Title: EMT Dec 06 Sir Bruce Liddington Presentation
1 Office of the Schools Commissioner Sir Bruce
Liddington Schools Commissioner
2Schools Commissioner Objectives
- Promoting Choice Diversity
- Championing Fair Access Parental Choice
- Supporting Local Authorities in their new
Commissioning Role - Promoting Trust partnerships
- Developing Academy proposals
3Schools Commissioner Objectives
- Promoting Choice Diversity
- Championing Fair Access Parental Choice
- Supporting Local Authorities in their new
Commissioning Role - Promoting Trust partnerships
- Developing Academy proposals
4Choice and Diversity
Local authorities will work with the
newly-created Schools Commissioner to ensure more
choice, greater diversity. (p.12, Schools White
- A diverse range of good school places tailored to
the needs of every child
5How will we achieve this?
- Support and challenge Local Authorities in
writing their BSF Strategy for Change. - Support Local Authorities in finding solutions
for their schools causing concern. - Encourage new providers, particularly in new
school competitions. - Promote the Academies Trusts Programmes
6Schools Commissioner Objectives
- Promoting Choice Diversity
- Championing Fair Access Parental Choice
- Supporting Local Authorities in their new
Commissioning Role - Promoting Trust partnerships
- Developing Academy proposals
7Fair Access and Parental Choice
Schools Commissioner to ensure.better access
for disadvantaged groups to good schools in every
area. (p.12, 2.23, Higher Standards, better
schools for all)
- No child will be denied access to a good school
8How will we achieve this?
- Developing admissions systems that promote fair
access. - Transport plans
- Greater parental understanding and involvement -
Choice Advisers. - Monitor parental satisfaction
9Schools Commissioner Objectives
- Promoting Choice Diversity
- Championing Fair Access Parental Choice
- Supporting Local Authorities in their new
Commissioning Role - Promoting Trust partnerships
- Developing Academy proposals
10Local Authority Commissioning Role
The Schools Commissioner will also support and
secure the significant changes in the way local
authorities commission schools for their
communities. (2.21, Higher Standards, better
schools for all)
- Local Authorities strategically commissioning
school places from a diverse range of providers
11How will we achieve this?
- Spread existing best practice
- Pathfinder of 10 Local Authorities
- Working with Directors of Children Learning and
National Strategies to support and challenge
Local Authorities in this role.
12Schools Commissioner Objectives
- Promoting Choice Diversity
- Championing Fair Access Parental Choice
- Supporting Local Authorities in their new
Commissioning Role - Promoting Trust partnerships
- Developing Academy proposals
13Spectrum of Diversity
14Spectrum of Diversity
15Trust Schools
The Schools Commissioner will link Local
Authorities to Trusts (2.23, Higher Standards,
better schools for all)
- What is a Trust school?
- Maintained Foundation School supported by a
charitable Trust. - School governors decide whether to apply for
Trust status. - Building on the successes of VA schools,
Academies and Foundation schools.
16Trust Schools
- Different Trust Models
- Primary, Secondary plus Special
- One School with a Trust
- One poorly performing school with a Trust
- A number of local Schools with a Trust
- A number of National Schools with a Trust
- Trust can appoint the majority or minority of the
school governors.
17Trust Schools
- 28 Pathfinders, involving 47 schools
- Promoting Diversity
- An external partner bringing experience, energy
and expertise from other schools and professions. - A range of partners and Trust models.
- Striving for Excellence
- Create supportive long term relationships between
schools and external partners. - Ultimate aim of raising standards.
18Schools Commissioner Objectives
- Promoting Choice Diversity
- Championing Fair Access Parental Choice
- Supporting Local Authorities in their new
Commissioning Role - Promoting Trust partnerships
- Developing Academy proposals
46 Open Academies Open in 2006
- All ability schools
- Broad and balanced curriculum
- Diverse range of sponsors
- Funded in line with local schools
- Popular with parents
- Incorporated within the LAs BSF programme
Target 200 Academy projects by 2010
- Promoting Diversity
- Unique schools tailored to the needs of their
communities - Innovative curriculum and specialism
- An external sponsor giving the school a unique
ethos and drive - Striving for Excellence
- In 2006, GCSE improvement at four times the
national average - Positive independent evaluations from PwC.
21Schools Commissioner Objectives
- Promoting Choice Diversity
- Championing Fair Access Parental Choice
- Supporting Local Authorities in their new
Commissioning Role - Promoting Trust partnerships
- Developing Academy proposals