of the gas -
molecule -
- Example chamber with nitrogen (N2),at room
temperature (293 K) and a pressure of 1 x 10-7
torr molecular weight M 28 - ? 3.88 x 1013 molecules/cm2-sec
15Interactions with surface (2)
- How long does it take to form a single complete
layer of gas on a surface ? - tm time to form a monolayer (in seconds)
- n number of molecules per unit volume
- vrms average velocity of the molecules
- d diameter of a molecule
16Vapor Pressure
- in equilibrium, a certain pressure ot atoms
(vapor pressure) will exist above solid surfaces - If you heat
- Zn to 200 C
- (476 K) the
- vapor
- pressure of
- it is 6 x 10-6
- torr
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