Accounts Payable Bureau

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Accounts Payable Bureau


1. Accounts Payable Bureau. Randy Newtown. Michael Weld-Eyob. William Smith. Jenny Hedderman ... Jenny Hedderman Deputy General Counsel. 33. DEFINITION OF 'GRANT' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Accounts Payable Bureau

Accounts Payable Bureau
Randy Newtown Michael Weld-Eyob William
Smith Jenny Hedderman
Accounts Payable Bureau
Contract Unit Manager Randy Newtown
New - Contract Department Liaisons
  • Staff are assigned about 30 departments each
  • Paperwork submitted to CTR is no longer assigned
    to staff by object class the group meets each
    morning work is distributed evenly, regardless
    of object class
  • If a document is rejected for any reason the
    person rejecting the document e-mails the
    department and copies the departments contract
  • Department Liaison is responsible for working
    with their departments on any MMARS encumbrance
    related clean-up issues (Departments must ensure
    that they are using the latest version of the
    Expenditure Classification Handbook)

Contract Processing/Returns
  • The unit refers to a checklist of about
  • 75 rejected/return reasons
  • The group verifies that the
  • Contract package is complete when
  • RFR, Winning Bidders Response, Commonwealth
    Contract and TC are included
  • The Commonwealth Standard Contract/Amendment Form
    is completed accurately
  • Contract is signed and dated or corrections have
    been initialed by both the vendor and department
  • Health and Human Service Contract Attachments are
  • Attachment 1 (Program Cover Page) or Attachment 3
    (Program Budget sheet)

Contract Processing/Returns
  • Space Lease Attachments Require Backup
    Documentation for Approval
  • DCAM Transaction Approval Form 3 OR 4 or Exhibit
    E (Landlords beneficial interest disclosure
  • Lease-Purchase Agreement paperwork required
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fiscal Affairs
    Division Tax Exempt Lease Purchase (TELP) form or
    the Statewide Tax Exempt Lease Purchase Quotation
  • Grant supporting documentation required
  • Legislative/Legal Authorization or posting

Contract Processing/Returns
  • Construction package is complete when
  • Construction Contract or Notice to Proceed
  • MMARS data matches supporting paperwork
  • Contract duration dates matches dates in MMARS or
    Vendor on Contract matches vendor in MMARS
  • Note A transmittal cover sheet is required with
    all documentation submitted to the Contract Unit

Contract Processing/Returns
  • Board Award Field Comptroller/OSD Policy
  • Board award field MUST be completed for all
    non-statewide contracts
  • Completing the board award field facilitates the
    ability of the Quality Assurance Bureau to link
    the encumbrance transaction to the procurement
  • In the Board Award field Departments must enter
  • the RFR number - or
  • In the absence of an RFR number, a department
    assigned contract tracking number or descriptive
    text should be entered - or -
  • one of the Procurement Exceptions as follows
  • INP for Incidental Purchase
  • LEG exempt for Legislative Exemption
  • Emergency for Emergency Contract
  • Collective for Collective Purchase or,
  • Interim for Interim Contract
  • Encumbrances for non-statewide contracts with a
    Blank Board Award field will be rejected from the
    CTR/OSD worklist

Contract Processing/Returns
  • If a transaction is rejected, the department
  • Make the necessary corrections
  • Resubmit the document to Pending status
  • Notify appropriate CTR staff member that document
    has been corrected
  • Resubmit paperwork to CTR if it had been returned
    to department

If the transaction is not corrected within 5
days, all the paperwork is returned to the
Accounts Payable Bureau
Accounts Payable Bureau Director Michael
Delegated contracts/Department Responsibilities
  • Contracts have been delegated to Departments
  • Departments are responsible for following all
    contract laws, regulations and CTR policies
  • Encumbrance using statewide MAs must reference
    the agreement in the header section of the
  • GAE/INP transaction should not be used to
    circumvent contract law
  • Contract splitting is prohibited
  • Multi-year contracts must be processed with one
    Doc ID/multi-year encumbrance
  • Contract Employee
  • Must have T Cs and Standard Contract Form
  • Employment Status Form must be completed and
    filed with Contract (See Individual Contractors

Delegated contracts/Department Responsibilities
  • Open Order Encumbrance
  • CT with event type PR51 Request for Approval Form
  • Must be supported by individual contracts
  • All contracting requirements apply

Updated Encumbrance Correction PolicyCEC/GAEC
  • New Event Type PR22 Credit Memo
  • Workflow
  • Comments Field Requirements

Updated Encumbrance Correction PolicyCEC/GAEC
  • Event Type - PR22 Credit Memo
  • Restores money to the accounting line and
    creates a credit memo in MMARS that offsets a
    future payment to same vendor
  • The credit memo will only offset a payment to
    that vendor within one department and one payment
    disbursement category.
  • (if department A creates a credit memo for
    vendor X in disbursement category 600, the next
    payment offset to vendor X will be from
    department A within disbursement category 600).
  • The vendors payment will not be offset by
    another departments payment to that vendor or by
    a payment by the same department but within a
    different disbursement category.

Updated Encumbrance Correction PolicyCEC/GAEC
  • Workflow
  • Encumbrance Corrections using Event Type PR22,
    once validated and submitted, will go directly to
    a final status (no pending status)
  • Departments must keep all supporting
    documentation in a contract file

Updated Encumbrance Correction PolicyCEC/GAEC
  • Comments Field Requirements for CEC and GAEC
    using Event Types PR 20 and PR21
  • Enter a complete justification for processing the
  • Enter the ER Doc ID in those circumstances where
    funds have been returned by the vendor and an ER
    transaction has been processed
  • Note The CEC or GAEC should not be submitted
    until the ER is processed to final

Accounts Payable Bureau
  • Payee/Payments Unit
  • Manager Bill Smith

  • Bill Paying Policy
  • Prompt Payment Discounts
  • Payees (Vendor/Customer)
  • Advances
  • Credit Cards

Bill Paying Policy
  • What is it?
  • Why is it important?
  • Who is in charge?
  • How do you make it work for you?
  • How do you make it work for your vendor?
  • Where do we stand?
  • 74 on time in August
  • Where do we need to go?
  • 90

Bill Paying PolicyDays to Pay Timeline
Prompt Payment Discount
  • What is it?
  • Why is it important?
  • Who is in charge?
  • How do you make it work for you?
  • How do you make it work for your vendor?
  • Where do we stand?
  • Where do we need to go?

Prompt Payment Discount
Prompt Payment Discount
Payees (Vendor/Customer)
  • Common Issues
  • Vendor physically moves to new location.
  • In this scenario, a W-9 and VCM are used to
    modify the following fields
  • Master Address ID (consists of Payment
    Procurement addresses)
  • Legal Address (1099 information)
  • Business Type (W9 information)

Payees (Vendor/Customer)
  • Common Issues
  • Vendor wants to ADD or CHANGE a payment address.
  • Preferred method W-9 or
  • Vendor must submit request on letterhead
  • Department responsible for authenticating
    signature on either W-9
  • or Letter using the Contractor Authorized
    Signature Listing
  • Department modifies VCUST record (VCM)
  • Insert line for new payment address and ID
  • Insert line for new procurement address and ID
  • For changes - Change the Master Address ID

  • Emergencies can occur at anytime!
  • All Departments should have an Emergency DYNACASH

  • Advance sequence
  • Encumbrance of Advance (EAV)
  • Request for Advance (RA)
  • Expenditure of Advance (EA)
  • Return of Advance (AR)

  • EAV Encumbrance of Advance
  • Vendor line must be inserted
  • vendor code should not be used
  • Must use x75 object code

  • RA Request for Advance
  • Document Unit required
  • DYNACASH (Category 705) marked single
  • Must use an x75 object code

  • EA Expenditure of Advance
  • Must use detailed object codes (not x75)
  • Supporting documentation must be submitted to CTR
    for review and approval within 30 days

  • AR Return of Advance
  • Must be submitted on a timely basis

Credit Cards
  • Department are encouraged to enroll in the credit
    card program.
  • Can be used in emergency situations
  • Can be used for incidental purchases
  • Can not be used for services

Legal Unit
  • Jenny Hedderman Deputy General Counsel

  • Financial assistance, with or without matching
    funds or resources, provided under contractual
    terms to assist the Grantee in the achievement or
    continuation of a specified public purpose to
    benefit the general public or a segment of the
    general public consistent with the Grantor
    department's legislative authorization.

  • Mandated (non-discretionary) payments or
    transfers appropriated by the Legislature as a
    direct payment, transfer or subsidy of a
    specified amount to a designated recipient
    entity, and which does not specify the use as a
    Grant, contract or for a program.

Grant vs. Subsidy
  • In most cases, unless the language is very clear
    that the funds are to be paid or transferred
    to a recipient, the language will be interpreted
    to be a grant.
  • However, irrespective of whether a grant or
    subsidy is chosen, the Department has the same
    oversight responsibility for the proper
    expenditure of funds and fulfillment of the
    prescribed mandate.

When a formal public notice of grant is required
(non earmarked funds)
  • A formal public notice of a grant application
    will be required under 815 CMR 2.00 whenever a
    department plans to disburse discretionary grant
    funding of state appropriated funds which do not
    specifically identify the grant recipients to
    receive funding and
  • the total anticipated value of any single grant
    award may exceed 50,000 for the duration of the
    grant or grant program, or
  • the pool of potential eligible grant recipients
    includes, or may include, non-public entities, or
  • the total available funds for disbursement in any
    fiscal year exceeds 200,000.

Methods of formal public notice.
  • A formal public posting of grant availability and
    posting of selection results may be made as
    determined appropriate by the department by
  • posting on Comm-PASS (preferred method)
  • posting in the Central Register
  • publishing a notice in a newspaper or other
    publication reasonably targeted to reach the
    eligible grant recipients or
  • any other method of publishing or posting that
    will provide reasonable public notice to
    potential grant recipients of the availability of
    the grant and the final grant results (which may
    include the departments website).

If grantee selection made through other than open
public award process
  • (excluding incidental grants and earmarked
    grants) the department must post on Comm-PASS or
    other public posting, a notice of intent to award
    a grant(s) which identifies
  • the selected grantee(s)
  • the grant amount(s)
  • the purpose of the grant funding
  • the scope of grant performance to be achieved or
    funded under the grant
  • the duration of the grant and
  • a justification of
  • why the selection of the grantee(s), without an
    open public process is either necessary,
    inefficient or would not support the purposes or
    timely disbursement of the grant(s), and
  • why the award is fair and reasonable and in the
    best interest of the department, the grant
    funding authority, and the Commonwealth.

  • State finance law does not recognize
  • With earmarked funds, there is a misconception
    that the funds are promised to a recipient and
    merely need to be provided to a recipient with no
    oversight by the paying Department
  • Although a Department may not be in charge of
    implementing a mandate/earmark, the Department
    remains responsible for ensuring that the
    purposes of the mandate/earmark are fulfilled and
    for oversight of the proper expenditure of funds

Subsidy Management
  • Subsidy Agreement should be signed outlining the
    purposes of the subsidy if stated
  • Recipient must identify what periodic and final
    reports will be provided to ensure compliance
    with Legislation
  • Department responsible for monitoring performance
    of Recipient during subsidy period and receive
    confirmation of proper expenditure of funds

Grant Management(All sources of funding)
  • Good grant management does not mean that funds
    are provided and the Department is finished with
    the grant for the fiscal year
  • Grant management requires oversight and
    monitoring throughout the life of the grant
  • Grant payments must reflect Grantees need for
  • Payments should not be paid in one lump sum at
    beginning of grant, but should be set up with
    periodic payments reflecting needs of Grantee
  • Periodic payments should be contingent upon
    Grantees provision of periodic updates of
    performance and expenditure of funds
  • Additional funds should not be made without
    periodic reports, and if Grantee has not spent
    previously provided funds. (Grantees should not
    be holding funds for more than 30 days or the
    Commonwealth is losing valuable investment
  • Department responsible for monitoring
    performance of Recipient during the grant period
    and at the end to ensure completion of grant
    requirements and proper expenditure of funds

Cost Recovery Contract
  • Completed a completive bid and selected SKR to
    perform statewide cost recovery reviews.
  • Cost Recovery Review will cover MMARS payments
    made during FY 2005 2006.
  • All payments will be included in the cost
    recovery review except for Purchase of Services,
    Medicaid and Payroll.
  • This is a contingent fee contract.
  • All cost recovery reviews will be coordinated and
    pre-scheduled with agencys CFO in conjunction
    with CTR SKR.

Accounts Payable
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