Title: Environmental Sustainable
1Environmental Sustainable
- Environmentally friendly farms
- One of the attributes that customers prefer
- Beelers have environmental guidelines
- Nimans homepage
- Environmentally Sound
- and sustains the land and community for future
2Sustains the land for future generations
- Set of standards that are used to measure
environmental sustainability - Generally Accepted Agriculture Management
Practices - Michigan Environmental Assurance Program
- Progressive planning
- Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan
- Verified by DEQ or MAEAP
3Environmental Sustainable
- Michigan law provides Right to Farm protection
- Protection is contingent on following GAAMPs
- Manure Management and Utilization
- Siting New and Expanding Lvstk Facilities
- Animal Care
- GAAMPs for Manure Management and Utilization
- Meeting Right to Farm guidelines
- Assure customers that your farm is meeting
environmentally standards - But
- Is not third party verified
5Important GAAMP practices
- Soil test fields every three years
- Test manure annually
- Estimate manure nutrient accumulation and crop
utilization - Prevent manure runoff
- Protect lakes, streams,
- ditches and tile inlets
- Odor management
6Soil test fields every three years
- Manure application rate is dependent on P level
- Ensures that manure nutrient production is in
balance with crop utilization - Protects states waters from nutrient runoff
1 Michigan Dept of Agriculture Generally
Accepted Agriculture Management Practices (2005)
7P build up in soils
Thirty year soil P increase on pasture system hog
V High
8Estimate manure nutrient accumulation
- Book values
- MidWest Plan Service Manure Characteristics
- Manure samples and accumulation records
- (N P K / 1,000 gal.) x (application records)
- Mass balance for P
9Using book values
- 100 sows in pasture system
- Farrow 2 times
- Average 8 pigs per litter
- weaned
10Book values
1 MidWest Plan Service Manure Characteristics -
11P removal by crops
- Average 38 per acre
- 222 acres of crops to utilize 8,454 P2O5
1 Nutrient Recommendations for field crops
(Warncke et al., 2004) 2 Fertilizer
Recommendations for vegetables (Warncke et al.,
12P removal by crops
- Soil test levels do not respond on a 1 to 1 basis
with P crop removal - On average MI soils, 10 P2O5 crop removal will
lower soil P level 1 1
1 Nutrient Recommendations for field crops
(Warncke et al., 2004)
13Prevent manure runoff
- Runoff control is required to prevent manure from
leaving your property - Storage basins and infiltration areas must be
designed to retain 25 yr 24 hr event - Design facilities to MWPS or NRCS-FTOG
specifications - Do not spread within 150 feet of open water
14Prevent manure runoff
- Acceptable practices
- Grass waterways, infiltration areas, buffers
15Odor management
- Site facilities to minimize effects on neighbors
- GAAMPs for Site Selection and Odor Control
- Practices to reduce odor during application
- Avoid spreading when wind is blowing towards
neighbors - Avoid spreading on weekends and holidays
- Spread in AM when air is warming and rising
- Use current weather data to your advantage
- Incorporate manure applications within 48 hrs
16Documenting practices
- Manure Management Systems Plan (MMSP)
- Establishes that you have addressed all areas of
concern - Provides basic information to move into more
detailed - Meets GAAMP planning requirements
17Manure Management Systems Plan
- Production
- Estimate the manure nutrients accumulated on your
farm - Collection
- Storage
- Treatment
- Transfer
- Utilization
- Record keeping
- Odor management
18(No Transcript)