Title: The National Centre for Education and Training Statistics
1The National Centre for Education and Training
2Session outline
- Education and training statistics in Australia
- The ABS response
- NCETS and NETSU - structure
- Past and current work
- The education and training IDP
- Future work
The National Centre for Education and Training
3A game with many players
- No single integrated national approach
- ABS coordinates Schools statistics
- VET statistics by NCVER
- Higher education and international statistics by
DEST - Others, too
The National Centre for Education and Training
4Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Primarily a cross-sectoral focus
Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC)
NCETS (the Centre)
NETSU (the Unit)
Education and Training Statistics Advisory
Group (ETSAG)
NETSU Management Board
Primarily an intra-sectoral focus
MCEETYA Taskforces National Training Statistics
Other National Committees
5NCETS activities
- General ET subject matter expertise
- National Schools Statistics Collection
- Surveys
- Other
- Improving Indigenous statistics
- International
- National Education and Training Statistics Unit
The National Centre for Education and Training
6National Education and Training Statistics Unit
- A partnership between all states and territories,
ABS and other Australian Government agencies - joint funding - 600k annually
- Governed by a Management Board
- Reviewed in 2003 after initial three year period
The National Centre for Education and Training
7What does the Unit do?
- Established to further develop education and
training statistics - Strong cross-sectoral focus
- 'Big picture' thinking
- Statistical leadership
- Much broader interests than other committees
- complements not competes
The National Centre for Education and Training
8Past and current projects
- Framework
- Data stocktake
- Comparability of data
- Data dictionary
- 15-24 year olds' participation and attainment
measures - Economic statistics
- Lifelong learning
- Plan to improve the quality, coverage and use of
education and training statistics
The National Centre for Education and Training
9Plan to Improve the Quality, Coverage and Use of
Education and Training Statistics
- Joint agreement about directions in statistical
development - To help ensure education and training statistics
meet current and emerging policy needs - Articulates 28 priorities for information
development - Identifies where we'd like to be in 3 years,
action in train, and lead agency
The National Centre for Education and Training
10The Plan approach used
- A stocktake of data across the major sectors of
education and training identified gaps and
deficiencies - Used
- the Framework for Education and Training
Statistics - the data comparability project
- existing reviews (DEST in 1999 Teese and Watson
in 2001) - participation by NCETS staff in statistical
working groups, taskforces and committees. - Priorities for action developed
The National Centre for Education and Training
11Agreed priorities - cross-sectoral
- Education and training economic statistics
- Indigenous peoples education and training
- Full-time equivalent student measures across
sectors - Increase the use of statistical standards
- Increase the analysis of data
The National Centre for Education and Training
12Agreed priorities - sector specific
- Early childhood education
- Schools
- Implement Key Performance Measures
- Teaching workforce
- Rationalise schools sector data
- Improve information on
- 15-24 year olds participation and attainment
- Lifelong learning
The National Centre for Education and Training
13Agreed priorities - sector specific (cont.)
- Vocational education and training (VET)
- Private providers
- Students' pathways - within VET, and other
sectors - VET workforce
- VET in schools
- Non-participants (unmet demand)
- Longer term outcomes of VET participants
- Higher education
- Private higher education institutions
The National Centre for Education and Training
14Agreed priorities - maintain key data sources
- Key sectoral collections
- International assessments (PISA and TIMSS)
- Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth
- Longitudinal Survey of Australian Children
The National Centre for Education and Training
15Agreed priorities - maintain ABS collections
- Core collections
- Census of Population and Housing
- Survey of Education and Work
- Survey of Education and Training (4-yearly)
- General Social Survey (4-yearly)
- Annual economic statistics
- Non-core - user funded
- Survey of adult literacy and numeracy
The National Centre for Education and Training
16Future work
- Apparent retention rates
- Labour market outcomes
- Early childhood education
- Qualifications profile
- Student identifier
- Minimum national data set
- Economic statistics
- Adult Literacy Survey
- Review of Survey of Education and Training and
Survey of Education and Work, 2009
The National Centre for Education and Training
17Comments and questions