Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination


Integration of Jackie Robinson into Major League Baseball ... Jackie Robinson. Creation of a norm of acceptance (Pee Wee Reese) Non-violent resistance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination

Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination
  • Why do we treat others differently?

Self-esteem of the Oppressed
  • Kenneth and Mamie Clark (1947).
  • Demonstrated that black children, as young as 3,
    rejected black dolls. Felt that white dolls were
    prettier and generally superior
  • Key point in 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education
    desegregation decision
  • Goldberg found similar results for gender
  • Women rated articles as superior if written by
    a man (John vs. Joan McKay)
  • Swim and others have shown that these tendencies
    have diminished over the years

  • Prejudice
  • A hostile or negative attitude toward a
    distinguishable group based on generalizations
    derived from faulty or incomplete information
  • Jussim (1996) counters this to some extent with
    his kernel of truth theory
  • Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Trying to educate a
    bigot is like shining a light into the pupil of
    an eye it constricts.
  • Very difficult to change prejudice through

  • Stereotype
  • Assigning identical characteristics to any person
    in a group, regardless of the actual variation
    among members of that group
  • Not necessarily intended to be abusive, may even
    be a positive stereotype
  • They are mental shortcuts like the representative
  • But, if they rob us of our individuality that may
    be problematic
  • Remember the dangers of deindividuation

Stereotype Threat
  • Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson
  • Tried to explain gap in test scores between
    whites and blacks
  • Argued that blacks in test situations may feel
    apprehension about confirming existing negative
    stereotypes of intellectual inferiority
  • They labeled this Stereotype Threat
  • Demonstrated that black students did as well as
    whites on the GRE verbal when led to believe that
    the test itself, and not the student, was being

Stereotypes and Attributions
  • Ultimate attribution error in ambiguous
    situations we make attributions consistent with
    our beliefs and prejudices
  • Formation of these attributions then strengthen
    the original prejudice because they provide
    supportive evidence

Gender and Attributions of Success
  • Male success is attributed to ability, female
    success is attributed to luck or effort
  • True for male and female perceivers
  • Women frequently do this to themselves,
    particularly in male domains (Stipek
  • Mindset may be learned from parents
  • Daughters of women who hold strong gender
    stereotypes tend to believe they dont have much
    math ability

Gender and Attributions of Success
  • Tennis and attributions for failure
  • Women were more likely to lose a tennis match in
    straight sets (even at the professional level)
  • Nicholls argues that women may give up because
    they attribute the loss in the first set to a
    lack of ability
  • Ignores the fact that men have more chance to
    come back since they play 3 sets vs. 2 for women

Gender and Attributions of Success
  • How might Affirmative Action measures impact
    attributions of success?
  • Turner and Pratkanis found that women who
    believed that they received a job because of
    their gender (not merit) downplayed their own
    abilities and engaged in self-handicapping

Blaming the Victim
  • There is a tendency to assume that those who are
    worse off deserve it in some way
  • e.g., the homeless should try harder to find a
  • e.g., the often implicit assumption that a women
    who was raped brought it on herself somehow
  • This tendency is even higher in those who have a
    strong belief in a Just World
  • Frightening to think that bad things happen

Prejudice and Science
  • Best source for this type of information is
    Stephen J. Goulds The Mismeasure of Man
  • Follows the history of people like Louis Agassiz,
    Samuel George Morton, and Paul Broca, and the
    history of IQ debates
  • Each of these individuals wanted to prove the
    superiority of their group and allowed their
    biases to taint their science
  • For example, Broca based male intellectual
    superiority on skull size, yet he only used 6
    female skulls. Each of these skulls came from a
    women who died of infectious disease
  • Foresaw the quotes from The Bell Curve

Prejudice and Self-fulfilling Prophecies
  • Word, Zanna, and Cooper
  • Study One, white interviewers interact with black
    and white subjects
  • Find that interviewers are less immediate with
    black subjects
  • Study Two, trained interviewers to treat white
    subjects the same way that blacks had been
  • Independent judges rate the quality of these
    interviewers as less effective than those treated
    like white subjects
  • Belief creates reality

Automaticity of Stereotypes
  • Patricia Devine (1989)
  • Low prejudice individuals exert conscious
    vigilance that reduces stereotyping and prejudice
  • But, when conscious control is is minimized even
    those who are relatively unprejudiced slip into
    automatic prejudice
  • Banaji and Greenwald have recently done a huge
    amount of research that supports this assertion

Gender Role Socialization
  • Traditionally
  • Males are described by instrumental traits
  • Females are described by expressive traits
  • These traits lead to behavioral expectations
  • Porter and Geis, in all male group person at the
    head of the table is viewed as the leader
  • But, when group is mixed males are viewed as
    leader no matter where the women sit
  • This interpretation is the same even when
    subjects self-rate as feminists!!!!

Gender Role Socialization
  • Sandra Bem argues for androgyny
  • Should use both sets of traits in the appropriate
  • Further research shows that androgynous
    individuals are perceived as more likable and
    better adjusted
  • However, must combine the traits. Acting solely
    in a cross-gendered manner is evaluated very
    poorly (e.g., highly effeminate male)

Time to Blame the Media Again
  • Visibility of minorities is low on prime-time
    television. One study shows that the presence of
    African-Americans has fluctuated between 6-16
    over the last 15 years.
  • When present, African-Americans tend to be
    concentrated in virtually all Black situation

Minority Presence
  • Even worse for other minorities in the 1990s
  • Slightly more than 1 of primetime characters
    were Latino
  • Slightly less than 1 were Asian or Native
  • Presence of gays and lesbians almost
    non-existent. When present they are often
    presented as caricatures
  • Women outnumbered by men 2 to 1, and are more
    frequently portrayed as victims of crime

Causes of Prejudice
  • Are we biologically wired to hate those who are
    not like us?
  • Possible, but even if so, the specifics of
    prejudice must be learned
  • Four causes have been researched extensively
  • Economic and political competition, displaced
    aggression, personality needs, conformity to
    existing social norms

Economic and Political Competition
  • Prejudice increases during economic difficulties
  • In the west in the late 1800s attitudes toward
    the Chinese varied greatly depending upon the
    amount of employment opportunities. After Civil
    War the Chinese were hated due to competition for
  • Research shows that the most anti-black prejudice
    is found in groups that are one rung higher on
    the SES ladder
  • This variable is confounded w/ educational level

Economic and Political Competition
  • All of this data is correlational and
    descriptive, what about experimental data?
  • Muzafer Sherif Boy Scout Research
  • Created competition between the Eagles and the
    Rattlers and conflict over scarce resources
  • Even after competition ended animosity remained
    and even continued to escalate

Misplaced Aggression
  • More commonly known as Scapegoating
  • Blaming a relatively powerless innocent person
    for something that is not his or her fault
  • Similar to Freuds concept of displacement
  • Term is based on ancient Hebrew practice
  • Long history Holocaust, southern Blacks
  • Between 1882-1930 the number of lynchings in the
    south in any give year could be predicted by the
    price of cotton

  • Laboratory experiments reveal that we scapegoat
    the following
  • Groups that are generally disliked
  • Groups that are visible
  • Groups that are relatively powerless

The Prejudiced Personality
  • Are there individual differences in the tendency
    to hate?
  • Adorno and his research on the Authoritarian
    Personality suggests yes
  • Authoritarian Personality has these
  • Adherence to conventional values (e.g.,
    government, church, parents, middle-class)
  • Contempt toward outgroups
  • Superstition

Authoritarian Personality
  • Further characteristics
  • Resistance to change
  • Belief in censorship and strict laws (people need
    to be controlled)
  • Intolerant of weakness
  • Highly punitive
  • Extremely respectful of authority
  • Appears to stem from harsh and
  • threatening parental discipline

Prejudice through Conformity
  • Pettigrew suggests that discrimination arrives
    predominately from social conformity
  • Prejudiced individuals, particularly Southerners,
    who enter the army tend to become less prejudiced
  • More non-prejudicial norms to follow
  • Laws and customs may provide the notion that one
    group is inferior to another
  • Segregation laws
  • Affirmative Action?

Can Government Policies Reduce Discrimination and
  • Desegregation?
  • Key doesnt seem to be mere contact, but equal
    status contact. Does desegregation insure this?
  • Dissonance research shows that knowing I will
    have to have contact with you reduces my dislike
    of you (all other things being equal)
  • Things are not equal if desegregation leads to
    economic conflict

Possible Solution?
  • Interdependence
  • Sherif finally reduced the conflict between his
    groups of boy scouts by leading them into a
    cooperative task where everyone was important
  • Jigsaw classrooms
  • Aronson and his work in cooperative classroom
    environments. Everyone contributes and
    competition is counterproductive in the learning

A Successful Solution
  • Integration of Jackie Robinson into Major League
  • Branch Rickey used a number of Psychological
    principles to increase the chances of Robinsons
    success, including
  • Psychology of inevitable change (traded players
    who refused)
  • Establish equal status contact

Jackie Robinson
  • Creation of a norm of acceptance (Pee Wee Reese)
  • Non-violent resistance
  • Individuate the new group member
  • Undo perception of preferential selection
  • Remove institutional barriers (built Dodgertown)
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