Title: Executive Office of the President of the United States
1U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration www.samhsa.gov
Executive Office of the President of the United
States Office of National Drug Control
Policy http//www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov
Division of Grants Management
Drug Free Communities
Presenter Kathleen SampleGrants Management
2Division of Grants Management
3Division of Grants Management
- The Division of Grants Management coordinates
the business, administrative and financial
aspects of the Federal grant process. - - Review Application For Federal Assistance
(PHS-5161-1) - - Review budget
- - Issue Notice of Award (NoA)
- - Coordinate post award actions with Project
- An estimate, often itemized, of expected income
and expense for a given period. - Must meet the following four tests
- Reasonable
- Allowable
- Allocable
- Consistency
- Grants Management Specialist reviews
- Application for Federal Assistance (Face Page)
- 424A (Budget Information Non Construction
Programs) - Budget Breakdown
- Narrative justification
- Match is the recipient share of the project
costs. Match may either be in-kind or cash.
In-kind match includes the value of donated
services. Cash match includes actual cash spent
by the recipient and must have a cost
relationship to the Federal award that is being
matched. - Costs that are not allowable, can not be claimed
as a match - Match funds must meet the four budget tests
- Grantees must specify the following matching
percentages - Year 1-6 100 of total Federal award
- Year 7-8 125 of total Federal award
- Year 9-10 150 of total Federal award
- Volunteer hours
- In-kind donations
- Other non-Federal grants/foundation funds
8Indirect Costs
- Costs that are incurred for common or joint
objectives and cannot be readily identified with
a particular final cost objective. - Need a negotiated rate agreement with cognizant
government agency - Research rates are unacceptable
- Indirect or administrative costs may be charged
as a direct cost if a rate agreement is NOT
9Notice of Award
- Cover Letter
- Grant number
- Program Director
- Addresses
- Budget/Project Periods
- Grants Management Officer (GMO) signature
10Notice of Award
- SECTION I - Award Data
- Award Calculation(Cost Categories)
- Amount of this Action
- Summary of Totals for all Years
- SECTION II - Payment/Hotline Information
- Division of Payment Management (DPM)
Website http//www.dpm.psc.gov/ - DPM Telephone Number 1 877 614 - 5533
- HHS Inspector General Hotline Number 1
800 447 - 8477
11Notice of Award
- Section III
- Order of Precedence
- Section IV
- Remarks
- Introduction
- Roles
- Special Condition(s) of Award
- Special Term(s) of Award
- Match
- Data Collection
- National Evaluation
- Corrective Action Plan
- Training Workshops
- Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
- Sustainability Plan due for grantees in 3rd 7th
12Notice of Award
- Section IV (Continued)
- Standard Term (s) of Award
- Grantee (Fiscal Agent) is legally and financially
responsible for all aspects of the grant - Change in Project Director and Project
Coordinator including level of effort - Reporting Requirements
- Financial Status Report (SF- 269 Long Form)
- Quarterly Federal Cash Transactions Report (PSC
272) - Annual COMET Report
- Annual Coalition Classification Tool Survey
To view rules and policies go to SAMHSA internet
13Post Award
The Grants Management Specialist and the Project
Officer work together to monitor the grantees
progress to assure that the program is successful
and that it accomplishes the mission. Both
staff discuss and make recommendations related to
prior approval requirements to the Grants
Management Officer, SAMHSA.
14Post Award Requests
- Standard Post Award Administrative Changes
- Change of Grantee Institution (Rare Occurrence)
- Change in Project Director or Program Coordinator
- Change in Percent of Effort or Level of Work
- Significant Change in Budget (25 or 250,000
whichever is less) - Change in Scope of Work
- Carryover of unspent funds
- Requests are not considered approved until a
notice of award is issued. -
Prior approval means written approval by the
authorized official (the next highest authority
except for sole source) evidencing consent prior
to a budgetary or programmatic change in the
award All areas that require prior approval
can be found in the HHS Policy Statement at
15Continuation Applications
- Grantee receives letter regarding continuation
application - Grantee submits continuation application by due
date - Project Officer and Grant Management Specialist
reviews application - Project Officer and Grant Management Specialist
consults with grantee - Grantee receives Notice of Award prior to start
16SAMHSA Website Information
- Substance Abuse Mental Health Administration
(SAMHSA) www.samhsa.gov -
- SAMHSA Grants Management http//www.samhsa.gov/Gr
ants/management.aspx - SAMHSA Important Offices http//www.samhsa.gov/G
17Grant Specialist Contact Information
- Natalie GibsonGrants Management
SpecialistDivision of Grants Management1 Choke
Cherry Road, Room 7-1091Rockville, MD 20857
(overnight delivery 20850)(240) 276-2585(240)
Assignments AK, AL, AR, AS, AZ, CO, CT, DE, FL,
GA, IA, MI, TX - Zekiea JonesGrants Management SpecialistDivision
of Grants Management 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room
7-1091Rockville, MD 20857 (overnight delivery
20850)(240) 276-1433 Office(240) 276-1430
Assignments CA, HI, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, NM, OK,
TN, UT, VA - Karen WarnerGrants Management SpecialistDivision
of Grants Management1 Choke Cherry Road, Room
7-1091Rockville, MD 20857 (overnight delivery
20850)(240) 276-1426 Office(240) 276-1420
Assignments ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NJ, NV, NY,
OH, PA, SC - Eddie WhitehurstGrants Management
SpecialistDivision of Grants Management1 Choke
Cherry Road, Room 7-1091Rockville, MD 20857
(overnight delivery 20850)(240) 276-1078
Office(240) 276-1420 FaxEddie.Whitehurst_at_samhsa.
hhs.govState Assignments DC, ID, MA, MD, ND,
18Useful Websites
- Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
http//www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/ - Drug Free Communities (DFC) http//www.whitehous
edrugpolicy.gov/dfc/ - Grants.gov for on-line application submission
www.grants.gov - CADCA Coalition Institute http//www.coalitionin
stitute.org/ - U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
www.gsa.gov - SAMHSAs National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and
Drug Information (NCADI) http//ncadi.samhsa.gov
/ - Indirect Cost Rate http//rates.psc.gov/
- Financial Status Report (SF 269)
http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/sf269.pdf - Federal Cash Transactions Report (PSC 272)
- http//www.dpm.psc.gov/grant_recipient/psc_272_rep