Title: Introduction to: Interactive Entertainment
1Mixed Reality
Charles Hughes School of EE CS (SEECS) Media
Convergence Lab University of Central
Florida collaboration with IST (Stapleton) and
Digital Media (Moshell, Wirth)and CS
(Micikevicius, Pattanaik) and CREOL (Rolland) and
Psychology (Sims) And Film (Van Wagenen)
2MR Background Projects
3What is Mixed Reality?
4Mixed Reality is Strictly Between Real and Virtual
Augmented Virtuality
Augmented Reality
5The Dream of Mixed Reality
As Visceral as a Theme Park
As Immersive as Military Simulation
As Intuitive as Play
As Meaningful as Education
As Interactive as Video Games
As Compelling as Motion Pictures
6Imagination Compelling
7Mixed Reality Continuum
Milgrams Reality-Virtuality Continuum
Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented Virtuality (AV)
P.T. Barnum Reality-Imagination Continuum
Aristotles Media- Imagination Continuum
Physical Reality
Virtual Reality
Compelling Mixed Reality (The Play)
Traditional Theme park
Magic Show
8Making MR Compelling
- Real and virtual must mutually occlude -- its
not good enough to treat real as backdrop - If augmented reality, then virtual must blend
into real (illumination is a big deal) - Real and virtual should affect each other its
not a one-way street - Audio and show effects are crucial
9Artistic Convention
- What is on the page is only one fourth of the
story. It is like an iceberg where
three-quarters of the story you dont see, it is
beyond the page.--Earnest Hemingway
10Imagination Picks up Where Technology Leaves Off
I want the reader to burn a hole in the page
with their imagination and lose themselves within
the story.--Stephen King
11Experiential Marketplace
(1997 Annual Worldwide Revenues)
- Simulation Training (3.3 Billion)
- Theme Parks (7 Billion)
- Arcade (14 Billion)
- Home Video Games (14 Billion hardware and
software) - Museums (12-18 Billion)
- Sports and Recreation (23 Billion)
- Tourism (50 Billion)
- Conventions Conferences (1.1 Trillion)
12Transforming Technological Novelty into
Compelling Media
13Technology Supporting MR
15Optical See-Through HMD
16Video See-Through HMD
17Magnetic Tracking
18Acoustical / Inertial Tracking
19Optical Tracking (HiBall)
20Blue Screen (registration)
Consistent lighting
21Green Screen Clips
22Examples of MR
23Retro-Reflective Screen
24Medical Application
25Actual Use of Reflective Drape
26Distributed AR Environment
- Collaborative environments
- Information exchange through 3D objects
27MR Arcade / MR MOUT
Layering of Virtual and Real
28MOUT Training
29Now thats Immersion!!
30MR Aquarium
31MR Aquarium Plans
32Aqua Gauntlet
33MR Cartoon
34Nolie Our MR Cartoon Character
35Real Backlot
Visual Capture
Props Dressing
Special Effects
Stage Management
36Virtual Backlot
Vehicular Simulation
World building
Point of View
Virtual Assets
Physical Modeling
Sound Synthesis
Dungeon Master
37Sample of Research Issues
- Tracking
- Magnetic, Acoustical, Optical
- Markers (shape, color)
- Outdoors
- Registration
- Sorting Real and Virtual
- Mutual Occlusion
- Rendering
- Real-Time Illumination
- Level-of-Detail
- Scenario
- Scripting
- Communication / Coordination
38Creative End
- Three most important things are
- Story, Story, Story
- How do we script multilinear stories?
- What are poetics of MR stories?
- Audioscape
- 3D sound
- hypersonic sound
- Show Effects
39Show Control Devices
40Optical Tracking
- Marker Placement
- Felix Hamza-Lup et al.
- Marker type
- passive
- active
- Some marker attributes
- field of emission (for active)
- occlusion
- size and shape
- inter-marker distance constraints
42Question 1
- How to place a given set of markers onto an
irregular object such that the chance that the
object is seen from different angles is maximized?
43The Quiescent Algorithm
- Quiescence (resting state) minimum potential
energy state of a set of points - 3 step algorithm for placing a set of markers on
a complex object - choose an intermediary regular surface (e.g
sphere, cylinder) - apply optimization technique to distribute
markers on this surface (e.g Simulated Annealing) - apply texture mapping to distribute markers on
the final surface
44Shape Detection
- The object is represented as a 3D mesh
- The extent of elongation of the mesh is given by
the eigenvalues of the dispersion matrix.
di pi-p , i?1,n where n is of vertices in
the mesh.
Dispersion matrix A?didiT Diagonalize
DV-1AV, where Dij?j eigenvalues, V mx. of
45Surface Selection
- If ?i / ?j , i ? j gt 10 , we use a cylinder, else
use a sphere. - Ex
46 Simulated Annealing
- Markers modeled as electrons
- Minimization of potential maximizes distance
between neighbors - Cost Function
- Cooling Schedule Tnew 0.995Told
- 150 Moves before lowering T
- Initial Temp 400 Stop when T ? 0.7
- p(?E)natural exp(-?E/kT)
- p(?E)adj (exp(- ?E/T) / (1exp(- ?E/T))
47After Simulated Annealing
- Marker distribution after simulated annealing on
the sphere
48Markers Mapping
- Last step
- Markers mapping from the surface of the
intermediary object to the surface of the
irregular object. - Using the normal from the intermediate surface
Intermediary surface
49Question 2
- How can we minimize the number of markers while
maintaining the maximum coverage condition and
the viewpoint constraint ? - viewpoint constraint at least k markers must be
visible from that viewpoint (tracking system
50Viewpoint Algorithm
- 4 step alg. for placing a set of markers on a
complex object - each polygon is assigned a different number
- a set of viewpoints around the object is selected
- compute for each polygon the number of viewpoints
that see it gt TriangleList - While ViewpointsList ?Ø
- Add a marker on the highest count triangle
- Check all viewpoints marker count
- If marker count ? k
- remove viewpoint from ViewpointsList
- update TriangleList
51Computing Viewpoint
- M // initial triangles list (the polygonal mesh
for the object) - VP // viewpoints position and orientation list
- begin
- forall ti ? M do assign(i,ti) // create
TriangleList - optimize (VP) // simulated annealing
- forall vj ? VP do
- forall ti ? M do
- check visibility (vj ti) // check if visible
from that viewpoint - update M // node triangle number,
viewpoints count - while (VP ??)
- tchoose(M) // returns the triangle with
ti.count max - add_marker(t) // add a marker on this triangle
- forall vj ? VP do // check_limit() returns
seen from a viewpoint - if check_limit(vi) ? k do
- remove vi from VP
- update M
- end
52Viewpoint Algorithm Analysis
- Space complexity
- double linked lists and arrays
- O(n)
- Time Complexity
- viewpoints (m) ltlt triangles (n)
- O(nm) , if m?n O(n2)
53Experimental Results Quiescent algorithm
- Input
- randomly generated 3D triangular mesh
- 30 markers
- Output
- VRML 3D scene
- Green pos. after simulated annealing
- Red final maker position
- Sphere as intermediary object
54Experimental Results Quiescent algorithm
- Input
- randomly generated 3D triangular mesh
- 24 markers
- Output
- vrml 3D scene
- Green pos. after simulated annealing
- Red final maker position
- Cylinder as intermediary object
55Experimental Results Viewpoint algorithm
- Input
- randomly generated 3D triangular mesh
- 30 viewpoints
- k3 (at least 3 markers visible from each
viewpoint) - Output
- vrml 3D scene
- White viewpoints position
- Red final maker position
- (!) Only 8 markers used.
56Algorithm Efficiency Assessment
- Problems
- Markers attributes e.g. field of emission
- Objects with cavities
- Visual assessment
- Prototype tracking probe
- Active Markers Infrared Emitting Diodes
57Prototype semispherical probe
- 360 degrees field of regard in azimuth and 90
degrees elevation - Position
- Accuracy 0.225mm
- Precision 0.02mm
- Orientation
- Accuracy 0.6 degrees
58Virtual Forests
- Evolve according to a verifiable biological model
in faster than real-time - Be dynamically alterable by changing biological
and tree model parameters at run time - Deploy at Orlando Science Center as part of
experience to learn more about ecology of
Southern pine forests
60Generating Forests
61L-System Rules
- ? FA(1)
- p1 A(k) ? /(?)(?)FA(k 1)(?)FA(k1)
- min1, (2k 1)/k2
- p2 A(k) ? /(?) (?)FA(k 1)
- max0, 1 (2k 1)/k2
62Interpretation of Grammar
- axiom ? is start string
- Module F is rendered as a branch segment
- Module A(k) grows the tree
- integer k denotes number of rewriting rules
applied - Modules , denote rotation around the z-axis/
denotes rotation around the y-axis angles in
parentheses (? 32, ? 20, ? 90) - Stochastic since choice when rewriting A(k)
- p1 produces two branches with probability min1,
(2k 1)/k2 - p2 produces a single branch segment
- New segments are rotated with respect to their
parent. - Rewriting is in parallel every A is replaced in
every step.
63Trees Produced
Trees at 6, 8 and 12 rewrites
64Complexity of Levels
65Hierarchical Levels of Detail
66LOD Generation
- LOD generated by replacing geometry with textured
cross-polygons. - The lowest level of detail, LOD0 replaces the
entire tree with a cross-polygon. - LOD-k replaces each k-subtree with a cross
polygon. - Textures are obtained by rendering several views
of an arbitrary k-subtree. - Since the silhouette of a tree is same from any
two views at an angle of 180? to each other, it
is not necessary to use distinct textures for the
two sides of a polygon
67Six LODs for a 12-level Tree
68Rendering at Various LODs
69Visibility Based Rendering
70A Dense Forest Scene
71Terrain Grid View Frustrum
72Visibility Computation
The grid cells are processed at increasing
distances from the viewpoint. Thus, cells that
do not fall within viewing frustrum are
effectively culled without any processing.
Visibility can be computed at run-time since
trees at distance k are rendered before any at (k
1). Visibility Vis(t) of a given tree t is
73LOD Selection
- LOD-12 (highest level of detail) 60 to 100
visibility - LOD-8 40 to 60 visibility
- LOD-4 20 to 40 visibility
- LOD-0 (single cross-polygon) 5 to 20
visibility - no rendering for under 5 visibility
- Tasks distributed among renderer nodes
- Each uses hardware assisted graphics algorithms
- Each renders a vertical "slice" of frame
- Two communications per frame
- the user node broadcasts the viewpoint's position
and direction - the user node collects and concatenates the
subimages from the rendering servers.
75Earth Echoes
76Earth Echoes Motivation
- The history of Gettysburg has the most impact at
the battle site - The history and culture of Eatonville have the
most impact in the town of Eatonville - The stories of East Tennessee are best conveyed
in the context of the Great Smoky Mountains
77Earth Echoes Concept
- The Concept
- drop stories onto the earth
- echo stories to people who pass by
- echoes occur today, tomorrow, next week or even a
hundred years from now - Stories are preserved in relation to place
- a picture of ones grandparents might be
associated with their family home - Story genre and access rights are maintained
- give me only what I want and what I have a right
78Content Eatonville
79Content Mt. LeConte
80Content Leu Gardens
81A Map Interface to Gardens
82Content Seen from Map View
83ITEC Network
Provides ADA-compliant route and stop
announcements. Enhances Guest experience with
daily-updated news, weather, games and other
information. Generates recurring/operating
revenue for transit authorities
finance. Network is maintained by the ITEC
84By Ways Project
1. Take digitize multimedia segments based on
geographical location from cultural and
educational institutions
2. Use Global Positioning System (GPS) aboard
4. Insert media segments into existing ITEC
Network distribution system.
3. Download via wireless communications relevant
85Measure Me
86Measure Me
Orlando Science Center
Measure Me
87Our Customers
- National Science Foundation
- Canon MR Lab
- US Navy
- Orlando Science Center
89Media Convergence Lab
90Contact Information
- ceh_at_cs.ucf.edu
- http//www.cs.ucf.edu/ceh
- http//www.seecs.ucf.edu
- http//www.dart.ist.sucf.edu/MCL
91Mixed Reality
Charles Hughes School of EE CS (SEECS) Media
Convergence Lab University of Central
Florida collaboration with IST (Stapleton) and
Digital Media (Moshell, Wirth)and CS
(Micikevicius, Pattanaik) and CREOL (Rolland) and
Psychology (Sims) And Film (Van Wagenen)