Title: Recruiting Boomers: Lessons from the Marketplace
1Recruiting BoomersLessons from the Marketplace
2The Practice of Marketing
- Surprisingly disciplined!
3Simplifying the Process
- Understand the Target Audience/Customer
- Determine the Customer Benefit
- Crystallize the Message
- The Creative Brief
4Understanding Boomers
- Differences certainly exist within the Baby Boom
generation - But their shared tendencies have profoundly
transformed whole industries... - And, assuming those tendencies continue, we can
learn from them
- Youth-Oriented
- Shifting Definitions
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- Time-Pressured
- Results-Oriented
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- Expect Science and Technology
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- Disrupt the Status Quo
- Challenge Authority
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- Fulfillment at work and work at play
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23HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research Leading Edge
Boomers Envision Retirement
- Only a tiny minority look forward to
conventional retirement - Others are very anxious about retirement, and
retreat to an uneasy default modeplanning on
continuing to work - Its part of my life to work
24The Un-Retirement
- Most are proud of their generations history of
disrupting the status quo, and are sure that they
want to live out the next stage of their lives
differently - Although they are not sure what that will mean
- Source HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research
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29The Boomers Story Is Yet to be Written
- More adventurous types have begun to figure it
out - Not an all-consuming passion for service
- At least, not yet, for most
- But a role for service, within a larger landscape
of interests and activities - Family, travel, learning, volunteering
- Special attraction to supporting the most
vulnerable - And the most vulnerable within this generation
may represent the most active volunteers -
- Source HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research
30Terms of Engagement Recognize Us
- Baby Boomers do not especially feel a sense of
obligation to serve - although they may choose to do so
- They expect to be recognized and appreciated for
what they do - Acknowledgment will be critical
- Source HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research
31Terms of Engagement No One Size Fits All
- Some want to do something radically different
from what they have done all their lives some
want to use their professional or personal
expertise - Customize opportunities to serve
- Source HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research
32Terms of Engagement Tell It Like It Is
- Boomers may well choose to perform tasks that are
beneath their capabilities, but they clearly
want to know what theyre in for - Clarify expectations at every turn
- Source HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research
33Terms of Engagement No Politics, No Duplicity
- Boomers have had enough of the corporate scene
- They will be immediately turned off by cliques,
threatened/ hostile staff people,
misrepresentation of roles, abuses of their good
will - They will resent anything they perceive to
represent arbitrary payment or stipends - To the extent possible, minimize the politics
- Source HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research
34Terms of Engagement Respect My Freedom and
- Boomers want to be valued, but they dont want to
be used - They resent the sense that its never enough
- Understand that Boomers want boundaries to be
established and respected - Source HSPH/Met Life Foundation Research
35Different Strokes
- Throughout this journey, we have seen marked
differences by segment... - Men vs. women
- Inner city African Americans vs. Suburbanites
- Types of employment
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38RSVP - I
39Other Considerations Tone and Manner
- The Greatest Generation and the Boomers have
very different sensibilities - Bob Hope versus Saturday Night Live
- This will be a critical part of appealing to the
new generation
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41Recruitment Messages for Boomers
- Not your fathers retirement
- Appeal to this generations pride in upsetting
the status quo - Parody the leisure fantasy
- Service, packaged as part of a richly-textured,
deeply rewarding experience - Part of a lifetime of adventure
- Highly specific help wanted
43Disciplined Message Development
- More important than ever, given the tidal wave of
Baby Boomers coming of age - Understand the target
- Determine the customer benefit
- Crystallize the message
- The Creative Brief