Title: Data Security Today: Challenges
1Data Security Today Challenges Requirements
Rob MacIntosh West Coast Sales Manager robert.maci
ntosh_at_utimaco.com 480-726-0020
2Todays Challenges 1. Information Leakage and
Data Loss on the Rise
3Todays Challenges 2. Increasing Frequency of
Data Breaches
- Over 20 high profile breaches in the last 12-18
months. -
- Since 2005 More than 97 million records
containing sensitive personal information were
involved in security breaches. (Source
11/2006) - Every 53 seconds a laptop is stolen (Source
/2006-11-19-lockdown-laptop_x.htm) - 90 of companies detected security breaches in
last 12 months(Source Federal Bureau of
Investigation, 2006)
4The Need for Data Security 3. Data Security
Regulations enforce Proper Protection
5Todays Challenges 4. Growing Business Impact of
Data Breaches
19 of consumer affected by a data breach
terminate their relationship with the offending
company and 40 consider a termination
Average cost percompromised record 182
54 Customer Costs
30 Incremental Costs
16 Productivity Costs
- Lost employee productivity
- Unbudgeted legal, audit and accounting fees
- Notification of customers
- Free or discounted service to customers
- Call center expenses
- Public and investor relations
- Internal investigations
- Brand damage
- Loss of existing customers
- Recruiting new customers
Source Ponemon Institute, Cost of Data Breaches,
6Data Security 2.0 Requirements1. Safeguard Your
Data not just the Infrastructure
- Cross-company processes
- Open IT Infrastructures
- Bad guys may be within the company perimeter
already - Data-level protection
- Safeguard the end point and the individual
- Firewalls and Security Gateways protect the
company perimeter - Let the good guys in, keep the bad guys out
- Closed shop with own policies, and rules
7Data Security 2.0 Requirements2. Shift from a
Tool Mindset to an Integrated Approach
- Integration instead of pure best-of-breed
- Transparency and manageability
- Reduces costs by decreasing the burden for
end-users and administrators
- Proprietary point security solutions
- No central policy management enforcement
- Difficult for users and administrators
- Costly and often not scalable
8Data Security 2.0 Requirements3. Embrace a 360
Approach to Data Security
9Thank You.