Title: Home Learning
1Home Learning
- An RCHK Parent Forum
- 29 November 2006
2Home Learning in the PYP context
- Setting children up for lifelong learning
- Home learning tasks that deepen the childrens
3Common Parent Questions
4How can I get my child to do his Home Learning?
Every night is a struggle!
5Why isnt my child getting any Home Learning?
Why does my child get too much Home Learning?
6When is my child supposed to do Home Learning?
He takes guitar lessons, sings in the church
choir, plays rugby and has chores to do at home!
Theres hardly any time left for study.
7How can I help my child with his home learning
when I cant even understand it?
Does Home Learning really help my child?
8What children have to say about Home Learning
- Do you need help?
- Try harder!
- You must concentrate.
- If you don't know, ask.
- You will get a present if you finish.
9What children have to say about Home Learning
- Check it over.
- You can watch TV if you finish.
- Not finished, no dinner.
- Do it faster.
- Don't do other things during your home learning
time. - By the time I return you should be finished!
10What you can do
- Have a regular time for home learning
- Talk regularly home learning
- Pose questions
- Show genuine interest
- Talk regularly with your childs teacher
- Tell your teacher what you see. Send a note or
an email.
11More suggestions
- Praise, encourage, reflect together. Making
mistakes is part of the process. - Acknowledge wonderful work
- Be a good listener.
12What not to do
- Do not do your childs home learning
- Do not impose your learning style on your child
13Think about
- The environment theyre working in
- The equipment / materials that enhance learning
- Consider what works for them - their learning