Title: Kingdom of Cambodia
1Kingdom of Cambodia
- The Environmentally Sound Management of Used Lead
Acid Battery Recovery
2Collecting ULAB
- Section 3.2 Collecting
- Infrastructure
- Economic incentives
- Control Measures
- Do not drain electrolyte
- Use secure storage
3Collecting ULAB
- Retail Outlets
- Deposit/discount scheme
- Garages and Repair Shops
- Exchange for reconditioned LAB
- Breakers and Spares Shops
- ULAB removed from vehicles
- Scavengers
- Shops
- Scrap yards, Waste dumps
- Houses
4Collecting ULAB
5Collecting ULAB
- Retail exchange/discount
- Deposit / Refund Scheme
- Suitable ULAB storage bins
- Collection network
- Public awareness
- Special collection vehicles
- Trained drivers
6ULAB Storage
- Store on impermeable surface
- Provide -
- water wash down supply
- Drainage and a sump
- Restricted access
- PPE/first aid
- Store batteries upright
- Store leaking batteries in sealed 5 gallon
plastic drums
7(No Transcript)
Comercializadora de Baterias SA, Mexico City,
- Section 3.3 Transporting
- Pack the ULAB well
- Use sealed containers
- Label the hazardous waste
- Safety
- Equipment and PPE
- Notify scheduled route
- Trained staff
- Comply with regulations