Casual Academic Contracts and Above Load Teaching forms in neo User Guide - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Casual Academic Contracts and Above Load Teaching forms in neo User Guide


... number will change, although the contract number will remain the same. ... Can I use block teaching for different subjects? No the subject must be the same. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Casual Academic Contracts and Above Load Teaching forms in neo User Guide

Casual Academic Contracts and Above Load
Teaching forms in neo User Guide
Table of Contents
  • Casual Academic Payments...3
  • Casual Academic Contracts Process
  • Above Load Payments Process Overview
  • Check Casual Employment Status..
  • Enter Contract Data into Neo...
  • Block Teaching.14
  • Marking..14
  • Distance Teaching...14
  • Printing the Contract15
  • Copy Contract Information....
  • Searching Amending24
  • View staff details (Qualifications, AWA, Right to
    work, Phone details)26
  • Reporting...31
  • Frequently Asked Questions..
  • Grade Level Validation Rules
  • Oracle Quick keys....39

Casual Academic Payments
  • As of January 2006 each Faculty, Institute,
    School or Unit will be responsible for creating
    the Casual Academic Contract using neo. The
    contract will be printed and sent to Payroll for
    processing with the required approvals.
  • A casual academic contract enables a regular
    payment to be made each fortnight for the length
    of the contract period. The casual employee will
    receive the entitled rates for the period of the
    contract. It will calculate any back payment
    should the contract period already have started,
    and it will terminate payments when the contract
    period has finished.
  • It is important that the faculties process
    contracts on time to ensure that budgeting
    processes are not impacted.

Process Overview Casual Academic Contracts
Returns signed one copy of contract
Accepts AWA
Signs contract and accepts AWA or not
Provides tax details, contact details
Qualifications etc.
Returns one copy of signed contract and AWA
Holds for 14 days
Identify Cas Aca Requirements. Obtain Personal
form details inc Subject, dates, days, hours
Send 2 copies of approved contract AWA pack to
Cas Aca
Supervisor, Dean, Assoc Dean etc approves contract
Are they a current emp
Input data into Oracle (neo)contract
Print contract from Oracle
Run reports from Oracle
Faculty File
Send contract AWA (if applicable) to HRU copy
to file
Upload data into database (If Required)
Advise Cas Aca details to HR
Casual Staff
Send details to OEA
Faculty Institute
AWA accepted
ERB Process
Faculties Institutes
Input Cas Aca details into Oracle
PSB Process set AWA flag
PSB - Process
Send contract to payroll
Input tax bank details into Oracle
Verify Data AWA flag set on
Approve for payment
Contract payment processed
Process SPA approve payment
Single payment made at end of contract
Process Overview - Above Load Payment
Receives approved copy of form
Returns signed form to faculty
Academics faculty supervisor approves
Identify above load teaching requirements obtain
data Subj details, start finish dates, days,
hours rates etc,
Input data into neo Oracle above load form.
Print contract from Oracle
Dean in Faculty where work is conducted (for
staff below Head of School) or PVC (TL) approves
Send 1 copy of form to academic, Payroll and to
Run reports from Oracle
Faculty File
Casual Staff
Verify data approve for payment.
Faculties Institutes
Payment processed
Check the Casual employment status Step 1.
After you have received the personal details,
Subject details, Start and Finish dates, Days,
Hours, Rates and HR data you will need to check
that they are an employee before you can enter a
contract for them in Neo.
A. Log into Neo
B. Select UTS HRMS Contracts and Above Load
Payments Entry
C. Select Enter casual Academic Contracts or
Above Load Payments
Check the Casual employment status Step 1.
D. Enter the name or Employee number (National
Identifier) of the Casual. Note Placing the
sign either side of your reduced search can
assist in fining your request. I.e using
Citizen instead of John Citizen or vice versa.
E. Select Find
Note If the name is not found you will need to
complete the Casual Academic Request form
available on the HRU website.
Check the Casual employment status Step 1.
F. Select the correct employee name from the
list. Verify using the middle names or employee
number if necessary. If in doubt contact HR to
verify. If you are unable to locate the name you
will need to contact HR to have them set up in
neo as an employee. NoteThe Faculty or Institute
is liable for the incorrect employee name entered
into a contract. Incorrect allocation will result
in payments being made to the wrong person.
G. Select the OK button.
NoteAlways scroll on the slider bar to view
additional information.
Enter the Contract data into neo Step 2.
A. Enter the correct Start and End dates of the
Note This contract form needs to be completed
using the guidelines in the following pages. The
form will not validate until you save it at the
Enter the Contract data into neo Step 2.
B. Select the correct Contract type from the list
of values. Casual Academic is the typical
contract type. Clinical Facilitator is only used
in Nursing. Above Load Teaching is only used for
permanent Academics. Select OK when you are ready
to move to the next field.
C. Select the Subject Number from the list of
values. If the subject does not exist enter
000001 and enter the subject number and title in
Other Course No Name field. (This allows for
the subject to display on their payslip). This
information will reflect the same subjects as
Enter the Contract data into neo Step 2.
E. Select the HR Organisation Unit from the List
of Values.
D. Select the Costing Org Unit from the List of
G. Enter the number of Paid Weeks. Note this
cannot exceed the number of calendar weeks in the
period (start and end dates). Paid weeks can only
be 1 for Block Teaching.
F. Select the Costing Activity, if required, from
the list of values. You will only see the values
for your organisational unit.
Enter the Contract data into neo Step 2.
J. Enter the Start and End times using 24 hour
I. Enter the Paid Hours. This can not exceed the
start and end times. If selecting Marking or
Distance Teaching, enter the start and end time
as 00.00
H. Select the day of week or Marking from the
list of values.
K. Leave the default value as NO. Payroll will
change the status once they receive the signed
J. Select the Grade Level from the list of
values. NoteGrade level validation rules are
listed at the end of this document.
Enter the Contract data into neo Step 2.
M. You are not required to enter in the Payroll
Authoriser, this will be completed by Payroll.
Leave the default Payroll Approval to No. Failure
to do this will result in the employee not being
paid for this period.
L. Enter the appropriate authoriser in the
Contract Authoriser field. This will typically be
the Dean or Assoc Dean. Only enter in an Above
Load Authoriser for Above Load contracts.
N. Above Load Appointments require a reason to be
selected from the list of values. Leave the
Processed Flag default as NO. Failure to do this
will result in the employee not being paid for
this contract.
O. Leave the Document Printed default as No, this
will change after the contract is printed. The
Contract Document Number will auto generate at
the completion of the form. This is the unique
reference number for this contract. Click Okay at
the bottom of the form as you are now complete.
Block Teaching, Marking Distance TeachingFrom
the day field you may also select the categories
of Marking, Block Teaching Distance Teaching.
Marking Select Marking from the Day field and
enter in the paid hours. Enter in 00.00 for the
start and end times
Distance Teaching Select Distance Teaching from
the Day field and enter in the paid hours. Enter
in 00.00 for the start and end times
Block Teaching Select Block Teaching from the
day field. This should only be used for periods
of teaching that are in 2 or more consecutive
days in a week, at the same time each day
teaching the same subject. This category will
block the employees time for 1 week (7days).
Enter the start and end times that the employee
will teach each day. Enter the paid hours for the
week NOT for each day. There can only be 1
contract for each week.
Printing the Contract from neo Step 3.
After you have added all the appropriate
contracts for the employee by repeating Step 2,
you will need to save and print the contract or
above load form for signature by the authorised
delegate. Return to the Home menu to start
printing. Contracts should ONLY be printed from
Oracle and not from any local database.
A. Make a note of the contract number for future
reference. This is very handy if you need to make
amendments later.
B. Save your data entry by clicking on the floppy
disc icon.
C. Click OK to proceed.
D. Toggle to the Printing Reports screens by
clicking on the navigator icon
E. Double click on Reports and Printing.
Printing the Contract from neo Step 3.
D. Select UTSC Casual Academic Contracts or
Above Load Teaching Forms from the Name list of
C. Select Single Request and click OK.
E. Click in the Parameters field to move to the
next screen.
Printing the Contract from neo Step 3.
Continued.To find the contract/s that you need
to print you can complete any of the parameters
in the form below.
Enter the From and To contract numbers to find a
range of contracts.
To find contracts you entered on a particular
date enter the from and to dates.
Enter the document or contract number to return a
singular contract. If it has alr4eady been printed
Enter the Org Unit to find all contracts in that
Org Unit.
Enter the Subject Number to find all contracts
with that Subject Number.
Enter the GL Org Code to find all contracts with
that GL Code.
When you are Finished Click OK.
Include Reprints will default to NO. If you
require reprints select Yes. Note Reprints occur
once the employee signed flag is changed by
payroll to Yes
Printing the Contract from neo Step 3.
Click Submit to continue
Printing the Contract from neo Step 3.
A. Click Refresh data until the Phase changes to
completed. The status should be listed as Normal.
B. Select View Output when the phase is completed.
Printing the Contract from neo Step 3.
Continued.The contract will open in Adobe
Acrobat with the additional contract information
pages built in. The AWA will not be printed with
each contract. Staff can view AWA information at
the following HR web page http//
You may save a copy to file and name it
Click on the Printer icon to Print. DO NOT try
and print from the browser as this will not work.
Viewing the Contract information. Scroll down
the adobe output until you view a page similar to
the below.
Document No
Contract No
If the supervisor printed on the contract is
incorrect you may strike through the name and
insert the correct supervisor. Initial the change
for HR to amend.
Copy the contract information
If you are processing a lot of contracts that
contain the majority of the same information then
the copy functionality will save you time. For
example, If you create a contract for a Casual
Academic for 4 weeks to teach the same subject
same time just separate days, then it is likely
that the approvals etc will be the same. Rather
than complete a new contract just copy the
previous one and change the appropriate details
such as the day or time.
Step 1. You may either copy an old contract or
copy one that you have just entered. Click on the
line below the contract that you wish to copy.
The date will default to today you can copy the
dates from the previous contract by using Shift
F5 simultaneously on your keyboard or select
dates from the calendar function.
Step 2. Tab into the detail field, select cancel
when the contract form appears and you will be
taken to the detail field on the previous screen.
Use the Shift F5 copy function to copy the
previous contract. Note that the contract numbers
are currently the same.
Copy the contract information Continued..
Step 3. Either Ctrl S or click to
save the contract. You will be given an error
message advising that your dates/times overlap.
Click Ok to go to the contract and amend the
conflicting information.
Step 4. Change the dates/times etc and resave the
contract. Note that the Contract number has
changed so that it is now a unique contract. This
process can be repeated as often as you require
for each contract.
Searching and Amending.Circumstances may
require you to make a change to a contract after
it has been printed such as an employee changing
days or hours or a change to a subject.The
variation to contract form on the HR forms
website needs to be completed for changes to a
contract after payroll has processed it. Note
You can only make changes if the employee signed
flag is still set to No.
Step 1. Make a note of the contract number and
either the employees staff ID or name.
Step 2. Either log into neo or toggle
back to the the Enter Casual Academic Contracts
Step 3. Enter the Employees Name or Employee
Number in the Find a person screen.
Step 2. Name or Employee Number
Searching and Amending Continued .
Step 4. Hit the F11 key on your keyboard when
you get to the Enter Casual Academic Contract
screen. This is the function to run a query.
Step 5. Tab to the Detail field and enter in
.the contract number (I.e percentage, full
stop, contract number, percentage) with no
spaces. Then press Ctrl and F11 (at the same
time) on your keyboard.This will return your
query data.
Step 6. Double click in the detail field to
reopen the form. Make the required amendments and
save the document. Please note that the Document
number will change, although the contract number
will remain the same.
Viewing Casual Academic staff Details
  • To assist you in completing contracts you are
    able to view details of Casual academic staff
    that have a current contract with your faculty.
    These details include
  • Qualifications
  • Postal address
  • Contact phone numbers
  • Emergency contact details
  • If an AWA exists
  • If the right to work details have been submitted

Viewing Casual Academic Staff Details Continued
Step 1. Select View Casual Academic Details
Step 2. Select the employee. Note if the name
will not insert then they do not have an active
contract with your faculty.
Viewing Casual Academic Staff Details Continued
View date of birth
Step 3. Select button to view details
Viewing Casual Academic Staff Details Continued
Select the Address button to view the address
Select the Phones button to view the contact
phone details.
Select the Special Info button to view if an AWA
or Right to Work details exist.
Viewing Casual Academic Staff Details Continued
Select the Qualifications button to view
qualifications. Use the down arrow key (on your
keyboard) to view additional Qualifications.
Select the Contact button to get to the Contacts
Details button. Select enter phone numbers to
view the Emergency Contact phone numbers.
Reporting is a valuable benefit to Faculties and
Units. This report is designed to cater for the
various reporting requirements for contracts
across UTS. It allows the user to export as
little or as much information from Oracle into
Excel, where they can manipulate the data to
accommodate their requirements.
Step 1. Either log into neo and select UTS
Contract and Payment Detail Report from the UTS
HRMS Contracts and Above Load Payment Entry
menu, or toggle back to the manu
screen to select the UTS Contract and Payment
Detail Report .
Step 2. The Following Screen should appear.
Reporting Continued..
You may select all or some of the following
parameters. The more parameters you enter the
less data is returned. Remember that you can
always delete what you do not need in excel.
Parameter Clarification is
Day/Marking You may select a specific day of the
week or locate all the contracts for
Marking/Distance teaching etc for your
organisation unit/faculty. Organisation Code
Enter the GL organisation code if
required. Employee Name This is the list of all
UTS employees, you will only be able to see
contracts for staff in your HR organisation unit.
A short cut to locate an employee is to click on
any name in the box and type in the first letter
of the last name. Such as S for Smith. HR
Organisation Unit You may select from the HR
organisation units in your faculty. Date Entered
From and to This enables you to locate contracts
that were entered into neo between certain dates.
Note that it is NOT the start and end dates of
the contracts. NoteThese fields are
mandatory. Subject You may select a subject from
this field. When you have entered in all of your
parameters click on the
button when you are complete.
Reporting Continued..
Step 4. The report will appear as per the below
Step 3. This screen should appear whilst the
report is running.
Scroll across the screen to view all the details
Reporting Continued..
Step.5 Click on export Data
Step 6. Select Microsoft Excel Workbook and click
on the Export Data button
Step 7. Save (go to the file menu and select Save
As.) the report to file and rename it, ensure
that you keep the .xls at the end
Step 8. Double click on the saved document to
open the report in excel.
Reporting Continued..
Step 9. Now that the data is in excel you can
manipulate it to get your information. You may
delete data or use a filter to sort through
Handy Hint! You can put a filter on your report
by clicking in the heading of a column. Then go
to the Data menu option in excel and select
Filter and then Auto Filter.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q. What happens if I select the incorrect
  • If you select an ex employee the data can be
    entered but will fail at the validation stage. If
    you select a current employee a contract can be
    processed for the wrong person. The liability is
    with the Faculty or Unit. ALWAYS check with HR if
    you are in doubt.
  • Q. Can a Casual receive above load payments?
  • No only permanent Academic staff can receive
    above load payments.
  • Q. Do I still need to enter data into our own
  • To ensure complete data integrity it is advised
    that you rely on neo as much as possible. You may
    enter data in your system if required.
  • Q. What if the employee does not exist or is
    displayed as an Ex-employee?
  • You will need to complete the Casual Academic
    Request Form. This is available on the HRU
  • Q.When does the form let you know an error has
  • At the end of the data entry when you try to save
    the form.
  • Q. Do I need to enter the start and end time for
    Marking and Distance Teaching?
  • Enter the time as 00.00 for the start and finish
  • Q. What hours do I enter for a block Teaching

Frequently Asked Questions Continued.
  • Q. Can I use block teaching for different
  • No the subject must be the same. If they need
    different subjects then you will need to create
    an individual contract for each subject.
  • Q. I dont know who the payroll authoriser is?
  • You do not need to enter the payroll authoriser.
  • Q. Can I make changes to the contract?
  • You may make changes up to payroll changing the
    Employee signed field to Yes. After payroll
    has processed the contract you may only request a
    reprint. If you need to make changes after
    Payroll has changed the employee signed field you
    will need to complete the Variation of contract
    form available on the HR forms website.
  • Q. How many paid weeks do I enter for Block
  • gt You should only enter 1 in the paid weeks field
    for Block Teaching.

Grade Level Validation Rules
  • Clinical Facilitator can only use grades 14, 15,
    16 and 17.
  • Marking can only use grades 11, 12, 13.
  • You can enter all grades for other contract types
    except for 14, 15, 16 and 17.

Oracle Quick Keys
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