US GLOBEC PanRegional Synthesis: An Outsider's View - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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US GLOBEC PanRegional Synthesis: An Outsider's View


Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis. Meteorological ... Lack of synchronicity in anchovy cycles. Negative correlation with Benguela system ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: US GLOBEC PanRegional Synthesis: An Outsider's View

US GLOBEC Pan-Regional SynthesisAn Outsider's
  • Ken Denman
  • Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and
    AnalysisMeteorological Service of
    CanadaUniversity of Victoria
  • Institute of Ocean Sciences-DFO, Sidney, BC
  • Email

U. Victoria
Outline of Talk
  • GLOBEC Motivation and Hypotheses
  • what about the 'GLOB' part? long term and large
  • Where is US GLOBEC Today?
  • mature regional studies and capabilities
  • Key Questions and Approaches
  • 'local insights' versus 'universal truths'?
  • The State of Marine Ecosystem Modelling
  • reuniting foodweb versus biogeochemical models
  • A Look into the Future
  • climate change and other human impacts
  • thinking beyond funding

Motivation for GLOBEC
There exist hemispheric, multidecadal changes
A Closer Look
  • Lack of synchronicity in anchovy cycles
  • Negative correlation with Benguela systemin S.
    Atlantic Ocean

Plots like these for your study regions would be
a highly desirable but unattainable outcome of
the US GLOBEC program
Working Hypothesis 1
We want to understand the systems we are studying
well enough to 'forecast' their future behavior
  • Events such as the 'physteria hysteria' off the
    Carolinas, or Hurricane Katrina, capture all the
    news. Our society tends to react immediately and
    intensely to these events. But how can we respond
    (rather than react) as a scientific community so
    as to help minimize the likelihood/risk of
    occurrence and/or severity of such events in the
  • These 'crises' our personal, institutional and
    funding horizons lead us to focus on shorter
    term, smaller scale, 'process-level' studies

Working Hypothesis 2
When GLOBEC ends, it should be seen as having put
our Society in a better position to address
issues of Global Change
  • Definition
  • Global change Environmental change resulting
    from human activities and from climate change
    both natural and anthropogenic.

Yet Much Environmental Change of Consequence
Occurs on ENSO to Century Timescales
  • Statistical predictions will likely fail as the
    system moves beyond the ensemble of realizations
    on which the statistics were based.
  • Forecasting these timescales results in the
    system 'losing its memory' of initial conditions
  • We must assume future forcing conditions
  • Parameters must be formulated to adapt as the
    ocean environment changes

Yet Much Environmental Change of Consequence
Occurs on ENSO to Century Timescales
  • Statistical predictions will likely fail as the
    system moves beyond the ensemble of realizations
    on which the statistics were based.
  • Forecasting these timescales results in the
    system 'losing its memory' of initial conditions
  • We must assume future forcing conditions
  • Parameters must be formulated to adapt as the
    ocean environment changes

Where is US GLOBEC Today?
  • You have completed intensive field programs on
    Georges Bank, in the Pacific Northwest/Alaska,
    in the Southern Ocean
  • they combine submesoscale projects with
    'monitoring' on seasonal to interannual scales
  • you have developed advanced sampling technology
    detailed mechanistic spatially-resolved coupled
    physical-biological models to capture and
    integrate the understanding gained from the field
  • You are about to enter into your 'Synthesis'
    phase and need a set of criteria to focus calls
    for proposals and eventually the reviewing of the
  • You want to leave a LEGACY

Key Questions and Approaches
1. Which scientific advances made by US GLOBEC
have been 'local insights' and which ones are
'universal truths'?
  • Can we learn from studies 'Contrasting' the
    different regions studied?
  • physically-controlled vs top-down predator
  • dominated by event-scale phenomena, versus
    seasonal and longer scales?
  • systems that 'erase the past' and reset each year
    (or after each 'event', e.g. El Niño, 'regime
    shift', etc.), versus those that integrate over
    multiple years and have 'memory'?

Key Questions and Approaches
2. How much of the detail built into the
regional models is 'Portable'?
  • Portability Index PI
  • where J(Ri) is the cost function of fitting to
    region Ri J(Rj // Ri) is the cost of fitting to
    Rj after optimizing on Ri
  • AS Arabian Sea EP Equatorial Pacific
  • Friedrichs, M. A. M, J. Dusenberry, L. Anderson,
    R. Armstrong, F. Chai, J. Christian, S. Doney, J.
    Dunne, M. Fujii, R. Hood, D. McGillicuddy, K.
    Moore, M. Schartau, Y. Spitz, and J. Wiggert,
    2006. Assessment of skill and portability in
    regional marine biogeochemical models the role
    of multiple plankton groups. J. Geophys. Res.,
    submitted July 2006

Model Intercomparisons and 'Portability'
  • Models with multiple Phytoplankton classes (rhs)
    perform better than 1P models when applied to
    different regions (bottom panels)
  • Simple models perform almost as well as complex
    models in 'local optimization' (panel b)
  • Friedrichs et al, submitted

Model Intercomparisons and 'Portability'
  • EqPacChlorophyll constraint accounts for
    largest cost
  • Arabian Sea (not shown)Productivity constraint
    more important
  • Complex Models- different models with similar
    cost may have very different internal flows-
    need more observations of 'internal' variables
    to constrain flows

Portability Index
OOPS!Assimilating zooplankton data ? Higher Cost
Lower Portability WHY??
  • Lower Cost ? Higher Portability

3. Which functional representations in our models
are or can be formulated so that they vary with a
changing climate? (Do our approaches allow for
'emergent'? properties?)
  • Consider the Chlorophyll Carbon ratio ? for
  • our models are expressed in terms of C or N yet
    we estimate phytoplankton biomass from
    Chlorophyll, and Chlorophyll captures PAR, the
    light used in photosynthesis
  • we obtain variable ? based on the equation for
    'balanced' ChlC of Geider et al. 1996, 1997,
  • observations/analyses from OSP during SUPER
    (Booth et al, 1993) our own during 1998-2000
    (Peña Varela, in prep.) ? tedious
  • our 'balanced' ? is based on the previous 24h PAR
    (Jim Christian)

CChl ( 1/? ) from OSP and Shelf Edge
First cruise?? ? - Winter low, no gradient
Summer 40 - 100
Peña Varela, submitted
CChl Ratio for Variable PAR at OSP
  • Smooth black line is
  • Red line is 'balanced' 1/?for PARt-1 averaged
    over the upper 30 m
  • Range 25 120 gC/gChl
  • BUT Chl changes little at OSP?
  • smooth black line is average daily PAR at OSP
  • mid-summer clear sky PAR 150 W m-2

Current State of Marine Ecosystem Modeling
  • Over the last decade, marine ecosystem model
    development has diverged into several lines of
    more or less independent activity. These include
  • upper food web models incorporating
    individual-based models (IBMs) and life history
    models of herbivores and harvestable marine
  • trophic models spanning many trophic levels but
    focusing on harvestable marine resources
  • biogeochemical models coupled to physical climate

End-to-End Ecosystem Modeling 'E2E'
  • International GLOBEC/ IMBER has organized an
    End-to-End Ecosystem Task Team (e2e), whose goal
  • to guide the development of a full ecosystem
    approach that links all components of the food
    web with comprehensive climate models to explore
    the impacts and feedbacks between global change
    (in its broadest sense) and marine food webs.
  • (North American members Dave Karl Ken Denman).

US GLOBEC Synthesis could have a goal to develop
an ecosystem model that would work equally well
(according to some 'cost function') in all your
regional study areas, embedded in the same
(ROMS?) circulation model.
  • Need better metrics of uncertainty
  • Need ensemble projections
  • give relative probability of different outcomes
  • evaluate risk of the different outcomes
  • Coupling the large scales to the small scales,
    i.e. downscaling

A Look into the Future Global warming is here to
  • Annual rates of emissions of CO2 are increasing,
    and will continue to do so for the foreseeable
    future (at least 30 years, due to coal generation
    plants) see next 2 slides
  • Polluting aerosols will be tackled and reduced
    due their short atmospheric lifetimes and to the
    more immediate threat to human health which
    will lead to an increase in the rate of warming
    (due to current cooling effect of aerosols)
  • All C4MIP coupled carbon-climate models show a
    positive feedback to climate, i.e. coupled models
    all sequester less CO2 to land and oceans than
    uncoupled (Friedlingstein et al., 2006, J.

Stabilizing Concentrations Requires Large
Decrease in Emissions from Y 2000 Level
Stabilizing Concentrations at 550 ppm requires
Decreasing CO2 Emissions by 75 from present
IPCC TAR, 2001
What Next? Rise in Coal-Fired Plants vs. Carbon
Capture and Storage Capability
IEA estimates they will release 140 GtCcf. 165
GtCanthro. left in atmosphere in 1995
About 50 will remain in atmosphere (based on
last 50 years) i.e. equivalent to an increase in
atmospheric CO2 of 33 ppm
  • Schiermeier, Q., News feature, Nature 442, 10
    Aug. 2006.

What Kind of Future?
  • Stabilizing CO2 levels at 550 ppm by 2100 ('2 x
    CO2') is probably not attainable through
    controlling emissions.
  • Stabilizing CO2 around 700-750 ppm is more likely
  • OR ? ?
  • We need to consider mitigation measures,e.g.
    proposal to inject sulphates into the
    stratosphere, Paul Crutzen, 2006, Climatic

The Ocean Surface pH is DecreasingHow will that
affect fisheries ecosystems?
prepared by Arne Körtzinger (IFM,Kiel) for the
IMBER Science Plan on the basis of WOCE data
Schlitzer, 2000
The Coastal Ocean More Hypoxia Events?
  • Dead zone off Newport, Oregon 2002,04,06 PISCO at OSU
Hypoxia Events Are They Increasing?
  • What are the causes?
  • natural?
  • climate change?
  • other human activities?
  • Can we predict them?

Grantham et al., 2004. Nature, 429, 749-753
Our Future?
  • Our community doing 'basic' science will be
    expected to spend more effort addressing impacts
    ( risk analysis) adaptation mitigation
  • That requires improved projections of our future
    climate and ocean, and inclusion of more
    'impacts' directly into our models
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