Title: Country CaseStudies and Programme Innovations
1Country Case-StudiesandProgramme Innovations
- January 9th 2002
- 5 A Day in Europe-Workshop
- Berlin
35 A Day StrategiesAvailability, Networking,
Lobbying and Documentation
- Morten Strunge Meyer
- Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen
- 5 A Day in Europe-Workshop, Berlin, January 9th
4Our ultimate goal
- People should eat more fruits and vegetables
5How to reach our goal
2001 is 10-11 higher than 1999 and 2000
9Campaigning strategies
- Hear or see your message
- Understand your message
- Weigh pro and con
- Build an intention to change behaviour
- 1. Make it practically possible
- 2. Change behaviour (eat more)
10Availability at home
Snacks and timing
11Home delivery project
- Upcoming project
- Will intake increase?
12Availability in Schools
4 schools - 1800 pupils 45 subscribers in 0
-3th grade
Daily intake of fruit (servings per day)
13Availability in Schools
- Activities continue after project ends
- Private partners are now building a business
- Political forum is being created
- Increased political awareness
14Availability at Worksites
- Ongoing study
- How can availability of fruits at worksites be
increased - Measuring changes in intake
15Availability at Worksites
- Now more than 10 specialized companies
- 1000 worksite subscribe today
- Focus on lobbying
- Building a network
16Agenda for this presentation
- Availability
- Lobbying
- Networking
- Documentation
17Lobbying ABC
- A. Agree on a goal
- B. Timing
- C. Do it
- Use your networks
- Media
- Meetings
- Letters
- Phonecalls
Extremely difficult
Very easy
- Availability
- Lobbying
- Networking
- Documentation
19School Fruit Day
November 13th 2001 4662 volunteers handing an
apple to 537.405 kids out of 600.000 kids
20Ease of change
Target group has a solution
Health experts present a solution
Target group feels a need
Health experts see a need
215 reasons for networking
- Quality
- Volume
- Power of existing networks
- Distributed and shared ownership
- Sustainability
- You dont get to decide everything
- Availability
- Lobbying
- Networking
- Documentation
23We have to do better
- Evaluate our efforts
- Share experience
- Use experience
24Mens intake
25Health/Taste Target groups
Politicians Networks Gatekeepers
26Health economics
27New Book
- www.5aday.gov/pdf/masimaxmonograph.pdf
29International 5 A Day Symposium 2003
- January 14 15, 2003
- Berlin, Germany
- Lets meet again next year!
30The End