ObjectOriented Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ObjectOriented Design


Constructors that tell how to create a new object of this class ... Some object has to create all the other objects and place them in the Galaxy; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ObjectOriented Design

Object-Oriented Design
Objects have behaviors
  • In old style programming, you had
  • data, which was completely passive
  • functions, which could manipulate any data
  • In O-O programming, an object contains both data
    and methods that manipulate that data
  • An object is active, not passive it does things
  • An object is responsible for its own data
  • It can protect that data (by marking it private)
  • It can expose that data to other objects (by not
    marking it, or by marking it public)
  • Data should not be exposed without good reason

Objects have state
  • An object contains data
  • The data represent the state of the object
  • Data can also describe the relationship of the
    object to other objects
  • Example a checkingAccount might have
  • A balance (the internal state of the account)
  • An owner (some object representing a person)
  • An accountNumber (used as an ID number)
  • An object should always protect its state
  • Wouldnt it be nice to just add a few million
    dollars to your checking account balance?

  • A class describes a set of objects
  • The objects are called instances of the class
  • A class describes
  • Fields that hold the data for each object
  • These data represent the state of the particular
  • Constructors that tell how to create a new object
    of this class
  • Methods that describe the actions the object can

Example a Rabbit object
  • You could create an object representing a rabbit
  • It would have data
  • How hungry it is
  • How healthy it is
  • Where it is
  • And methods
  • eat, run, dig, hide

One way to feed a rabbit
  • class Rabbit int health 100 // percent
    int food 0 // range 0 (starved) to 10
  • Somewhere outside the Rabbit class...bugsBunny
    new Rabbit()bugsBunny.food bugsBunny.food
  • What this code is doing is reaching inside the
    Rabbit (ewww!) to put food into its stomach
  • This is not a good Object-Oriented approach!

A better way to feed a rabbit
  • class Rabbit int health 100 // percent
    private int food 0 // range 0 to 10
    public void eat() food food 1
  • Somewhere outside the Rabbit class...bugsBunny
    new Rabbit()bugsBunny.eat()
  • This is a proper Object-Oriented approach!

Object-Oriented design
  • Here are basic precepts of O-O design
  • Decide what kinds of objects you are going to
  • One way to do this is to write an English
    description of the program, then look for nouns
    in that description
  • Determine how to represent the state of each
  • When you create objects, always create them in a
    valid state
  • Make sure each method is guaranteed to leave its
    object in a valid state
  • Determine the responsibilities of each kind of
  • In other words, what can it do? What are its
    actions (methods)?
  • Make each object responsible for its own state
  • The only way some other object can modify the
    state of this object is by calling some method of
    this object
  • One way to ensure this is by making all fields of
    the object private
  • Dont Repeat Yourself (the DRY principle)
  • Every piece of data should have a single
    representation, in a single place
  • Dont duplicate code--put it where it can be used
    by more than one object

Where no man has gone before...
  • Lately Ive been working on a tiny (very tiny!)
    version of the old Star Trek computer game
  • Im going to use this as an example of
    Object-Oriented design


  • E represents the Enterprise
  • The K are Klingon ships
  • The B are starbases
  • Asterisks are stars
  • The galaxy is divided into quadrants
  • The goal is to eliminate all the Klingons (before
    they eliminate you!)

Choosing the objects
  • This is a little more realistic than the Rabbit
    example, but its still fairly easy to see what
    the objects are
  • The Enterprise is an object (of type
  • The Klingon ships, the starbases, and the stars
    are three more types of object
  • There are some less obvious objects
  • The Galaxy is an object
  • But should it be composed of Quadrant objects?
  • I didnt do it that way, and Im still not sure
    if I made the right decision
  • Locations in the galaxy are objects
  • Empty space locations are also objects

The Enterprise
  • You, as captain of the Enterprise, play the game
    by giving commands to the Enterprise object
  • The Enterprise has state
  • How much energy it has
  • How many photon torpedoes it has
  • Its location in space
  • The Enterprise has actions it can take
  • It can move about in space, thus changing its
  • It can shoot photon torpedoes, thus reducing
    their number
  • It can take a hit from a Klingon, thus reducing
    its energy
  • It can shoot phaser beams, which (in this simple
    game) dont use energy
  • The Enterprise is a good example of something
    that is readily modeled by an object

The Klingons
  • Each Klingon is an object (an instance of the
    Klingon class), and has state
  • How much energy it has
  • How many photon torpedoes it has
  • Its location in space
  • Each Klingon has actions it can take
  • It can shoot photon torpedoes
  • It can take a hit from the Enterprise
  • It can shoot phaser beams
  • It cannot, however, move about in space
  • Theres really not much difference between the
    Klingon ships and the Enterprise

The Starship class
  • Remember the DRY principle--you dont want
    duplicate code in both the Enterprise and the
    Klingon classes
  • To prevent code duplication, I made the
    Enterprise class and the Klingon class both
    subclasses of a Starship class
  • The Enterprise and the Klingons inherit from
  • The fields energy, photonCount, and location
  • The methods photonTorpedo, phaser, and takeHit
  • The Enterprise has its own move method
  • However, I never create a plain Starship
    object--I only create Enterprise and Klingon
  • If I wanted to enforce this, I could make
    Starship an abstract class (just by putting the
    word abstract in front of class Starship)

  • When the Enterprise docks (moves adjacent to a
    Starbase), its energy and torpedoes are
  • You could make a case that restocking the
    Enterprise is something that should be done by
    the starbase, not by the Enterprise itself
  • However...
  • In general, an object should manage its own state
  • We cannot easily make the state of the Enterprise
    available to Starbases while still hiding the
    state from other objects
  • Since the Enterprise is responsible for moving
    itself, it is in the best position to know when
    it has moved adjacent to a Starbase
  • My solution is to have a restock method in the
    Enterprise object, but only the Enterprise itself
    calls this method
  • Such a method should probably be private

The galaxy
  • The Galaxy is essentially--almost entirely--an
    array of objects (the Enterprise, Klingons, etc.)
  • The most important responsibility of the Galaxy
    is to print itself, so that the player can see
    whats where
  • Since its just an array, should we bother with
    making it into a class with the array as (almost)
    its only field?
  • Yes! The Galaxy should be an object, since there
    is no other obvious place to put the printing
  • Once youve made a Galaxy object, it quickly
    acquires other responsibilities
  • Some object has to create all the other objects
    and place them in the Galaxy the obvious place
    to do this is in the initialization code of the
    Galaxy itself
  • The Galaxy has to maintain its own array--moving
    and removing objects
  • When the Enterprise moves, it updates its own
    Location, then tells the Galaxy where it has
    moved, so the Galaxy can keep track of it
  • This violates the DRY principle (but I dont have
    a better solution)

Starbases, stars, and empty space
  • Starbases and stars dont do much--so why are
    they objects?
  • The Galaxy is an array of objects, which it needs
    to print
  • Instead of a lot of if statements such as if
    (galaxyArrayrowcolumn instanceof Klingon)
    System.out.print("K") else if ...we can
    provide each class with a toString() method, and
    just say System.out.print(galaxyArrayrowcolu
  • This is also the reason for the EmptySpace class
  • We could just leave those locations in the galaxy
    empty (null), but...
  • Then our program would have to do a lot of
    checking for null
  • We expose ourselves to a lot of
    NullPointerException problems
  • Using a null object in this way is a handy
    trick to know

Cheating with boring objects
  • Stars, Starbases, and empty space objects have
    no responsibilities other than providing a
    toString() method
  • Why do we need more than one of each?
  • Every Star will print as , and thats all it
  • A Star could have a Location, but thats not
    needed in my program
  • In my code, I create one Star object and put it
    (actually, references to it) in multiple places
    in the Galaxy
  • Remember, when you create an object with new,
    what you get back is actually a reference to the
  • There are two reasons for doing this
  • Its more efficient (but this is hardly ever an
    actual issue!)
  • It was less work to do it this way (the real
  • Starbases and empty space objects are handled
    the same way

  • A Location object is just a pair of numbers row
    and column
  • Starships have a Location
  • Its okay to have tiny classes like this
  • Again, though, they sometimes get extra
  • In my little Star Trek game, I need to know
  • Whether two ships are in the same quadrant (so
    they can shoot at each other)
  • How far apart two ships are (phaser fire
    attenuates with distance)
  • For various reasons, I need to be able to
    translate between galaxy coordinates and
    quadrant coordinates
  • The Location class is the right place for utility
    methods such as these

Oh, and one more class...
  • In Java, execution begins with the method
    public static void main(String args)
  • Where should this method be?
  • Since its not appropriate for any of the other
    classes, I made a StarTrek class
  • The main method creates the Galaxy, then calls a
    playGame method (also in the StarTrek class)
  • The playGame method
  • Prints an introduction to the game
  • Gets commands from the user and calls the
    corresponding Enterprise methods
  • Tells the Galaxy to print itself each time the
    Enterprise moves
  • Calls an attack method for each Klingon in the
    same quadrant
  • Tests if the game is over, and prints an
    appropriate message

Static variables
  • One way for the game to end is for all the
    Klingons to be destroyed
  • We can keep a count of how many Klingons there
    are (call it howMany)
  • Where should we keep this count?
  • The Galaxy is an obvious place, but...
  • Klingons know when they are created and when they
    are destroyed, so keeping a count of them is most
    easily done in the Klingon class
  • However...It doesnt seem right to have each
    Klingon keep its own count of how many Klingons
    are left
  • Besides, this would violate the DRY principle
  • Solution Make this variable a static variable
    (synonym class variable) of the Klingon class
  • This means there is only one of it
  • Its easily accessible by individual Klingon
  • Its accessible from outside by saying
  • Note the use of the Klingon class above, not an
    individual Klingon object

Static methods (getters and setters)
  • Heres an easy way for the Enterprise to cheat
    Klingon.howMany 0
  • Of course, you wouldnt write this in the game,
  • But still, its good O-O practice for every class
    to protect itself from accidental or malicious
  • Heres how to prevent this cheat
  • Make the howMany variable private
  • Provide a getter method (in the Klingon class)
    for it static int getHowMany() return
  • Dont provide a setter method for it static
    void setHowMany(int n) howMany n
  • The getter method can easily be used from another
    class if (Klingon.getHowMany() 0) ...

What have we learned?
  • The main points
  • Objects have state, which they should protect and
    keep valid at all times
  • Objects have responsibilities, which include
    updating their own states and asking other states
    to update theirs
  • The DRY (Dont repeat yourself) principle Avoid
    redundant data and duplicate code
  • Other points
  • Inheritance (subclassing) is a good way to avoid
    duplicate code
  • Abstract classes can be subclassed but cant
    themselves be instantiated
  • Its okay to have small objects (but they may
  • Null objects are sometimes useful to avoid
    frequent tests for null
  • Static variables and methods belong to the class
    itself, not to its objects, thus avoiding
    redundant (and possibly inconsistent) data
  • Getter and setter methods can be used to protect
    an objects data

  • I chose this program partly because it was pretty
    easy to see what the objects and their
    responsibilities should be
  • You arent always this lucky!
  • The first design is seldom the best design
  • Good programmers are always willing to refactor
  • Refactoring is changing the structure of a
    program without changing its behavior. For
  • Renaming a method when you change what it does
  • Moving a method to a more appropriate class
  • Extracting part of a method and making it into a
    new method
  • You should refactor when
  • You see a better way of doing things
  • You are about to add a feature, but the current
    design makes it hard
  • You can be sure your refactoring doesnt break

  • Conventional wisdom If it aint broke, dont fix
  • Refactoring If you can make it better, fix it!
  • When you change a program, you run the risk of
    breaking it, in unpredictable ways (hence the
    conventional wisdom)
  • You can reduce the risk, and make the world safe
    for refactoring, if you have a good test suite
  • Testing can be a lot of work, and most older
    programmers test their programs manually, and not
    very thoroughly
  • The new testing framework, JUnit, that greatly
    eases the burden of testing
  • Proper use of JUnit actually reduces the time it
    takes to produce a working program, and a much
    smaller percentage of that time is spent
  • Programs produced with JUnit have fewer bugs
  • JUnit does take discipline at first (until you
    emotionally grasp the benefits)
  • Unfortunately, JUnit is not part of any standard
    Java curriculum

Agile Programming
  • In real life, the majority of programming
    projects fail!
  • IMNSHO, the main reason is that they are too
  • Instead of starting small and building up, they
    start with a grand plan that never gets
  • Agile Programming says Do the simplest thing
    that can possibly work.
  • That is, start with the smallest and simplest
    program that can do some of whats needed
  • Make sure the program is correct (with JUnit
  • Never add features until all bugs have been fixed
  • Theres a lot more to Agile Programming than this
    (such as, Refactor whenever you see a better
    way), but thats beyond the scope of this talk

The End
Don't ask for the information you need to do the
work ask the object that has the information to
do the work for you.
--Allen Holub
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