Local Lexical Elements in Jakarta Indonesian. Uri Tadmor .. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Local Lexical Elements in Jakarta Indonesian. Uri Tadmor ..


Local Lexical Elements in Jakarta Indonesian. Uri Tadmor ... kontol the penis. pilek the cold. panci (gor ng) the pan. gubuk the hut ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Local Lexical Elements in Jakarta Indonesian. Uri Tadmor ..

  • Local Lexical Elements in Jakarta Indonesian
  • Uri Tadmor
  • Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary

Origin of Betawi Malay
  • Two theories
  • Malay dialect Direct continuation of Proto
    Malayic (Nothofer, Collins, Adelaar)
  • Creole Developed locally from a form of Bazaar
    Malay (Prentice, Grijns, Ikranagara)

History of the Betawi ethnic group
  • Kelapa Sunda/Jayakarta (before 1619) Mostly
    Sundanese population with Javanese royalty and
  • Batavia (17th c.) No Sundanese and Javanese
    allowed to reside in city. Largest ethnic
    groups Balinese, Chinese
  • 18th c. (to present) Large influx of Sundanese
    and Javanese (and smaller numbers of others,
    including Malays)

Hypothesis on the formation of the Betawi ethnic
  • 17th c. Inter-marriage between Chinese men and
    Balinese women
  • 18th-19th c. Admixture of mostly Sundanese and
    Javanese conversion to Islam emergence of new
    ethnic group

Hypothesis on the formation of Betawi Malay
  • 17th-18th c. Pidgin/Bazaar Malay (cf.
    Woordenboek 1780)
  • 18th-19th c. Creolization (cf. Shuchardt 1891)
  • 19th-20th c. Decreolization (influence of
    Javanese, Sundanese, Standard Malay)
  • Evidence for origin
  • Culture Food, dress, music, etc.
  • Language Mostly lexicon

Kinship terms among ethnic Betawi
  • Father babé lt Arabic
  • Mother nyaq lt Mandarin
  • or...
  • babé lt babah term of address for a Chinese man
  • nyaq lt nyonya term of address for the wife of a
    Chinese man

  • Grandfather engkong lt Hokkien ang-kong
  • Grandmother nénék lt Balinese nénék (Classical
    Malay nini)
  • Parents older sibling encang
  • Parents younger sibling encing
  • (Both Chinese, precise source words unindetified)

  • Older brother abang (dialect borrowingsource?)
  • Older sister empoq (lt mpu final
    glottalization and vowel lowering direct
  • Younger sibling adéq (Malay)

Kinship terms currently used by ethnic Chinese in
  • Father papa (lt Dutch)
  • Mother mama (lt Dutch)
  • Grandfather akong (lt Hokkien)
  • Grandmother maq (lt Hokkien)

  • Parents siblings
  • Many different terms (oo, ii, kuku, etc.), but
    crucially not encang and encing
  • Siblings
  • Older brother koko (lt Hokkien)
  • Older sister cici (lt Hokkien)
  • Younger sibling adik (lt Malay)

Prototypical pronouns Ethnic Betawi
Prototypical pronouns Ethnic Chinese
Prototypical pronouns Jakarta Indonesian
  • .

Prototypical possessive constructions
  • Ethnic Betawi rumah Budi
  • Jakarta Chinese Budi punya rumah
  • Jakarta Indonesian rumahnya Budi

Pragmatic particles
  • Traditional Malay lah, pun, pula (rarely used)
  • Malay-derived nih, tuh, kan, yuk
  • Javanese koq, ah, sih
  • Sundanese mah
  • Balinese dong

The Loanword Typology Project
  • A collaborative project coordinated by the
    Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute
    for Evolutionary Anthropology. In this project,
    we study lexical borrowing patterns in about 40
    languages from around the world. Each language is
    the responsibility of a single author, an expert
    in the language and its history. For each
    language, lexical data is collected based on a
    list of 1460 meanings.

The Loanword Typology Project
  • The results of the projects will be published in
    two volumes, one with general findings, the other
    with case studies the consolidated database will
    be included in an electronic form. The aim is to
    provide a systematic basis for claims about
    borrowability and borrowing patterns, as well as
    about grammatical, social, and cultural
    conditions for borrowing. The lexical meanings
    include all those on the list of the
    Intercontinental Dictionary Series, another MPI
    EVA project.

  • Balinese (4)
  • bianglala the rainbow
  • menénténg to carry in hand
  • lindung the freshwater eel
  • samping the side
  • Javanese (33)
  • caplak the flea
  • jénggot the beard
  • ketombé the dandruff
  • usus the intestines or guts
  • cérét the kettle
  • jagung the maize/corn
  • singkong the cassava/manioc
  • jamur the mushroom
  • kapan when?

  • paron the anvil
  • timbal the lead
  • merintih to groan
  • mengerti to understand
  • Kapan when?
  • warga(negara) the citizen
  • kali the river or stream
  • rembulan the moon
  • wanita the woman
  • bocah the child(1)
  • bapak mertua the father-in-law
  • ibu mertua the mother-in-law
  • leluhur the ancestors
  • bréwok the beard
  • kerongkongan the throat
  • kéték the armpit

  • blangkon the headband or headdress
  • payudara the breast
  • terpelését to slide or slip
  • gagasan the idea
  • konyol stupid
  • menyulut to light
  • enggak/nggak no
  • lonté the prostitute
  • ani-ani the sickle (actually k.o. small
    reaping knife)
  • Sundanese (3)
  • monyét the monkey
  • kelapa the coconut
  • situ the lake (man-made)

  • Balinese/Javanese (10)
  • cerobong (asap) the chimney
  • jongkok to crouch
  • gembok the padlock
  • kuping the ear
  • merica the pepper
  • terwélu the rabbit
  • kerudung the veil
  • cangklong the pipe
  • penanggalan the calendar
  • langsing thin
  • jambut the pubic hair

  • Javanese/Sundanese (58)
  • bayi the baby
  • sapi the cattle
  • banténg the ox
  • kodok the frog
  • kadal the lizard
  • jambut the pubic hair
  • capék tired
  • panci the pot
  • séndok the spoon
  • sarapan the breakfast
  • adonan the dough
  • kentang the potato
  • pacul the spade
  • membabat to mow
  • panén the harvest

  • jeruk the citrus fruit
  • menggebrak to pound
  • menétés to drip
  • menyemprot to splash
  • pojok the corner
  • énténg light(1)
  • gampang easy
  • mencegah to prevent
  • bénténg the fortress
  • rayap the termites
  • mertua the parents-in-law
  • pesisir the shore
  • (ayam) jago the cock/rooster
  • kalong the bat
  • (burung) bétét the parrot
  • tawon the bee
  • kéong the snail
  • buntut the tail

  • berjogét to dance
  • menggéndong to carry
  • merangkul to embrace
  • kembang gula the candy/sweets
  • kontol the penis
  • pilek the cold
  • panci (goréng) the pan
  • gubuk the hut
  • gréndél the latch or door-bolt
  • obor the lamp or torch
  • separo the half
  • kecut sour
  • kagét surprised or astonished
  • pintar clever
  • goblok stupid
  • bégo stupid
  • gara-gara because

  • prajurit the soldier
  • soto the soup
  • paceklik the famine
  • memencét to press
  • ngobrol to speak or talk
  • mengguyur to splash
  • romo the priest
  • gapura the door or gate
  • Balinese/Javanese/Sundanese (29)
  • paman the uncle
  • bibi the aunt
  • duda the widower
  • bébék the duck
  • jempol the thumb
  • pusar the navel
  • arit the sickle or scythe

  • mengocok to shake
  • pajak the tax
  • garis the line
  • mirip similar
  • soré the afternoon
  • sepi quiet
  • empuk soft
  • désa the village
  • tanpa without
  • bunglon the chameleon
  • keponakan the siblings child
  • iga the rib
  • mengungsi to flee
  • mengoméli to scold
  • menuding to accuse
  • taméng the shield
  • céléng the boar

  • Sabuk the belt
  • témbok the wall
  • kembang the flower
  • wangi fragrant
  • ngomong to speak or talk
  • Old Javanese (11)
  • bapa/bapak the father
  • ibu the mother
  • meréka they
  • warna the colour/color
  • belajar to learn
  • mengajar to teach
  • pasti certain
  • ratu the queen
  • jawawut the millet or sorghum
  • merusak to damage
  • mengantar(kan) to bring

  • Minangkabau (4)
  • kalian you (plural)
  • kumuh dirty
  • dangkal shallow (older form)
  • gadis the girl (older form)
  • Madurese (1)
  • celurit/clurit the sickle or scythe
  • Toba Batak (1)
  • marga the clan

  • Unidentified sources (5)
  • binatang the animal
  • pusut the awl
  • nokén the netbag
  • mengendus to sniff
  • pesakitan the captive or prisoner
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