Title: 4' Work, energy, power
14.Work, energy, power
2Impulse of the force
3The effect of the force on the path
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4Work is energy
Energy is the capacity for doing work. You must
have energy to accomplish work - it is like the
"currency" for performing work.
ENERGY Heat Mechanical Electrical Chemical
5Mechanical energy
work which can be done by means of change of
the machanical state of the body
1. Change of velocity gt kinetic energy
6Mechanical energy
work which can be done by means of change of
the machanical state of the body
2. Change of position gt potential energy
7The law of conservation of energy
The sum of energies before and after is the same
example sum of kinetic and potential energy
during the movement
is the rate of doing work or the rate of using
energy, which are numerically the same.
Efficiency the rate of energy beeing consumed
by the system
9Point mass systemrigid bodies
Rigid not deformable
10Pair of opposing forces
11Equilibrium conditions
Point mass
Rigid body
(second Newtons law)
A, if
total mass of the body
Center of gravity
(second Newtons law)
B, if
Distance from the center of mass
14Thank you.