- France Mentré
- Accepted for publication in Journal of
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in June
2005 - Applied in two published studies
- Mesnil, Mentré, Dubruc,Thénot Mallet.
Population pharmacokinetic analysis of
mizolastine and validation from sparse data on
patients using the nonparametric maximum
likelihood method, JPKPD (1998). - Comets, Ikeda, Hoff, Fumoleau, Wanders
Tanigawara. Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of
S-1, an oral anticancer agent, in Western and
Japanese patients, JPKPD (2003).
- Introduction
- Standard validation methods
- New validation method based on prediction
discripancies - Evaluation by simulation
- methods
- results
- Conclusion
3 Introduction (1)
- Model evaluation, validation, adequacy,
assessment, checking, appropriateness,
performance - Large literature (especially in Bayesian
statistics) - Gelfand (1996)
- "Responsible data analysis must address the
issue of model determination, which consists in
two components model assessment or checking and
model choice or selection. Since, in practice,
apart from rare situations, a model specification
is never correct we must ask (i) is a given
model adequate? and (ii) within a collection of
models under consideration, which is the best? - Here tools for evaluation of model adequacy
topic (i)
4 Introduction (2)
- FDA guidance on Population Pharmacokinetics
(1999) - "If the population PK analysis results will be
incorporated in the drug label, model validation
is encouraged and model validation procedures
should be an integral part of the protocol" - Validation is not only
- analyze the same data set with two different
estimation methods with the same statistical
model - goodness-of-fit evaluation
- Validation can be defined as (Mentré Ebelin,
COST, 1997) - evaluate the predictability of the model and
estimates from a learning data set - on a validation data set not used for model
building and estimation - NB same definition in FDA guidance
5 Introduction (3)
- Development of a criterion to evaluate the
distance between observed values (in a validation
set) and model predictions - Problem of investigating whether a given null
model H0 is compatible with data where the
assumed model has unknown parameters - Based on predictive distribution (Gelfand et
al.,1992 Gelman et al., 1995) - Extension to non Bayesian estimation posterior
predictive check (PPC) by Yano, Beal and Sheiner
(J PKPD, 2001) - "Degenarate" distribution posterior distribution
approximated by a discrete distribution with one
location at the maximum likelihood estimate (SE
not taken into account) - Approach called "plug-in" by Bayarri Berger,
JASA, 2000 Robins, van der Vaart Ventura,
JASA, 2000 )
6Models and Notations
- Structural Model
- y f(t q) e h(t q , b)
- q pharmacokinetic parameters
- e N (0, s2 I)
- h(t q , b) error function involving error
parameters b - Parametric distribution
- qi m ? exp(hi ) or qi m hi
- m fixed effects hi random effects with hi
N(0, W ) - population parameters m, vec(W), s and b
- Non-parametric distribution
- no assumption on p(q)
- p is discrete composed of K locations qk with
probabilities ak - Estimation by maximum likelihood
7Standard Validation method
- Validation from data on a separate data set
- composed of N observations yi at times ti
- random split of the original set or subsequent
data - Standard approach standardized prediction
errors - for each observation yi
- given the population parameters and the model
- evaluation of mean predicted concentration mi
- evaluation of the associated sd si
- spei (yi - mi) / si
- spei should be N(0, 1)
- limitation
- based on first-order approximation of the model
- assume that yi normal
- assume E(y) f( E(q), t)
8New validation method (1)
- Predictive distributions
- for each observation yi
- given the population parameters and the model
- predictive distribution pi (y) at time ti
- cumulative distribution function Fi (y)
- New approach evaluation of pseudo-residuals (or
prediction discripancies) - based on the cdf Fi (y) evaluated at yi
- pri Fi (yi )
- pri are U0,1
- F cdf of N(0,1)
- . F-1(pri) normalized pseudo-residuals
- . npri N(0,1)
9New validation method (2)
- Evaluation of the pseudo-residuals
- approximation of parametric distribution by a
discrete distribution - stochastic simulation of K values hk in N(0, W )
then qk - ak 1/K
- from assumption on the error model
- p(y q,t) normal pdf with mean f(t q) and SD
s h(t q,b) - therefore pri
- where F is the cdf of N(0,1)
10New validation method (3)
- Diagnostic
- qqplots, histograms of pri or npri
- plots of pri versus mi, versus ti
- Statistical test
- if all yi independent
- one-sample Kolmogorov Smirnov test
- test whether pri are U0,1
- if several observations in same patient
- correlation between pri within a patient
- use of KS test ?
11Evaluation by simulation (1)
- Simulation Features
- PK model 1 cp with first-order absorption
- Ka, CL, V with exponential random effects (CV
30) - constant CV error (15)
- 6 sampling times (chosen randomly)
- Validation sample of 300 observations
- two cases
- case 1 300 patients with 1 observation
- case 2 100 patients with 3 observations
- 1000 replications
- evaluation of pseudo residuals
- KS test
- case 1 type I error 0.05, threshold D 0.078
- case 2 for type I error 0.05, empirical
threshold D defined from simulations
12Example of observations in one simulated sample
13Evaluation by simulation (2)
- In three cases
- - Case I 300 x 1
- - Case IIa 100 x 3
- - Case Iib 100 x 1 (randomly chosen)
- Simulation under H0 evaluation of type I error
- Simulation under H1 evaluation of the power of
the KS test - Several alternative models
- mean parameters multiplied by 2
- CV of random effects multiplied by 2
- CV of error model multiplied by 2
- 2 cp PK model (with same Ka, CL and V)
- random effects of CL from a mixture of normal
distributions (with same total variance)
14Validation results under H0 in one set of Case
IIa (spe and pd)
15Validation results for CV of CL multiplied by 2
16Validation results for 2 cp PK model
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19Conclusion (1)
- Good estimation method for nonlinear
mixed-effects models - Not yet good statistical tests for validation
and/ or goodness-of-fit in nonlinear
mixed-effects models - Limitation of validation using standardized
prediction errors - New validation method based on the whole
predictive distribution - definition of pseudo-residuals
- diagnostic plots
- KS test with good performance in this simulation
- Further developments
- take into account correlations within patients ?
- use other tests (better power) ?
- Anderson and Darling Cramer von Mises
20Conclusion (2)
- Validation depends upon objectives of the
analysis - Standardization of validation procedure is needed
(?) - Statistical ongoing developments
- Definition of validation set
- Evans, JASA, 2000 25 of original data set
- Model building and validation results also depend
on the data - validation of a model and design are strongly
linked - One can only invalidate a model ?
- find the experimental conditions
21FDA guidance on Pop PK (99)
- There is no right or wrong model, nor is there a
right or wrong method of fitting - Subjectivity, therefore play a large role in
model choice, validation and interpretation of
the results - Currently, there is no consensus on an
appropriate statistical approach for validation
in pop PK models - The choice of a validation approach depends on
the objective of the analysis - Validation methods are still being evaluated an
may require future testing - Innovative approaches are strongly encouraged
22 - We do not like to ask , Is our model true or
false ?, since probability models in most data
analyses will not be perfectly true. - The most relevant question is, Does the models
deficiencies have a noticeable effect on
substantive inferences ? - (Gelman et al., 1995)
23 - Modelling in science remains, partly at least,
an art. - A first principle, is that all models are wrong
some, though, are more useful than others and we
should seek those. - A second principle (which applies also to artists
!) is not to fall in love with one model to the
exclusion of alternatives. - A third principle recommends thorough checks on
the fit of a model to the data. - Such diagnostic procedures are not yet fully
formalized, and perhaps never will be. - Some imagination or introspection is required in
order to determine the aspects of the model that
are most important and most suspect. - (Mc Cullagh and Nelder, 1983)