Title: Green Public Procurement GPP and ETV
1Green Public Procurement (GPP) and ETV
- Peter Nohrstedt
- Swedish Environmental Management Council
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title here, Country
2 The Swedish Environmental Management Council
Jointly owned by the Swedish stateSwedish
Association of Local Authorities and Regions
Confederation of Swedish Enterprises www.msr.se
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title here, Country
3Purpose of GPP- greening the market
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title here, Country
4Use of ETV in GPP
- Defining the subject matter of the contract
(performance based) - Market analysis
- Find spear-head level (technical specification,
selecting the candidates, awarding the contract) - Means of proof of compliance
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- Easy to use for a purchaser (non-expert)
- Objective and reliable
- Comparable
- Cost efficient
- Internationally recognized and harmonized
- SME-friendly
- Sustainability approach
Speaker Name here Speaker Title here, Employer
title here, Country
6Thank you for your attention!
- Peter Nohrstedt
- The Swedish Environmental Management Council
- peter_at_msr.se
- www.msr.se
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