Title: Transformation through Tomatis
1Connie TaylorDirector Client Services
- Transformation through Tomatis
The Listening Center thelisteningcenter.net
2Transformation through Tomatis
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
- Affects 1 in 3 of Population
- Bay Area Population 6.8 million
- Bay Area Population with CAPD 2.3 million
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is a
sensory processing deficit that commonly impacts
listening, spoken language comprehension and
learning (ASHA, 1996)
The Listening Center thelisteningcenter.net
3Transformation through Tomatis
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
- Inability or decreased ability to
- Attend
- Listen
- Separate important speech from all other noises
4Transformation through Tomatis
Co-Existent Disorders
Learning Disabilities
Auditory Processing Disorder
5Other Disorders
Transformation through Tomatis
- Autism
- Dyslexia
- Aspergers Syndrome
- Pervasive Development Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Sensory Integration Disorder
- Balance and Coordination
6The Human Ear
Transformation through Tomatis
Outer Ear
Middle Ear
7The Tomatis MethodListening to Learn
Transformation through Tomatis
- High Frequencies
- Gated Music
- Bone Conduction
- Right Ear Dominance
- Electronic Ear
8Dr. Tomatis
Transformation through Tomatis
- French Otolarynologist
- Pioneer of Sound Stimulation
- Original implementation
- 250 Centers in the World
- 12 Centers in the United States
9Dr. Swain
Transformation through Tomatis
- Former Chief of Speech Pathology UC Davis Medical
Center - Clinical Staff UC Davis School of Medicine
- Research Grant UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute
- Founder of Swain Center, since 1985 and The
Listening Center - Author of 6 Standardized Tests
10Case Studies
Transformation through Tomatis
- Autism
- Learning Disorder
11Learning Pyramid of Success
Organized Group Activity
Martial Arts
Behavior Modification
Nurturing Teacher
Classroom Modification