Title: Introduction to Algorithms: Verification, Complexity, and Searching
1Introduction to Algorithms Verification,
Complexity, and Searching
- Andy Wang
- Data Structures, Algorithms, and Generic
2Lecture Overview
- Components of an algorithm
- Sequential search algorithms
- Binary search algorithms
- Proving algorithm correctness
- Computational complexity
- TVector Retrospective
3Algorithm Components
- Required components
- Assumptions
- Asserted outcomes
- Body
- Proof
- Optional components
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
4Sequential Search
- Goal
- Find a specified value in a collection of values
- Idea
- Walk through the collection and test each value
- A simple, commonly used, algorithm
5Sequential Search Requirements
- A way to differentiate things in the collection
- A starting position
- A way to move on to the next thing in the
collection - A way to stop
6Sequential Search Algorithm
- Assumptions
- Collection L of data of type T
- Can iterate through L with begin(), next(),
end() - Outcomes
- Decide whether t is in L
- Return boolean (true/false)
7Sequential Search Algorithm (2)
- Body (in pseudocode)
- for (T item begin(L) item ! end(L) item
next(L)) - if (t item) return true
- if (t item) return true
- return false
8Binary Search
- Goal
- Find a value in a collection of values
- Idea
- Divide and conquer
9Binary Search (2)
- Requirements
- Collection must be array-like
- Can use an index to jump to any array element
- Collection must be sorted
- Efficiency
- Very fast
- No extra space required
10Binary Searchthe idea
You are heading down to an exotic
restaurant with something exotic on your mind
Chocolate.Garlic.Pasta do not try this
at home
11Binary Searchthe idea
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
There are 8 items on the menu sorted
12Binary Searchthe idea
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
The list is quite long its time to do a
binary search
13Binary Searchthe idea
Search range 0 - 7
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
Compare the middle element ?
Chocolate garlic pasta
14Binary Searchthe idea
Search range 0 - 3
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
Compare the middle element ?
Chocolate garlic pasta Blood pudding
15Binary Searchthe idea
Search range 2 - 3
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
Compare the middle element ?
Chocolate garlic pasta Chocolate garlic pasta
16Binary Searchthe idea
17Binary Search Algorithm
- Three versions
- Binary_search
- Lower_bound
- Upper_bound
18Binary Search Algorithm (2)
- Assumptions
- Collection L of data type of T with size sz
- L is sorted
- Element t of type T
- Outcomes
- Binary_search true if t in L false, otherwise
- Lower_bound smallest j, where t
- Upper_bound smallest j, where t
19Lower_bound Code
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
20Lower_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 7
- while (0
- mid (0 7) / 2 3
- if (L3
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
21Lower_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 7
- while (0
- mid (0 7) / 2 3
- if (L3
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
22Lower_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 3
- while (0
- mid (0 3) / 2 1
- if (L1
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
23Lower_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 3
- while (0
- mid (0 3) / 2 1
- if (L1
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
24Lower_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 2
- high 3
- while (2
- mid (2 3) / 2 2
- if (L2
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
25Lower_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 2
- high 3
- while (2
- mid (2 3) / 2 2
- if (L2
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
26Lower_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 2
- high 2
- while (2
- return low 2
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
27Upper_bound Code
- unsigned int upper_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (t
- high mid
- else
- low mid 1
- return low
28Upper_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 7
- while (0
- mid (0 7) / 2 3
- if (t
- high mid
- else
- low mid 1
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
29Upper_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 7
- while (0
- mid (0 7) / 2 3
- if (t
- high mid
- else
- low mid 1
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
30Upper_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 3
- while (0
- mid (0 3) / 2 1
- if (t
- high mid
- else
- low mid 1
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
31Upper_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 0
- high 3
- while (0
- mid (0 3) / 2 1
- if (t
- high mid
- else
- low mid 1
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
32Upper_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 2
- high 3
- while (2
- mid (2 3) / 2 2
- if (t
- high mid
- else
- low mid 1
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
33Upper_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 2
- high 3
- while (2
- mid (2 3) / 2 2
- if (t
- high mid
- else
- low mid 1
- return low
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
34Upper_bound Code
- t Chocolate Garlic Pasta
- low 3
- high 2
- while (3
- return low 3
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
35Binary_search Code
- unsigned int binary_search(T L, unsigned sz, T
t) - unsigned int lb lower_bound(L, sz 1, t)
- if (lb
- if (t Llb)
- return true
- return false
36If there are duplicate entries
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate garlic
pasta 3. Chocolate garlic pasta 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
Lower bound ?
Upper bound ?
37If t is not in L
0. Baby beer 1. Blood pudding 2. Chocolate banana
crepe 3. Chocolate martini 4. Death by
Chocolate 5. Garlic ice cream 6. Popcorn-flavored
jelly beans 7. Saffron ice cream
Lower bound and upper bound ?
38Issues of Proof
- Correctness
- Termination
- Correct outcome
- Performance
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
39Correctness and Loop Invariants
- Correctness
- Loop termination
- State when entering the loop
- State when exiting the loop
- Loop invariants
- Conditions that remain true for each iteration
- Mathematical induction
40What can go wrong?
- for (j 0 j
- compute(j)
- void compute(unsigned int j) --j
- n
41InvariantsSequential Search
- boolean sequential_search
- for (T item first(L) item ! end(L) item
next(L)) - // item is not the final item in the collection
- // current item has not been examined ?
progress - // L is finite
- if (t item)
- return true
- // t does not match the current item
- if (t item)
- return true
- return false
42InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
43InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
t does not have to be L
44InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow 1 valid)
- return low
45InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow 1
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
46InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
47InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
48InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
49InvariantsBinary Search
high low mid low (low old_high)/2
low (old_high - low)/2 (old_high - old_low)/2
high low
unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
unsigned int low 0, mid, high max while (low // (1) low // (2) Llow - 1 valid) mid (low high) / 2 if (Lmid low mid 1 else high mid // (3) low // (4) high low has decreased // (5) Llow - 1 valid) return low 50InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
Llow - 1 Lmid changed, t
51InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
Since low is unchanged, Llow Lmid t
52InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
Termination (3) shows that the loop can
terminate (4) shows progress
53InvariantsBinary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid, high max
- while (low
- // (1) low
- // (2) Llow - 1 valid)
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- // (3) low
- // (4) high low has decreased
- // (5) Llow - 1 valid)
- return low
Return value (5) smallest t t
54Computational Complexity
- Compares growth of two functions
- Independent of constant multipliers and
lower-order effects - Metrics
- Big O Notation
- Big Omega Notation
- Big Theta Notation
55Big O Notation
56Big Omega Notation
- ?(g(n))
- iff ? c, n0 0 0 n0
57Big Theta Notation
- f(n) ?(g(n))
- iff ? c1, c2, n0 0 0 ? n n0
- 3n2 17
- ?(1), ?(n)
- O(n2), O(n3)
- ?(n2)
59Analogous to Real Numbers
- f(n) O(g(n)) (a
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) O(g(n)) (a
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) O(g(n)) and g(n) O(h(n))
- f(n) O(h(n))
- f(n) O(g(n)) (a
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) O(g(n)) iff g(n) ?(f(n))
- f(n) O(g(n)) (a
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) iff g(n) ?(f(n))
- f(n) O(g(n)) (a
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) O(f(n)), f(n) ?(f(n)), f(n) ?(f(n))
- f(n) O(g(n)) (a
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)
- If f(n) O(g(n)), g(n) ?(f(n)), f(n) ?(g(n))
65Complexity Analysis
- Steps
- Find n size of input
- Find an atomic activity to count
- Find f(n) the number of atomic activities done
by an input size of n - Complexity of an algorithm complexity of f(n)
66Algorithm ComplexityLoops
- for (j 0 j
- // 3 atomics
- Complexity ?(3n) ?(n)
67Loops with Break
- for (j 0 j
- // 3 atomics
- if (condition) break
- Upper bound ?(3n) ?(n)
- Lower bound ?(3) ?(1)
- Complexity O(n)
68Loops in Sequence
- for (j 0 j
- // 3 atomics
- for (j 0 j
- // 5 atomics
- Complexity ?(3n 5n) ?(n)
69Nested Loops
- for (j 0 j
- // 2 atomics
- for (k 0 k
- // 3 atomics
- Complexity ?((2 3n)n) ?(n2)
70Sequential Search
- for (T item begin(L) item ! end(L) item
next(L)) - if (t item) return true
- if (t item) return true
- return false
- Input size n
- Atomic computation comparison
- Complexity O(n)
71Binary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid,
- high max
- while (low
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
- Input size n
- Atomic computation comparison
- Complexity
- k iterations x
- 1 comparison/loop
- ?(log(n))
72Iteration Count for Binary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid,
- high max
- while (low
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
- Iter search space
- 1 n
- 2 n/2
- 3 n/4
- k n/2(k-1)
- n/2(k-1) 1
- n 2(k-1)
- log2(n) k - 1
73Iteration Count for Binary Search
- unsigned int lower_bound(T L, unsigned max, T t)
- unsigned int low 0, mid,
- high max
- while (low
- mid (low high) / 2
- if (Lmid
- low mid 1
- else
- high mid
- return low
- n/2(k-1) 1
- n 2(k-1)
- log2(n) k - 1
- log2(n) 1 k
- Complexity function f(n) log(n) iterations x 1
comparison/loop ?(log(n))
74TVector Retrospective
- Runtime complexity ?(1)
- PopBack(), Clear(), Front(), Back(), Empty()
- Size(), Capacity,
- Amortized runtime complexity ?(1)
- PushBack()
- Runtime complexity ?(n)
- Constructors, Destructor, Display(), Dump(),